• 締切済み


The basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. You've got to be the right kind of person and do the right thing in order to have balanced success in all areas of life. Once we've reestablished the fact that good foundational qualities are the successful beginning of all car. この文のThe basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. はどんな意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4111/5344)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

"The basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. " have got to は慣用表現で、「~しなければならない」。そうすると、 "you've got to be before you can do" は「あなたができる(ようになる)前に、(それに)ならなければならない」 次の"(you've got to) do before you can have." も同じような表現で、「あなたが(それを)持てる(ようになる)前に、それを実行しなければならない」。比喩的な表現なので分かりにくいですが、この後のセンテンスで具体例が出てくるので、参考になると思います。 全体を通して意訳すると、 「基本的な点は、あなたは、できるようになる前に、それに値するものにならないといけないし、何かを手に入れる前にはその為の行動を起こさなければならないと言うことです。」





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Recently, though, I've been exposed to arguments saying that it is healthy for a couple to have sex before marriage, because you want to make sure you are "sexually compatible" before tying the knot. I quote, "The wedding night is a really bad time to discover you're sexually incompatible." What does this even mean? How can two people be sexually incompatible? Surely, two kind and considerate people could have mutually pleasing sex, regardless of anything else... Right? Or is this referring to sexual preferences, and couldn't this sort of topic be breached before actually having sex? I am so confused. couldn't this sort of topic be breachedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    It's just like you've always wanted to be Hitting the dancefloors all around the world Where people can see you dancing You are still on top, still a thrill Don't stop you've got moves to kill You've got the music to play Now, and shame us Out of control you're in to be famous You've got the gift to make the stars all around us Begin to shine, and dance to excite us Electric emotions Running through my circuits よろしくお願いします。

  • all you have to do is~

    All I've got to do is to get list. はall you have to do is~的な訳が出来ますか? All I've got to do is to get list. は並べ替えを自分でしたので合っているのかわかりませんが、、

  • all (that)~

    This is so boring, it's all I can do to stay awake. Be all that you can be. 上記の各文は all you need to do is (to) sign the enclosed card and return it to us. と同じ文法と考えて良いのでしょうか? all (that)と考えられる文は、全て同じ文法が使われていると思って良いのでしょうか? (only things)all that

  • 英語の和訳

    だれかこの英語の訳を教えてください。 The purpose of your report is to show that you have studied the textbook. Below you can see information about 5 different situations. For each situation,read the Information and then write a conversation, that you think the people (sometimes you are one of them) might have in that situation. Do the same for all of the situations. You must write 5 conversations in all. Each conversation must be 80~100 words long (no more,no less). In each conversation that you write you must use 3 phrases of expressions taken from your textbook. Please underline the phrases that you use and write the textbook page number above your writing.

  • どういう意味でしょうか?

    We got your details from the website and we liked what we saw. Before we go any further though, we need to ask you a couple of questions that may save us all a lot of time in the future. We as a couple lead a very liberal way of life, with that in mind, do you have any problem with nudity or sexuality. If you have no problems, then great, perhaps we can start talking with a view to you being our ******. If you do have any problems with it however, then we are probably wasting each others time. We apologise for being so direct but we have been messed about by a lot of time wasters. というメールをいただきましたが 'nudity or sexuality' 付近をどう訳せば良いのか、 またどういう意味なのかがイマイチよく掴めません。 分かられる方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひお願いします。

  • 今日の星占い英文の翻訳をお願いします

    Your health is vital, of course, and right now, you've got the right kind of energy to make positive changes in that direction. See if you can get your friends or family to join you or at least cheer you on.

  • 日本語訳教えてください。

    日本語訳教えてください。 You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do. The way I see it, Got made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it’s a good thing to have all different types of people. Each person has his or her own individuality and character, and the most important thing it to express that 

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。珍しい物なのでサンプルをくださいと伝えています。その事で返事が来たんですがすみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 Thank you for your message, please let me know what items you want samples of and I can look into this for you, once you have done this I can email you a proforma of the total, please bear in mind that you would need to register a account before I can do this. --

  • 意味を教えてください

    I’ve been close with a group of friends for a little over three years now. In this group is a married couple I’ll call Fred and Wilma. Shortly before I married, Fred approached me and explained that he and Wilma have an open marriage and he was attracted to me. Flattered, I declined, stating that I was neither interested in that way nor emotionally equipped for that kind of relationship. Fred has been very respectful of that, and I’ve never once felt weird since then, and I’ve never mentioned it to the group as I felt it wasn’t pertinent (I did tell my husband). Lately at parties and events anytime I talk to Fred, another woman, Betty, comes over and drapes herself all over Fred. It’s gotten to the point where another member of the group mentioned it to me and wondered what the best method is of informing Fred that it’s going too far. We don’t care what he does behind closed doors, as long as all parties involved are consenting, but we also don’t care to witness the hormonal ramp up or have our conversations cut short by a jealous lover. How do we handle this, if at all? drapes herself all over FredとHow do we handle this, if at all?の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします