• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文解釈をお願いします。)



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> A: I love these. Look.  これ、いいねぇ。 > B+C :“Veggie Tales.”  "Veggie Tales" だ。 > B: The Christian Cartoons for kids.  こども向けのクリスチャン漫画ね。 > B: I grew up a born again Christian.  ぼくは新生クリスチャンだったんだ。 > C: Yeah, yeah, exactly.  はい、はい、そうでしょうとも。 > A: Was it hard to be born again Christian and, you know…  新生クリスチャンだと何か問題があるの? > C: Yeah, I mean, as far as being gay and Christian, like, I definitely, like, that’s, like, when I left the church, but the problem is that there are really great born again Christians like my parents who are all about the unconditional love and Jesus' teaching.  そう、つまり、ゲイでありクリスチャンであるってことは、つまり、ええっと、わたしは今は信仰してないんだけど、問題は、新生クリスチャンには立派な人もいて、たとえばわたしの両親もそうなんだけど、無償の愛とかイエスの教えにどっぷりなのよ。 > B: Yes. Your parents need to talk to my parents.  うん。君の両親からぼくの両親に話して欲しいな。 * VeggieTales はアニメ・シリーズの名前で、内容はキリスト教道徳的な見地から作られている。 * a born again Christian は、宗派による違いもあって、ここでどの宗派の意味で用いられているのかが分らない。カトリックなら、単に洗礼を受けた者という意味合いがあるのかもしれないが、プロテスタントの場合だと、教派による認識の違いがあるようです (詳しくは Wikipedia などを参照されたし)。



ご丁寧な回答を有難うございました。 参考にさせていただきます。


  • この英文を読んでどう思われますか?

    海外の人たちと交流したいと思い、アメリカ人の人とメールのやりとりを始めたんですが、以下のメールがきました。 I am glad to read from you again, you gave me a smile the moment I checked my email and I saw it was from you. I work with the US military department, I specialize in journals, I like to walk hand in hand with whoever I’m with and I don’t expect them to do everything I do unless they care to. My hobbies are travelling and staying in of an evening snuggled up on the sofa. I have plenty of love to give to the right person I love children. Life is never a bed of rose for me but I take life as it comes I’m a very outgoing person I say what I feel rather than try and hide it. I love music and in my spare time I love have good conversation with an interesting person. Not that I have much spare time. Thanks so much for respecting my view and that is highly appreciated... I will like you to write me a long mail about yourself, what you like in your man and as well things you would like to do with your man. However, feel free to ask me whatever you would like to know about me and I promise to tell you everything about it all. Remember, we are just trying to know each other to earn each other’s trust which our love can be built upon. So our sincerity is all that matter at this point. However, I wait to read from you in regards to my request. Until then, keep smiling and keep the emails coming. 長い文章ですみません。この文章を読んで違和感を感じたんですが、文法的にこの文章はどうなんでしょうか?ネイティブの人が書いているように思えないんですが・・・それから恋人限定で募集してるわけではないのに2回目のメールでいきなりこの内容だったので不安に感じています。この文章を読んで、この方の人柄、教養をどう思われますか?ご意見聞かせていただけるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 友人からの英文を翻訳してください

    ドイツ人の異性の友人から一ヵ月ぶりくらいにメールがきました。 私の英語力では満足に理解することができないのでどなたか助けていただけないかと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 以下内容。 How are you? The news about Japan always make me worry about you... I thought about you very often! But a friend shocked me a few weeks ago and I needed to take a break and stayed at my parents house in the country for some time. I know him for 9 years and now I found out everything he told me was a lie. Thats so disappointing. Soon Ill go back to Mannheim. My friends there are already waiting for me. So of course I had to write you again! I would to love to hear from you!

  • 英文解釈について質問があります。(2) 12/3

    In how much were the experiences from your solo- and collaborational efforts directly beneficial to this process? Stefan Németh: I think I have learned from some productions that I should try really hard to be satisfied with what I do. This sometimes means that you have to find out where the weak points in your track are. Basically it is about being honest to yourself and if you are not happy than you have to do it again and again, even if it is not always a pleasant process to discard some parts of the music or even a track. But in the end this gives me a much better feeling with the final version. Florian Kmet: I refined the recording process, improved my gear and the use of different instruments during the work on my last solo CD and other projects. Personally, I come back to lokai with a clear head, when I have done something fruitful with another project. Then I feel more open to go into this special sound cosmos, and enjoy to work on those details and structures. 1.疑問文のIn how muchの部分の文法の構造を教えて下さい。 2.I think I have learned from some productions that I should try really hard to be satisfied with what I do. この文章のproductionsのあとのthatは関係代名詞ですが、productionはどこに入るのでしょうか? 意味は、何曲かを通して学ぶ事が出来たと思う。その何曲かというのは、自分が満足するために本当に真剣にトライするべき何曲ってことだよ。 こういうことが言いたいのでしょうか? 3.Basically it is about being honest to yourself and if you are not happy than you have to do it again and again, even if it is not always a pleasant process to discard some parts of the music or even a track. この文章ですが、if you are~と even if~に対する主文はどれでしょうか?it is about being~ ここですか? それと全体の意味はどうなりますか? 4.Then I feel more open to go into this special sound cosmos, and enjoy to work on those details and structures. この文章のcosmosですが、これは「秩序、調和」と解釈し、特別な音の秩序に通じるさらなる空間を感じる。そしてその細かい1つ1つ、それと構造上で作業をする事を楽しんでいるよ。 なにやらいまいちつかめないですが、解釈はこの方向で合ってますか?

  • 英文が合っているか教えてください

    お友達にメールしたいのですが、英文に自信がありません。 どなたか宜しければ、文章が合っているかご教授いただけませんか? そうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 Hi Kitty, how are you these days? キティさん、最近は如何おすごしですか? How was your summer vacation in malta? malta島での夏休みは如何でしたか? Did you spend a great time there? そこでは素敵な時を過ごせましたか? 私は先月オーストラリアに一週間、今月は実家で一週間過ごしました。 それはとても楽しい夏休みでした。 Last month, I went to Australia for a week. And this month, I spend a time in my hometown. It was an enjoyable summer vacation for me. Finally, next month, I 'll start preparing for my wedding. そしてついに来月から結婚式の準備が始まります。 I'd like to send my email to you again, and I'm also looking forward to getting your email again!! またメールしたいと思います。あなたからの知らせも楽しみにしていますね。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします‼

    翻訳機を使うと意味不明な文になりました。所々は分かるのですが、??な部分があるので、英語が得意な方、翻訳をお願い致しますm(_ _)m Hey how are you? im good. Im at work now. Do you like animals? My friends say I'm an animal. Maybe you will like me?? Yeah when can you come to hawaii again?? I hope to meet you!! In not sure if I can go to japan but we will see!!

  • 英語を翻訳してくださいませんか? その2

    翻訳しましたが理解できないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 Is just need told you the true That was don't like and hate Talk my friends When I'm say and told you are my girlfriend Later. Surprised all my friends talk with you And say your girlfriend just like enjoy What you think? i'm feel When you are in a big love and other people talk bad about your couple I'm really like and love And feel in you a true love And was want only for me Because was really love you Was want see you again Talk with you Dinner with you Walk with you Have again a good time like to the first meeting Was dream. with this Now just continue in my dream Sorry for today

  • 英文解釈

    和訳お願いします。 Although I thoroughly enjoyed my visits to the different countries I passed through on my way to Japan, I eventually became impatient to reach my destination.I had made up my mind while I was in England that I would live in Kyoto. There were several reasons for choosing Kyoto, rather than any other city in Japan. First of all, it had been spared the bombings that destroyed most other Japanese cities. Secondly, to someone like myself who was interested mainly in classical literature, it was natural to choose the place where most Japanese literature was composed for over a thousand years. Finally, the only two friends I had in Japan---one Japanese and one American--- were both living in Kyoto. I arrived in Tokyo one rainy evening in August 1953, and headed directly from the airport to Tokyo Station where I boarded the night train for Kyoto. I sent a telegram to my Japanese friend, who met me at Kyoto Station and took me to his house, where I was to live for about a month. My friend expected that I would want to rest the first day after my arrival in Japan, but I was much too excited to rest. I asked the friend to take me with him wherever he went that day. As it happened, he had business at the Suntory Whiskey Distillery between Kyoto and Osaka. My first sightseeing in Kyoto therefore took place not at a famous temple or garden, but at a distillery!

  • この英文の一部でわからないところがあります

    In her first year in Germany, Tawada slept over nine hours a day to recover from all the new experiences and difficulty of learning German. Even today, German is hard for her, but she enjoys the challenge. "German is now my daily language, and I can express my feelings clearly," she explains. "But when it comes to writing, I still have trouble. Yet learning a language is a lot of fun because the words are new and fresh. This gives you a sense of freedom. It is almost like being a child again." 最後のIt is almost like being a child again.という英文はどういう意味ですか? あとこの英文のagainはどういう役割をしていますか? わかる方教えてくれないでしょうか?

  • 和訳をしてくれませんか?

    『Good evening/Morning Sweetheart, I woke to a wonderful dream with you...so happy to wake up like this! Looking forward to again waking up, holding you in my arms, so I can tell you instead of typing: good morning/evening my love I appreciate you and am thankful you are in my life...everyday. Somedays, I will make you breakfast & others make plans to go somewhere special to eat at places that are highly recommended. Know that you are in my thoughts and my heart each & every day, you are the best part of me & I Love You!!!』  長いですが、どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文で分からないところがあるので教えてください。

    1と3と5~11の英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。2と4と12の日本語の文章をどのように英文にすればいいのか分からないので教えてください。 1.2月26日に、私は、友達とスキー場に行きました。 ( My friends and I went to a ski run in February 26.) 2.私は、スキーを滑るのは、10年ぶりでした。 久しぶりに滑ったので、はじめ、滑ることができませんでした。 3.本当に怖かったです。 (It was very frightened at that time.) 4.友達が私に教えてくれましたので、少し滑ることができるようになりました。 もう少し、滑りたかったのですが、雨が15時に降ってきました。 それで滑ることができなくなったのですごく残念でした。 5.また、スキー場に行ってみたいです。 ( I’d like to go to a ski run again.) 6.あなたはスキーをすることが好きですか? (Do you like skiing?) 7.日本人の年齢についてあなたに話します。 (I’ll teach you Japanese age.) 8.日本では、生まれた時、〇歳です。 (In Japan, you are 0 year old when you born.) 9.1年後には、1歳になります。 (After 1year, you become 1yare old.) 10.2年後には、2歳になります。 (After 2 years, you become 2 years old.) 11.あなたの場合は、日本の年齢では、20歳になります。 (In Japan, your age is 20 years old.) 12.ところで、韓国では、生まれた時、1歳と数えるのですか?韓国の年齢について教えてください。