Morality and Social Activism: Attenuating Idealism since the 1960s

  • Despite the decrease in personal alienation since the late 1960s, the best aspects of activism - idealism and active concern for others - seem to have been attenuated.
  • In the November 1974 election, participation of 18 to 20-year-olds was only 21 percent, the lowest among eligible age groups.
  • The activism of the 1960s, with its understandability, had both positive and negative aspects.
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Close-up Morality and Social Activism “While one may be grateful that feelings of personal alienation have apparently decreased since the late 1960s, one may also express regret that despite its understandability, some of the best aspects (as opposed to some of the more unrealistic and destructive aspects) of the activism of the 1960s – its idealism and active concern for other individuals and for the world in which we live- seem to have been attenuated in the process. In the election of November 1974, participation of the 12 million eighteen – to twenty – year – olds was only 21 percent, the lowest for any eligible age group. お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


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  • hrsmmhr
  • ベストアンサー率36% (173/477)



  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    According to another stereotype, a major crisis occurs in middle age, the “mid-life crisis.” However, psychologists have not been able to agree when it occurs, some arguing for the 20s, some for the 60s, and others for every age in between. Furthermore, they disagree about the nature of this crisis. One might suspect, then, that the concept lacks a firm basis of facts. Supporting this suspicion, a recent study showed that middle age is actually the best period of adulthood. Feelings of alienation, powerlessness, meaninglessness, and disengagement were most prevalent in young adulthood and least prevalent in middle age. The elderly group in the study was intermediate. お願いします。

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    Social issues Although many young adults remain in Kohlberg’s Stage 4, the “law and order” stage of moral development, some progress to Stage 5, in which morality is motivated not by external authority and convention but by social contract and respect for rights of others. One could characterize at least the higher-minded protesters of the late 1960s and early 1970s as reflecting Stage 5 morality. (See P&L Close-up. Morality and Social Activism.) お願いします。

  • 下記の英文の訳をお願いします。

    Social issues Although many young adults remain in Kohlberg’s Stage 4, the “law and order” stage of moral development, some progress to Stage 5, in which morality is motivated not by external authority and convention but by social contract and respect for rights of others. One could characterize at least the higher-minded protesters of the late 1960s and early 197s as reflecting Stage 5 morality. (See P&L Close-up. Morality and Social Activism.) お願いします

  • 下記の英文の訳し方がわかりません。

    Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. この英文は長文問題集の本文の下線部訳の部分を抜き出しました。最後に全文を掲載しました。(12個の文があり、番号を付けました) 疑問が2つあり、また自作の和訳も書いてみました。長くなりますが、よろしくお願いします。 1)「but one which takes for granted」の「one」が何を指しているのか、わかりません。 2)「take for granted」が4回繰り返される英文の訳し方(意味の取り方)を教えて下さい。 [自作の和訳] 「あるいは、彼はその表面上は洗練された講義をするかもしれない。 しかし、その講師が当然だと思っている全てをそのクラスの学生も当然だと思っていることを、その講師も当然だと思っているとone も当然だと思っている。」 (1)In passing from school to college the student must prepare himself for the fact that he may be going to a place in which he will receive the best education in the world by the world’s worst teacher. (2)His teachers at school had been trained to teach. (3)At the university hardly any of those who teach will have been trained to teach. (4)Their major concern will be about the advancement of knowledge. (5)They may indeed like lecturing, just because they are bursting to express their new ideas. (6)But they may lecture in a way which has no relation to well-prepared lessons which students have been accustomed to receive. (7)The university teacher may turn his back on the class and excitedly write formulas on the blackboard, all the time delivering his statements very fast which are intended to give the class some clue to what he is so excited about. (8)Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. (9)To be taught by such teachers is one of the greatest educational privileges in the world. (10)But in the odd forms of communication that occur in the lecture rooms of universities, the chief responsibility is at the receiving end. (11)That is why, rather paradoxically, university education is the most advanced form of self-education. (12)The student has to find out for himself the best way of listening to lectures.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Integrity vs. despair In Erikson’s eighth and final stage of psychosocial development, the crisis revolves around the meaning of life, life in general, and one’s own life in particular. Unsuccessful resolution is associated with a feeling of despair. The life was wasted, and too little time is left to pick up the pieces; all that remains is frustration and hopelessness. In contrast, a sense of integrity comes with successful resolution, integrity in its meaning of honesty and soundness of moral principle and also in its meaning of wholeness or oneness, integration of self and cosmos. Persons who attain this sense of integrity should also attain Kohlberg’s Stage 6 of morality, and some perhaps even Stage 7, in which morality is postconventional, based on principles that are universal (Stage 6) or cosmic (Stage 7) in scope. お願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳で悩んでいます

    以下の英文の日本語訳で悩んでいます。 Such instruments as the telescope and the microscope seem to be devised with this one end in view : to diminish distance, and to bring the object as close-up as possible. In my opinion, this serves only to lessen the charm of the object and to emphasize its ugliness―whatever ugliness it may have. 特にコロンとダッシュの前後なのですが、日本語としてうまく繋がるにはどのように考えればよいでしょうか。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Cognitive adaptation Cognitively, we left the adolescent lost in thought in Piaget’s period of formal operations, viewing life and its tasks as one might view a chess game. Actually, this picture reflects our oversimplifying Piaget’s theory in order to describe it more easily. Piaget actually assumes that in each stage of cognitive development the ways of thinking that characterized earlier stages are not lost but rather remain available, in “higher” form, for application in suitable circumstances. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    In the fourth stage, the person can no longer deny that he or she is dying, and anger is replaced by depression, a sense of great loss perhaps coupled with guilt and a feeling of unworthiness. Finally, in the fifth stage the person accepts the approach of death. However, “acceptance should not be mistaken for a happy stage. It is almost void of feelings. It is as if the pain had gone, the struggle is over, and there comes a time for ‘the final rest before the long journey’ as one patient phrased it“ (Kubler-Ross, 1969, p.100). A person may not get to the last stage, may be in more than on stage at once, and may slip back and forth between stages. Furthermore, persons vary in the speed of progress through the stages (Kastenbaum, 1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    In old age, in contrast, the usual cause of losing a spouse is death, and the death is likely to be gradual in onset. Consequently, in principle an old person should have time to prepare for the crisis of losing a spouse, who has become ill. In practice, it turns out that the warning signs are seldom heeded; after all, as pointed out earlier, we are not given the kinds of training-socialization-that would prepare us to meet normal life crises. Consequently, loss of a spouse in old age may be as psychologically sudden in onset as in early adulthood, in effect. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The crisis appears at about the same time as the crisis of the empty nest- the departure of the last child from the home-which affects particularly the wife. She may be unable to turn to her husband for help in dealing with the empty-nest crisis, because he is preoccupied with his own crisis of adjusting to the limits on his career and the implied limits on his abilities. Especially if the wife has learned only the traditional view of woman’s role in society-wife and mother-the departure of the last child will be a crisis. For such a woman one of the main purposes in life has ended, bringing about a sudden “retirement” that was unwanted and largely unanticipated. お願いします。