• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

この文章の全体のとらえ方は that 以下のことをバークリーは思っている。(動詞がbelieveなので、思う、というよりも「信じている」とか「確信している」という意味に近いです。 that 以下を訳すと 彼がプライベートでやっていることは彼自身の問題であり、他の誰にとっても重要なことではない となります。 ですから、上の文の訳は バークリーがプライベートでやっていることは彼自身の問題であり、他の誰にとっても重要なことではない と彼は思っています。 下の文は make a decision で「決断を下す」「意思決定をする」という意味なので、 それはあなたが決めることではないと思う。 という訳になりますよ。





  • 和訳をお願いします。

    『 I would like to fight Kenji. Whether it's in his mind if I deserve it or not, I think I kind of earned it and I think I match up really well with him.』 上の文章で 「Whether it's in his mind if I deserve it or not, I think I kind of earned it」 の意味がよくわかりません。 分かる方がいましたら、教えてもらえませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    英語の課題で和訳をしないといけません! どなたか訳していただけませんか? how to think , not what to think. この英文です。お願いします!!

  • 「It's not unusual」の日本語訳は?

    トム・ジョーンズが歌う「It's not unusual」の歌詞の日本語訳を教えてくれませんか? ちなみに英語ではこんなです↓ It's not unusual to be loved by anyone It's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when I see you hanging about with anyone It's not unusual to see me cry, oh I wanna' die It's not unusual to go out at any time but when I see you out and about it's such a crime if you should ever want to be loved by anyone, It's not unusual it happens every day no matter what you say you find it happens all the time love will never do what you want it to why can't this crazy love be mine It's not unusual, to be mad with anyone It's not unusual, to be sad with anyone but if I ever find that you've changed at anytime it's not unusual to find out that I'm in love with you whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh

  • 和訳、これであっていますか?

    “You should becareful to not get a catch cold .” あなたも、風邪引かないように気をつけてね。 みたいな感じでいいですか? それに、「寒くなってきたけれど」をつけたら It's getting cold,You should becareful to not get a catch cold. で、いいですか・・・・?だめですか? あと、「寒くなってきたけど風邪引かないでね」の 硬すぎず(畏まりすぎず)、砕けすぎず(なれなれし過ぎず)・・ みたいな英訳があったら教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! I think people who have to make big statements with house are people who may not have the creative kind of jobs where they make big creative statements in other areas of their life. 以前にも質問させて頂いたのですが、どうしても理解出来なかったのでもう一度質問致しました。 ある人物の家を紹介している場面です。 以下は続きで、本人が答えています。参考になればと思い書き加えておきました。 よろしくお願いします。 The creativity that goes on here is, I think, spiritual as well. And emotional. Because everybody here does their own thing. Our guests do their own thing, our kids do their own things and I think we all come here in order to pursue what we love best in our spare time and that's what makes it such an unusual home for us.

  • 和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    海外のインタビュー記事です。 ご協力お願い致します。 ●How do you describe your photography? I would like to think of my work as raw, sexy, youthful and fresh! ●How do you try to capture a person’s character and sense of self in your images? Characters and personalities are so important to me, people are so interesting, why photograph a mannequin when there are so many issues to explore. I don’t intentionally work out how I am going to capture the character, I guess it just naturally happens; I am always interested in knowing the subject and playing with them. ●What elements of your own character do you try to express through your photography? I’m a little bit of a wild child, I’m kind of insane and dark. I guess you can always see the darkness and the wild-side of the kids in my work. I think it’s important to capture the energy and moment. People have said I personally dress as if I were in my own photo shoot. I think it’s important and fun to dress up in the morning, to express yourself, no matter what, where or who you are.  Be creative all the time!

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願い致します。  I can understand when a boss is telling an employee what to do on the job or someone is giving a report at a company meeting. “Official” talk is very important; however, it is only a small part of talking. As much as 80 percent od the talk in the workplace and about 90 percent of the talk in restaurants or coffee shops is not really important in terms of what is said. That is to say, the information carried by the word inot very important. Such talk is often carried “small talk,” which is not essential to the conversation. Rather, taking itself is very important for the participants. Let me explain.   Suppose that two college friends are sitting in the university cafeteria. One student tells the other that her sister went on a date and her boyfriend had forgotten his wallet so she had to pay for dinner. The two friends laugh at the story. The story has no real meaning. It's just a chance for the friends to be together and have a laugh. Any story would do. The information contained in the story is not important. Telling a story to the friend is important in order to build and maintain the relationship between those two people. Sharing is the purpose of the talk.  On the other hand, think about a teacher telling students that they have to read Page 27 in their textbook and answer the questions for homework. In this case, the information is important. The telling is not as important. It does not change the relationship between the teacher and the students. What is important is not the telling but the information itself. In fact, the same information could be communicated by writing it on the board or by one student telling another who was absent or asleep in class. Who, when, and where are not important in this case.   What was said is the only thing that is important.  The case of the two students in the cafeteria is the opposite. Who said it, in this case the friend, is very important. Where and when are probably important too. But what was said doesn't matter. Any funny or interesting story would be okay as long as the two friends enjoy the story together. 以上になります。 スペルミス等がみられましたら、ご指摘お願いします。

  • not の範囲について

    下記の英文の not がどこまでかかっているのかご教示願います。 I do not think you care for your own life or for anyone else's . これは、たとえば、 Don't drink or drive. (飲酒も運転も両方ダメ) で使われている not が drink にも drive にもかかっているように、 当該の英文の not も for your own life or for anyone else's にもかかっているのでしょうか。「あなたが自分自身の命も他の人の命も気にかけるとは思えない」。 お手数かけますが、ご教示の程、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳を...

    5. What foods do you like to eat :D ? 6. Which foods do you not like D:< ? 7. What do people in the US eat that you think is gross? 8. Explain how you perceive your own culture in Japan: 9. What are some of the things you love about your culture in Japan? (traditions, values, practices etc.) 10. What do you think the US and Japan have in common?

  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    Too many of us take as facts what are actually just the opinions of the news writers. We should remember,too,that the facts themselves can be so chosen and arranged as to suit the opinions of the writer who wants others to think as he does. This of course may be done unintentionally,as well as deliberately. Recent dream research has shown that a person deprived of dreaming,even though not deprived of sleep,is nevertheless impaired in his ability to manage reality. He becomes emotionally disturbed because of being unable to work out in dreams the unconscious problems that confuse him.