• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:何て言っているのか分かりませんでした(*´ェ`*))

Common Behavior of Japanese People


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

>>なんて言っているのかとたとえばどんなことを言えばいいか(そこは日本語でお願いします  ただいつか私が日本に行くときのために、総体的なことを知っておきたいので、日本人に共通の態度を知っておきたいと思った。  といったことです。もう書いてしまいましたが、ここから先は読まないでください。  You are trying to stereotype Japanese. There is no such thing as "the common behavior of Japanese." Maybe I can answer your question when you tell me the common behavior of English/American/Australian/Canadian people.  あなたは日本人を型にはめようとしています。「日本人に共通の行動」などありません。あなたがイギリス人(あるいは、アメリカ人、オーストラリア人、カナダ人など)に共通の行動が何か、私に言えるなら、ご返事出来るかもわかりません。  まあ向こうがこの程度の質問しか出来ないなら、こういう風に答えて教育するのも一案ですね。



いつもありがとうございます! なるほど・・・そういうこともいえるのですね! 最期に付け加えたいと思います! 本当にいつもありがとうございます!!!


  • 和訳お願いします

    sorry! I didn't know you messaged me back :) and yes, most people take showers. baths are more common with women and children though. I've always wanted to get one of those cube baths that you can sit in :) that would be so awesome! have you ever been to the US? ..

  • How to relieve back pain?

    I have read that a lot of Japanese people between the age of 40 - 69 have back pain. I was wondering what do Japanese people buy or use to relieve the pain or things that they use when they have back pain? For example i know that a lot of people in Europe use a heating plaster to relieve the pain. I hope some one can give me more information what Japanese people use.

  • 訳してください。

    日本について聞かれたのですが、後半の部分がわかりませんでした。 Can I ask you something? I always hear from foreign people living in Japan, that having Japanese friends is really difficult because the gap of western culture and Japanese people is really different. That Japanese people find us too direct. Is it true? 特に That Japanese people find us too direct. がわかりませんでした。どういう意味なのでしょうか?

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 I've been thinking and it occurred to me that I didn't hear you speak a lot of Japanese. I'm really looking forward to hear you speak Japanese ... it must be so ... kawaii :) Please speak a lot of Japanese when you come to Osaka なんとなーくの意味は分かったのですが‥ (あなたの日本語を聞いたことないわ‥と言うニュアンスかな?と解釈しました) 宜しくお願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    The basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. You've got to be the right kind of person and do the right thing in order to have balanced success in all areas of life. Once we've reestablished the fact that good foundational qualities are the successful beginning of all car. この文のThe basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. はどんな意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳してください!!至急です!!お願いします!!m(__)m

    この(↓)英語を訳してください!! 至急です。。辞書で調べたり、ネットの翻訳ソフトで 調べたりしたんですが、どうもうまく訳せなくて 日本語の文書にできません。 どなたか訳してください、お願いします!!m(__)m I think whether it has an affair on other people because I don't meet you when you say that "my tomorrow's behavior is secret ". Sorry. .It doesn't think that it is manly to be jealous. I say to me so "reflecting it ! ".

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I'm only voting for women for now on (when possible) I think that any politician that has to step down for sexually inappropriate behavior should be replaced by a woman. Most of this partisan people hating wouldn't be happening if chicks ran the gov. I'm serious. The modern white male politician is broken and not to be trusted.

  • 和訳してください

    I'm very excited to learn about Japan! I just think a bit difficult but not impossible. You are a very gentle person! I love to meet her! I know that I write nonsense! But it's all fun! what do you like most? I do not know about Japanese fashion, but I quite like the style, but the Brazilian society is very different in the field of fashion! If I clothe the Japanese style, I would be mocked by the minds of most people here is not broad enough to understand! understand?

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I will print off the photographs that you sent and send them to the Customs House. What does the receipt say that it written in Japanese related to the price paid of $70? I wanted to find out before it I mail it to the Customs House because the handbag would not be a “gift” if the receipt says that $70 was paid to you. I also wanted to be sure that the receipt does not include EBay. Many thanks for your help with translation.

  • この和訳は合っていますか?

    この和訳は合っていますか? いつもお世話になります。英語ができないところへ意訳のセンスもないのですが、この和訳は合ってますでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 Where as for you in our relationship you think about us and your feelings for my condition is very strong you care very much. I think that is the Japanese culture for the woman to care for the man. I like this part of you but like I said to you before I will not treat you like the Japanese men do. I want you to be the same as me. I want you to be next to me and not behind of me. I can not think of anything that I dislike about you . You have not given me any reason too. あなたに関しては私達の関係で私達の事と私の状態をあなたが気にかけるのを強く感じます。 私はそれは男性を気にかける日本の文化であると思います。私はあなたのこの部分は好きですが、私が日本人の男性のようにあなたを扱わないと以前言いました。 私はあなたに私と対等にいてほしいです。私はあなたに私の後ろでなく私の隣にいてほしいです。 私はあなたについて嫌いにな何も考えることがありません。あなたは私に何も理由を与えなかった。