• 締切済み


Then they would swim in their plastic bubble-like world floating in the top of the tank until the water temperature reached (that) of its surroundings, prlbably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. 上の英文の()にはなぜthatが入るのですか??

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

http://okwave.jp/qa/q7087596.html で和訳をした文章の一部ですね。 ... until the water temperature reached that (= the temperature) of its surroundings, ... と言う意味です。この様な that の用法は、次のURLの「8-1 this と that (3) that (those) of~の形で、既出の名詞の反復を避ける場合」をご覧ください。 http://www.eibunpou.net/03/chapter8/8_1.html

  • gonshingo
  • ベストアンサー率21% (51/237)

関係代名詞だから。ていうか、これちゃんと訳せるか? 水温が周囲の気温までさがったってことだぞ。だからさ、気温って単語二度使うとだるいじゃん。 だから、that でおきかえたんだよ。けど、この英文まちがいらだけだよ。 すくなくとも学校の問題でこれがでたなら、つくった先生はバカ。


  • 和訳をお願いします(>_<)

     We would carefully hold our prizes upright in the bag all the way home in the car. Then they would swim in their plastic bubble-like world floating in the top of the tank until the water temperature reached that of its surroundings, probably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. At last it was time to release the fish from the plastic bags. Our fish were home. 単語は分かっても文の読み方が分かりません。 何かアドバイスなどあればよろしくお願いします(@_@;)

  • 物理化学

    物理化学の問題です。和訳できないために解けなくて非常に困ってます。どなたかよろしくお願いします。 Consider the air conditioning of a house through use of solar energy. At a particular location experiment has shown that solar radiation allows a large tank of pressurized water to be maintained at 175℃(448.15K). During a particular time interval, heat in the amount of 1500KJ must be extracted from the house to maintain its temperature at 24℃(299.15K) when the surroundings temperature is 33℃(306.15K). Treating the tank of water, the house, and the surroundings as heat reservoirs, determine the minimum amount of heat that must be extracted from the tank of water by any device built to accomplish the required cooling of the house. No other sources of energy are available.

  • 和訳をお願いします(>_<)

    大変長くなって申し訳ないんですが、下の和訳が分かる方はお願いします(>_<) What comes to mind when you think of a tropical fish tank? A restaurant? A doctor's office? Or is it the memory of your own childhood aquarium filed with a lot of colorful fish? My earliest recollections are of the local tropical fish shop. Our whole family would walk down the stairs to the warm, humid basement where thousands of fish would be swimming in brightly lit tanks. After long and careful deliberations, my sister and I would each choose a fish, and into the plastic bags they would go. We would carefully hold our prizes upright the waster temperature reached that of its surroundings, probably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. At last it was time to release the fish from the plastic bags. Our fish were home.

  • ものすごく長い和訳ですが...

    大変長くなって申し訳ないんですが、下の和訳が分かる方はお願いします(>_<) What comes to mind when you think of a tropical fish tank? A restaurant? A doctor's office? Or is it the memory of your own childhood aquarium filed with a lot of colorful fish? My earliest recollections are of the local tropical fish shop. Our whole family would walk down the stairs to the warm, humid basement where thousands of fish would be swimming in brightly lit tanks. After long and careful deliberations, my sister and I would each choose a fish, and into the plastic bags they would go. We would carefully hold our prizes upright the waster temperature reached that of its surroundings, probably a half hour or so, but seemingly forever to a small child. At last it was time to release the fish from the plastic bags. Our fish were home. Keeping tropical fish can be a rewarding and educational pastime and is a popular hobby. I am astonished how much fish biology, chemistry, and physics I remember from having a childhood fish tank. But I never made the common mistake of thinking that fish were pets that require no care. Setting up and maintaining a tank correctly does take some time and energy. As an adult, I find the mixing and regulation of the water quality boring, and my husband has taken over that routine; that doesn't mean he is more responsible than I am, just ask our cats! But as a child, it was a great chance to learn about responsibility.

  • 訳し方が・・・わかりません

    1つ1つの単語の意味は分かるんですけど文章になると訳すのが難しいです、海外の高校で勉強してるのですが今1番数学の授業に困ってます Some students are conducting a science experiment whreby they are measuring the depth of water in a tank,one metre high, over a 5hours period. After recording their results, they have predicted that the depth of water can be found by using the formula D=・・・・・・ where D is the depth in centimetres and t is the time inb hours. (a)what is the minimum amount of water in the tank over the five hour period?? (b) If the tank, at the start,had twice as much water in it, how would this be shown on the graph ? (c)If the formula was used to model the depth of water in the tank for up to 7 hours what would you expect to happen?

  • 英語について

    英語について The function of a thermostat is to maintain a constant temperature over a period of time.They are used in refrigerators,heating and cooling systems and many industrial processes. 訳をお願いします。 また、over a period of timeの訳し方を分りやすく教えてください。 あと、systemsとなっているのはheatingとcoolingがあるからなんでしょうか? 最後に、inはrefrigeratorsだけでなくin以降のすべてを修飾しているんでしょうか?

  • T = 3cos (πt/12)  問題英文です

    ちょっと混乱しています。 ハッキリしたいのでこちらで質問させて下さい。 問題 An insulated house maintains an average temperature in summer of 20°.The change in temperature T° C in the house during a 24-hour period can be modelled by the function. T = 3cos (πt/12) where t is the number of hours since midday. At what times does the temperature in the house drop by 2.1° (T=-2.1°)?The angle is in radians. 添付したグラフを見ると答えは9pmと3amの間、というのはわかります。 混乱しているのは例えば y = 3cos (3x)だったら周期は2π/3で 0から2πの間に3サイクルあると理解しています。 この場合、T = 3cos (πt/12) なので2π/(π/12) = 24 となりサイクルが24ある、と考えるのです。 で、この場合2πではなく24-hour period となっているので2πの中にサイクルが24回ではなく24-hourの中にサイクルが24回あると考えます。なので1時間毎に1サイクルあると考えてしまうのです。 しかしこのグラフを見ると24-hour period にサイクルは一度しかありません。 質問したい事が分かって頂ければ幸いです。。。 私のどこが間違った考え方なのか指摘して頂けませんか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の訳を教えてください。

    Several international reports warn that global warming is nearing the point of no return and urge the world to seriously address the problem. They all point out that in 20 years the Earth could be an average 2 degrees warmer than it was in 1750, or before the industrial revolution, and that its consequences could include rising sea levels, major droughts and increased disease.The global temperature has already risen by 0.8 degrees since 1750, so the world has little more than a single degree of temperature latitude before the crucial point is reached.

  • 英語を教えて下さい。

    (1)(__) I am interested in accounting,I will not be attending the seminar. (A)Because (B)Neither (C)Although (D)As (2)Now that we have the new copier, it shouldn't(__)long to make all the copies. (A)do (B)make (C)happen (D)take (3)Of the two reports,the second is the(__). (A)best (B)better (C)good (D)goodly (4)Some people prefer learning a new computer program by reading the manual,while(__)prefer to play around with it. (A)other (B)another (C)the others (D)some other (5)Ms.Fujita tries to spend her lunch hour(__). (A)to swim (B)going swim (C)to go swimming (D)swimming 上記(1)~(5)の(__)に適切な語句を(A)~(D)の中から選び、なおかつ日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • この英文を4分割すると。。。?

    「Supposing the swimming tank in the gymnasium were filled full of lemon jelly, could a person trying to swim manage to keep on top or would he sink?」 という文を4列に表示する場合、それぞれどの部分で区切るのが自然でしょうか。 アドバイスいただけるとうれしいです。よろしくお願いいたします。