• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

smsは#3の方の仰る様にshort messaging serviceの略から、[ショートメールを送る事]を指していると思われます。 http://www2.alc.co.jp/ejr/index.php?word_in=sms&word_in2=%82%A9%82%AB%82%AD%82%AF%82%B1&word_in3=aPkPgGCbGkMSMnEJmY >I already figure out what to give to u on ur birthday..................as u wish but i need ur phone number so that i can call u and say happy birthday to u, not only that i will sms to u too. I already figure out what to give to you on your birthday...... [君の誕生日に何を贈るか、もう見当は付けてるんだ] ....as you wish but I need your phone number so that I can call you and say happy birthday to you, [...君が望んでる様にね...しかし君の電話番号が必要なんだ。何故なら君に電話でお誕生日おめでとうを言うために] not only that I will sms to you too. [君にsmsするだけじゃないよ] と云う所からショートメール送るだけじゃないよ、と言ってるのではないでしょうか。



やっぱり電話をくれるっていうイミなんですよね。 それは分かったんですが、smsが分からなくて…。 今までのアドバイスを見させていただくと、大別してショートメッセージという説(?)とメールという説があるので、直接本人に確認することにします。 参考URL、助かりました。こんなサイトもあるんですね。本当に有難うございます。


  • 英文の翻訳

    All the msg of urs is shown only boxes,not even in ur language. So can u plz write ur msg in English so that i can understand. And ur name as well.hope to hear from u in future. ネパールの友だちからメールが来たのですが読めません(><)誰か翻訳を、、、

  • 訳や解釈をおしえてください

    訳をおしえてください。 Anyway i'm seriously need relationship that's why ur i became more interested in ur profile. So what do u say about that? ところで、真剣なつきあいが必要なんだ。きみのプロフィール、、、、、きみはどう? I know it is too suddenly, but feel'ns can not be hide. What do u think? すごく突然なんだけど 、、、、、どうおもう? すいません おしえてください

  • 翻訳お願いします

    たびたびすみません。 翻訳お願いいたします。 Ah.... Actually it is 3:30AM here in England I Should be sleeping, but I do not feel tired at the moment haha :) Only 10 Days? Wow, that seems rather short That sounds like a good plan I am sure that you will have a good time Well, I do not have many plans for the holiday this time Usually at this time I would usually spend more time with my family But next year I will have many big plans One of my plans is to go to Japan! :D Maybe I will go to Osaka or Kyoto, Do you know any interesting places to visit in this area?? Yes, I would like to, but..... I can not right now My Japanese is not that good So i cannot make mail or sentance that well in Japanese Sorry, But someday I want too By the way.... I am wondering.... Do you understand my English??

  • 以下の文を訳してください

    proble はスペルミスかもしれませんが、一応そのままコピペします。 私が I cannot make cakes. 等とメールに書いた事に応えてくれているようですが、私の理解が不十分です。教えていただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 I have a proble with your translation and I am worried. When you say that you can not do cakes, it is because you do not have the ability to do it or it is forbidden because prices are too expensive. To make a carrot cake it is very easy! It will be the perfect excuse to visit me and I will make a carrot cake!

  • notの品詞は?

    dont や cant will not等のnotの品詞はなんですか? このnotは助動詞と動詞のどちらを修飾しているんですか? I do not study english. I can not cook . I will not go to station.

  • 次の英文を日本語へ翻訳をお願いします。

    I miss you. I am so sorry to hurt you. I will always love you, I will. You're the only man in this world I love.. I just do not want to be hurt anymore too. I love you.

  • 長文ですが、和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機を使用せずに訳して頂けたらと思います。 どうか宜しくお願いいたします。 Actually i m angry about ur late reply so i did t answer your call , not because of i m back at my parents home ! Yes i m now back to stay with my parents because my mum beg me to be back , i m a chinese which is very different from what u think ! We have to live with our parents and take care of them unlike japanese . If u think that i m back with my wife , my answer is No ! Believe or not is up to u ! I hope that u will be happy from tomorrow onwards and all the best ! 1) i m with my parents two days ago. 2)after u found out that i m married and i got nothing to hide from u , which i m not gonna lie anymore .3)both of us are under a very difficult conditions and situation now and we are far apart there is nothing better than trust to rely on to carry on our relationship , if u choose not to trust .4) both of us have to adapt to each others feeling and thinkings because we are from different countrys and background .5)i know that u are trying ur best to understand me , which i don t always use lots of big words in english because i want you to feel and understand more about me .6) i m learning japanese too and i have two jobs now almost everyday without any offday + i have a course to start soon , the reason why am i taking this course ? Very simple answer is only one and thats to get higher salary in japan . And u talk about worry ! Did u actually think at my position ! U took 3 hours to reply me , and u tell me that u are on the phone with ur friend for 3 hours ! What do u want me to do when i don t get ur reply !!!??? Are u asleep ? Maybe u r busy with ur work !? Maybe u r taking ur shower , will get back to me when u r free !? Or maybe u r still not home ! So should i worry or go back to sleep !? I don t know u tell me what should i do !!!! I did t answer the call for the pass 2 nights and now u understand how i feel right !? I m not good in relationship with my wife , but i can t let go of my parents , they did nothing wrong !!! I have to take care of them . I keep asking myself , how far can we go !? Because we have different back ground , but i did t expect this to happen so fast ! I think is very difficult now . In order not to hurt u too deep and i have already got a broken heart before which i think both of us can t afford anymore pain so i think our relationship should end here I m really happy to know u , even till now ! U are the women i love the most , but unfortunately it won t last . I will always remember you !

  • このメールはどういうことでしょう?

    ホットメールのアカウントを本名に近い名前で 取ったら、どうやら広告ではなさそうな メールアドレスが来ました。 翻訳サイトにかけてみると結構深刻な 内容っぽいので(別れ話・・・?) 「私はこのメールをもらう人と違いますよ」と 告げてあげた方がいいかなと思うんですが・・・ 告げないで放置がいいのでしょうか。 また、訳せる方はいませんでしょうか。 このような事は初めてで困っています。。。 以下、来たメールです Hi xxxx, I know we come from different cultures and as such we have differing viewpoints, but what part of your culture makes you think you can keep showing me a complete lack of respect? Cutting off contact with me after I left Japan was cold and heartless. Telling me you're coming to Melbourne and then not contacting me or seeing me while here was just rude. Not writing to me to explain, that is cowardly. I hope that one day you will explain to me why you have treated me like this so I can understand. Until you do, I will always consider you rude and disrespectful and your actions only make me regret the past more and more. I often regret ever going to Japan - I lost my boyhood dream and lost a beloved friend. I hope there is some decency left in you so that at least you write back and explain yourself. If not, then please do not write to me again, because I will no longer tolerate any more disrespect from you. I hope you understand my viewpoint. Regards, xxxx. (名前っぽいのは伏せました)

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 Thank you for all the nice emails you've been sending me. Not only do your emails make me happy, they also give me a very good feeling. But I'm afraid that you are too kind to me. Your company has a mountain trekking event? Wow that sounds nice. I hope that you have nice weather. Is that why you joined a gym? So you will be super fit for the event? I can imagine that you want to go to the gym ... in summer Japan is just too hot to stay in shape.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします