• ベストアンサー









  • 英訳してみました

    英訳してみました。どうでしょうか? ○その傷は治すのにかなりの時間がかかるだろう。 The wound will take a long time to heal. ○この傷は治るのに思った以上に時間がかかった。 It took me longer to heal this wound than I had expected.

  • 訳が分かりません

    It is not possible to give a definitive account of the characteristics expected in diffraction patterns. この文なのですが、ofの後にcharacteristics expectedがあるので、これは名詞で、前にかかると思うのですが、この部分の訳が分かりません。 回折パターンにおいてcharacteristics expectedの最も信頼のおける計算(?)を与えるのは不可能だ。 みたいな感じになると思うのですが・・・ この文だけ抜き出してきて聞いてもちょっと無理ですかね・・・。

  • 解らない部分の訳をお願いします

    解らないところが有るので訳をおねがいします 水族館内での出来事です She pressed her face up against the glass, squashing her nose. It would have looked funny to the dolphns, had the noticed, which they didn't. None of the fish ever noticed her. 解らないのは「had the noticed, which they didn't.」の部分です よろしくお願いします

  • 文法的解釈がわからない

    すいません、下の文の文法的解釈がわからなくて質問しました。 he began to study more than twenty-two thousand healthy male doctors over forty years of age. Half took an aspirin every other day. The others took what they thought was aspirin. It was only a placebo, an inactive substance. この文のThe others took what they thought was aspirin.の部分のです。 意味は「他の人は彼らがアスピリンであると考えるものを使いました。」だと思うのですが、thought was が動詞、動詞となっていて構造がわかりません。 thought it was のようにitが省略されてるのでしょうか? もしそうなら省略していいものなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (7) Tiberius was elected a tribune of the people in 133 BCE. This office was first established to protect the plebeians, but later tribunes used it to advance their own careers. And as soon as Tiberius took office, he set to work for the rights of the plebes. The aristocrats in the Senate claimed that he was interested only in his own glory, but Tiberius denied it. He said that a trip through northern Italy had showed him how desperate the peasants really were. “The men who fight and die for Italy have only air and light. Without house or home, they wander with their wives and children in the open air.... They fight and die for the luxury and riches of others.” Tiberius insisted that Rome should give the land it gained through war to the poor. Conquered territory became state land. Technically, it belonged to Rome, but if wealthy citizens paid a small tax, they were allowed to farm it as their own. In this way most of the conquered territory passed into the hands of those who needed it least─the rich. Some aristocrats, including many senators, got tens of thousands of acres in this way. They used slave labor to work the land and made huge profits. (8) Tiberius made up his mind to change this law. He proposed that no one─no matter who his ancestors were─should be allowed to keep more than 300 acres of state land. The rest should be given to the poor. Once the homeless had land, he reasoned, they would be able to support themselves. They would no longer roam the cities in angry, hungry mobs. And, as landowners, they would be eligible to serve in the army. This would help the people, help the army, and help Rome─a “win” for everyone. But most of the senators stood against Tiberius, and it's easy to see why. His proposed law would rob them of the huge profits that they had enjoyed for so long.

  • but ? without?

    Corinne would have visited Josh lastweekend,____her team paper took longer then she expected. の文で__には”but”が入るようなんですが、どうして”without”ではだめなんでしょうか? 違いを教えてください。

  • 関係詞whoseについて。 

    Z会の多読英語長文の122ページ13Artの(3)の49行目の以下の文についてなのですが、 It is they who teach us to see new beauties in nature of whose existence we had never dreamt. この文なのですが、なぜ関係詞がwhoseなのか理解できません。どなたか理由を教えていただけないでしょうか。 ちなみにtoの用法は何の用法でしょうか。 この文の訳もお願いします。文構造が分かるような直訳でお願いします。

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    Indian footwear looked more like stockings than shoes. These coverings for the feet came much higher on the leg than ordinary shoes. They were made of tanned skins and sewed with the sinews of animals. Early settlers found these Indian shoes extremely comfortable and well suited for walking through the woods. They often wore them and took over their Indian name, moccasin. The word seems actually to have meant "box" or "case." It is still in everyday use, but the shoes to which the name is now given do not look at all like the shoes the Indians wore. When white people borrowed a word from the Indians they often made more use of it than the Indians had ever done. They applied moccasin to a poisonous snake, the short, stout form and color of which may have suggested the Indian shoe. Most of the early pioneers knew very little about snakes and so gave the name moccasin to many snakes, some of which do not much resemble the Indian shoes and are not at all poisonous.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    日本語訳をお願いします。 What impression do you have of homeless people? Dirty? If you had to sleep rough, you'd probably be dirty too. Lazy? If you can't find a job, it's hard to look busy. Dangerous? ((1)), homeless people are far more likely to experience violence than to farm others. For people who have never had to sleep rough or never been unable to find a job, it is (easy/hard) to feel sorry for the homeless. Yet (any/no) one of us could end up without a home. (Few/Most) people enjoy being homeless. If they are (able/unable) to receive social security payments, they have little choice but to beg for food. They get very little sleep each night, especially in winter. However, the biggest problem is their lack than anything else in this world, they (don't want/want) to be treated as normal human beings. ((2)), a new monthly magazine appeared on the streets of London. It was sold by homeless people who kept for themselves 60% of the sale price. This enabled them not only to wern a small income, ((3)) to make contact with people and Big Issue, ((5)), contains articles on social, political, and other topics. It has been (return to/stay away from) society, and is now sold in many other countries, including Japan. ((6)), don't just buy a copy and then walk away. (Talk/Tip) to the vendor: he or she values that more than your money. (1)~(6)に語群から適切な語句を入れなさい。 I:as the magazine is called II:in 1991 III:if you see it IV:on the contranry V:in fact, for many VI:but also (/)の適切な語句をどちらか選びなさい。 問題の方ももしできればお願いしたいです!

  • 化学英語の訳について

    Comparing the structures of these complexed butadiene fragments with the gas phase structure of free s-cis-1,3-butadiene determined by electron diffraction and the ab initio theoretically calculated structure, it is surprising that complexation should lead longer terminal C-C-distances than expected but to an unchanged central C-C-bond(Table1).  文法的なことかもしれませんが、こういった長文はどのように訳していけばよいのでしょうか。主語と動詞を見つけること以外にポイントとかあるでしょうか。いつも日本語が逆になったりしてしまうのです。基本的なことですみません。