• ベストアンサー




となりの客はよく柿食う客だ みたいなものなので、深い意味はありません。 あえて直訳すれば もしウッドチャックが木を投げることができるのなら, ウッドチャックはどれだけ多くの木を投げるだろうか。


  • 翻訳して下さい。

    (1)So are you! (2)How could I ever know how much she loves me? この意味を教えてください!

  • 英語翻訳お願いします。家賃

    日本に住んでるブラジル人に、住んでいるアパートについて、 「ブラジルで、これみたいな/あなたのアパートみたいなアパートを借りたら家賃はいくらですか? 」 1How much dose it cost to pay for a rent if you rent a flat like this/yours in Brazil? 2How much dose your rent cost if~上に同じ. 3How much will your rent be if you~上に同じ. 4How much will it be if you pay for a rent on a flat like this/yours in Brazeil? 5How much will it be if you rent a flat like this/yours and pay for a rent in Brazil? など考えたのですが、どれも使えますでしょうか?また1及び2はdoseの代わりにwill は使えますでしょうか? そのほか良い訳例がありましたら教えて頂きたいのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳

    May I come in? 入ってもいいですか。 Yeah, Please do. Now let me show you the house. はい、どうぞ。こちらのマンションをご案内いたします。 How many rooms are you looking for? いくつかのルームがついているマンションをご希望でしょうか。 Oh, four or five. How much is the rent for this apartment? そうですね。四つあるいは五つ。家賃はいくらですか。 I wonder if you could help me, I'm looking for a room. 手伝ってくれませんか。部屋を探しています。 Well, I have got a vacancy. ちょうど空いている部屋があるです。

  • これを翻訳してください。

    I said I would see if I could come near the end お願いします。

  • 助動詞の使えるバリエーション

    問題 適当な助動詞を入れなさい。 ①How ( ) you say such a thing to me?  考え方→「どうやってそんなことを私にいえるんだ!」とか「よくもそんなことをいうな」ですよね、 だったら、could,would, dare があると思います。解答はdareだけですが、couldもwouldも使えると思っています。合ってますか? How would I do such a thing to me?「なんで僕が君にそんなことするんだ?」って聞いた事ある気がするのですがwould って使わないんですか? 

  • 翻訳+問題

    仮定法過去 翻訳 If his designs were complicated,people would not understand the messages so easily. If I were rich,I could buy that large house. If I had a guitar,I would play my fav6rite songs for you. 問題+翻訳 1:If I were you,I ( ) him for help. [頼むのに] 2:If I ( ) his e-mail address,I could send a message to him. [知っていれば] 3:If he ( ) here,he would be very pleased at the news. [いれば] 問題 1.もし私が芸術家であれば、この美しい絵を描くのに。 If I ( ) an artist,I ( ) a picture of this beautiful scene. 2.もしもっと学校の近くに住んでいれば、朝はもっと長く寝られるのに。 If I ( ) nearer to the school,I ( ) lomger in the morning. 3.もし天気がもっとよければ、今日は外でテニスをするのに。 If the weather ( ) better,I ( ) tennis outside today. 4.もし100万円持っているとしたら何をしますか。 If you ( ) a million yen,what ( ) you do?

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The 5th Army would begin a big offensive with limited objectives, to seize the Meuse Heights on the right bank of the river, from which German artillery could dominate the battlefield. By being forced into a counter-offensive against such formidable positions, the French Army would "bleed itself white". As the French were weakened, the British would be forced to launch a hasty relief offensive, which would also be a costly defeat. If such defeats were not enough to force negotiations on the French, a German offensive would mop up the last of the Franco-British armies and break the Entente "once and for all". In a revised instruction to the French army of January 1916, the General Staff had stated that equipment could not be fought by men.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 For example, if the electric company represented a bill as bits instead of a printed sheet of paper, it could send it to you as email so that it would reach you within minutes, instead of in the mail after many days. If you could pay your bills using bits in email, you could program your computer to pay your bills automatically when they became due. If everyone were to use computer networks to pay their bills, we would no longer need to cut down millions of trees for bills, envelopes, and stamps! It would also make life easier for the electric company, the bank, and you. 翻訳お願いします。

  • 翻訳 お願いします!

    At this present time I would need a week to process and test them we have to do this for overseas orders,if another payment order comes in before you they make take another couple of days, the good news due to size and weight we would spend £40 on DHL or FEDEX delivery which is about a 3 day service the grand total is £194 please remember how much we are spending on delivery thanks. イギリス人からのメールです

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    EBAYへ出品しておりますが、下記のような質問が届きました。 お手数ですが、翻訳よろしくお願いいたします。 do you sell extra nibs too? if so how much for an additional medium nib. Thanks.