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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急!!訳して頂けないでしょうか?)



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  • hanada087
  • ベストアンサー率64% (115/177)

数日間の汚気汚染上で自動車を使用する前に「2度考える」、政府の皆への訴えは、すべて非常によくある、しかし、それは、我々が約束される年で正確にますます絶望的なproblem.Laterへの長期的な解決法ではない‥‥清潔な空気用の新しい国家戦略、しかし、それは単に事実を強調する‥‥我々が他のものに国家戦略を持っていた場合‥‥リンクされた‥‥輸送その後エリアのよう‥‥その問題は最初のplace.Itにおいてそれほど大きくないだろう‥‥その10パーセント以内の人々を満足させている‥‥それらの自動車を残した。 家で、Govermentが最後にそのように訴えた時、:しかし、50パーセント以上の自動車通勤者が旅行することを決定していた場合‥‥そのとき公共交通機関によって代わりに‥‥それが必要とする大型投資をそれほど長く奪われたシステムは、負荷の下で壊れるだろう。 by エキサイト翻訳 http://www.excite.co.jp/world/


  • 至急!!訳して頂けないでしょうか?

    No one pretends the solutions are easy.According to yesterday's Wall Street Journal,55 American cities have unhealthy smog levels even thogh car and chimney pollution is declining.To find out what's gone wrong,the authorities in Nashville,Tennessee have dispatched a plane load of scientists to monitor air levels in Indianapolis,nearly 500 kilometers away in case the problem is due to involutary imports.The OECD warns that the long-anticipated levelling-off in vehicle growth has not only not happened,but the situation is getting worse thanks to a rapid worsening in the exploding cities of South-east Asia,Latin America and eastern Europe.The response by the rich to the dreadful traffic conditions of Bangkok is to install fax machines,televisions and even toilets in their cars so they can carry on working in full traffic congestion.If present trends continue,according to the OECD,there will be a 140 per cent growth in energy consumption and in the emission of greenhouse gases from transport by 2030.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします  In the second round of elections, however, the West German Communists got only 2.2 per cent of the vote and fell at the 5 per cent threshold clause that had, in the meantime, been introduced as an obstacle to entry into the Bundestag.

  • ★至急 英文翻訳

    There is an official report that includes some surprising facts. In developed nations,on average, one person uses 1,000 tons of water per year. In japan, one person uses only 700 tons of water per year. The japanese seem to use lees water. However, in japna, one person also uses 600 tons of virtunal water pet year. What is virtanal water ? It is the water that is used to produce a country's imports. The total amount of this virtual water plus domestic water in japan is 1,300 tons per person.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします

    どなたか以下の英文を翻訳できる方が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 As this book seeks to demonstrate, the visual world and its producers, its users and its designers, are engaged in a heated debate over the status of design - who has ownership of it, who is qualified to do it, and how we receive and interpret it, It is in a period of evolution, and requires more developed and rigorous understanding. It may seem odd to say this , but whatever your view of the discussion in this chapter, it should ve clear that design is not simp;y a visual medium; it is a social and, as we have identified, a political one. It just happens to be most apparent visually in the messages sent to us by commerce, media and government, and the subtler but equally important messages we send each other in our everyday practices. Like an iceberg, 90 per cent of visual communication is hidden beneath the surface. And, just like an iceberg, it is the invisible 90 per cent that provides the raw power of visual communication. So, there we end this overview of some of the key ideas that are involved in the study and under standing of visual communication and its relationship with design. Undoubtedly, like some of the practitioners interviewed for the book, you will disagree with some of it. Hopefully some of it will have challenged your own positon on this subject.

  • 困っています。次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英語の文章なのですが、私には難しくて和訳ができないです。翻訳サイト等を使わずに、和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? The Greek Memoranda strategy is organised through two EAPs and their numerous interim revisions . The first EAP was launched in March 2010 . It issued 110 billion loans (80 billion from EU countries and 30 billion from IMF ) with 5.5 per cent interest rate , for the service of the external debt and the needs of the Greek economy with a time horizon (in term of its loans ) until 2013 . Then it was assumed that Greece would not be needing support and could borrow directly on the international markets . This means that the loan program was planned for the three-year period of 2010-13. Moreover , it was planned that BD in 2014 would be less than 3 per cent of GDP . It was also predicted that for the first two years of the program the economy would shrink by about 6.6 per cent and that cumulative growth of 5.3 per cent would follow in 2012-14 .

  • 変圧器の英文和訳

    うまくできなかったので、ご教示よろしくお願い致します。 A chief advantage of the per unit notation is that the numerical values of the circuit constants are of the same order of magnitude for windings of all voltage and current ratings, whereas the ohmic values vary widely. For usual power trans-formers, the total resistance is of the order of 1 per cent or less, the reactance from 7 to 15 per cent, and the magnetizing current 5 per cent, more or less. Typical values may, therefore, be: R1=R2=0.005; X1=X2=0.04; and XM=20. The core loss is usually less than 1per cent, so that, with XM=20, RM might be 2.

  • 至急和訳お願いします!

    和訳お願いします!連投するかもしれません… 1、according to a study published recently, nearly nine out of ten young adults in East Asian cities are shortsighted and have to wear glasses or use contact lenses. 2、In order words, it was thought that poor eyesight was something passed on to East Asian children by their parents 3、But new research suggests that the problem has a much simpler cause, namely, a lock of sunlight. 4、The sun’s rays are believed to stimulate the production of a chemical called dopamine inside the eyes. 5、The eye works best when it is shaped like a ball.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in the years from 1950 to 1986(i.e. in the periods of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker), show a cluster of ‘Yes’ votes developing clearly in parallel and a turnout in the election giving percentages that look rather suspicious. The numbers were all well over 90 per cent, ranging towards the 100 per cent mark. With a turnout, for example, in1986 of 99.74 per cent with 99.4 per cent ‘Yes’ votes, the suspicion of fraud was obvious. The constitution of the GDR was reminiscent of the Weimar one in form. Germany was referred to as an ‘indivisible democratic republic’ based on Lander.

  • 至急、和訳お願いします!

    至急、和訳お願いします! 'IF I pour a bottle of water in, instead of wine,no one will notice it' , 'he said to himself, 'beaause there will be so much excellent wine in the barrel that the water will be lost in it. The night of the feast arrived. Everybody gathered in the village square with their jegs and their glasses for the wine. The tap on the barrel was opened,but what came out was pure water. Everyone in the village had had the same idea. お願いします! 最後、had had となる意味も分かりません

  • 次の文中のbelow a 60% thresgikd, two-stage floatの意味について

    2/24のフィナンシャルタイムズに、Bank Mellatが民営化に乗り出したとの記事がありました。その記事中の表現について質問です。 Bank Mellat became the first state-owned bank to embark on privatisation when it offered 5 per cent of its shares on the Tehran stock exchange last Wednesday. But at the first attempt only half the shares were sold -below a 60 per cent threshold for the float to suceed. But以下は、市場で売却されたBank Mellatの5%の株式の半分以下しか売れず、株式市場で取引を継続するのに必要な60%の限度を下回ったとの理解でよいのでしょうか。 同じ記事中、In the long run the plan is for about a quarter of the bank's shares to be given to nominally independent pension funds; 30 per cent will go to poor segments of society as part of the "justice shares" scheme devised by the president; and 40 per cent will remain in government hands and gradually ceded to the private sector. とありますが、名目上年金資金組織が保有するBank Mellatの株を処理するのが民営化の目的だったということでしょうか。 さらにThe two-stage float was hardly a surprise. Many ovservers had warned of suh a fate. They now suspect that a fund that belongs to the bank's ejployees bought most of the shares.と続くのですが、このtwo-stage floatとは何をさしているのでしょう?年金資金組織のもつ、貧民層対策の30%と政府保有の40%の株式をさしているのでしょうか。しかし、年金組織が所有するBank Mellatの株は25%で、先週水曜日に売買された株式はBank Mellatの5%なので、つじつまが合わないのですが。 そして、売買された株式のほとんどは、Bank Mellatの行員によって買われたのではないかとみられているということでしょうか。