- ベストアンサー
- 震災直後は自粛ムードが広がっていたが、だんだんと東北地方への観光客が戻りつつある。
- 観光で被災地の東北を応援したいという意識が高まり、経済活性化と復興につなげるために旅行や外食をする人が増えている。
- 海外からの観光客も増えているが、まだまだ少なく、募金や物資の支援だけでなく、日本を訪れること自体も大きな支援になるので、外国人に日本の魅力と東北の魅力を紹介し、楽しんでもらいたい。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
Right after the earthquake and tsunami, a mood of self-constraint prevails in the mind of people here in Japan. Gradually sight-seeing visitors are coming back to Tohoku. Wanting to help Tohoku area devastated by the quake, People come out as their travels to and eat out in those area. That helps to vitalize the economy in those regions, as the result, it leads to recovery of Tohoku and Japan from the sufferings. There are volunteer's tours now and a lot of people including men and women in various age groups are participating to these events. In reality, still less visitors are coming from overseas yet, compared with the ordinary years, though some recoveries have been seen after the quake and tsunami. I sincerely hope that a lot of visitors come for sight seeing for enjoyments and buy bottles of sake made in Japan, especially in Tohoku and various good things produced in our country since those visitors will be of a great help for Tohoku and Japan.