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#3 ※ 補足&書き直し↓ When you live with your sister and her kids, you have less time chatting with me? When you live with your sister and her kids, you have less time to chat with me?



ありがとうございました! 参考にさせていただきます!


  • 対話文です

    次の対話文の[   ]に入れるのに最も適切なものを.ア~エの中から1つ選んでください (1)  Father: Can I take your picture. Tom? Tom : Sure. Father. But why? Father: I`ll show it to your grandmother when I see her tomorrow. [ ] Tom : Yes. of course. Say hello to her for me. ア Do you think it`s a good idea? イ Do you think she has a good idea? ウ Will you give me her picture? エ Will you take her picture? すみませんが.お願いいたします!

  • 次の文章の構文が分かりません

    Weblio翻訳で、ある文章を入力したら右側の例文に次のような文章が載っていました。 「I will her call you when she comes back. 彼女が戻ったら君に電話をかけさせるよ。」 I will call her you when she comes back.だと思うのですか如何でしょうか。

  • はじめまして。

    はじめまして。 英語のメールをもらいましたが、わからないので訳して下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 where do you live? what do you do? when are you free? do the kids live with you?

  • When の使い方。

    誰か以下の質問に御返答お願いしていただければ助かります。 例えば、When ですが、彼らがいつあなたの家に訪問するか後で決めるだろうという英文を作成する場合。 They decide when they will visit your house later. They will decide when they are going to visit your house later. They will decide when they visit your house later. どちらが文法的に正しいのでしょうか? 

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     When things go wrong, I urge you to stop thinking about yourself. If you look around, you will see that everybody has disappointments, often far worse than yours. Watch and study how other women and men cope with disappointments. Many face their problems with courage and determination. Their example can inspire you to find the strength to react.  I would like to share with you the moving story of a young woman who courageously overcome the stress caused by a terrible burn accident. This young woman was a talented and successful ballerina. Dancing gave meaning to her life. Whenever she danced, she communicated the joy in her heart and the inspiration in her soul to the people who watched.  One Christmas day when she was preparing a special dinner for family, her dress caught fire. Within second, she became a human torch. The flames burned so quickly and cruelly into her flesh that she was mad with pain. She would have died if her father had not heard scream. He laced kitchen, threw himself on top of her, and put out the fire with his own body.

  • 次の英語を訳してもらえませんか?

    Hello there!!! Maybe you already know or maybe not that our hostel is celebrating a birthday on 14th May!!:) We have honor to invite you for the party and celebrate with us that special day! It's gonna be a costume party and it will be really cool if you can bring with you your own, special and original costumes!! There will be FREE food, alcohol, great music. Then we are going to club to celebrate all night and we want to celebrate it with you because without you there won't be us:D

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    下記の文章が分かる方。翻訳をお願いします。 On the worldly level you will do well financially through your partner. At some stage it will bring you a good financial inheritance, and always at all stages it will haunt you. The union between you and your future partner will become a wealthy one. Prosperity will be handed down to him. Or he will come into sudden sums of money. There may be many loves but man you will remain with permanently will be a forceful partner, whose will is much stronger than yours. You’ll end up submitting to him and he will somehow have the power of life and death over you in an emotional way at least. The eighth house is death and rebirth and when this person comes into your life an old karmic love is reborn in the present day that will endure beyond the grave. This love will chill you, it will burn you, it will reach down to your deepest core. It will never let you go.

  • hold a good thought

    DEAR ABBY: You always tell us to consider whether we would be better off with or without somebody. What if it's your sister? My sister and I are of retirement age and had a falling out. I felt she had become too needy, and she was very hurt when I told her so. She is awaiting my apology, which has been the pattern of our lives. Although we live 30 miles apart, I have no desire to contact her. Because I was usually the one she went to for advice and companionship, I feel guilty for abandoning her and often wonder if she's OK. We are both healthy and self-sufficient. I love her because she's my sister, but I can truly say my life is easier and less complicated without her. The thought of contacting her is too much to bear. On the other hand, she's my sister. -- BETTER OFF IN COLORADO DEAR BETTER OFF: You say your life is better off and less complicated without your needy sibling, and that you have no desire to contact her. OK. So what exactly is your question? Are you waiting for me to order you to call her and apologize? The price for that will be shouldering again the burden of her neediness. If you're worried about how she's doing, ask someone who is in touch with her. But hold a good thought. hold a good thoughtはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の間違いがあったら直して頂きたいです。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 無事について良かったです。 お母様が喜んでいるに違いないでしょうね。 うちも弟が24日に帰ってくるので家族皆が楽しみにしてるよ。 あとは先週末に学校のクリスマスパーティーへ行ってきたよ。楽しかった。 あなたが家族と良い時間をじっくり過ごせるように願っています。 体にきをつけて。 Glad to hear that you arrived at your home safe and sound. Your mother must be very happy to could meet you. My young brother will also came back to Japan from U.S. on 24th so we are all looking forward to meet him. I went to Christmas party last weekend at school. It was good. I hope that you could spend very good time with your family in Christmas holiday. Take care of your self.

  • 結婚式の挨拶を英語で

    結婚式の親族代表として挨拶をするのですが、海外からも多く招待している為、簡単でいいので、英語でも挨拶をしようと思っています。 初めまして。妹の〇〇です。 本日は来ていただいてありがとうございます。 遠いところから来ていただけた事、感謝いたします。 くらいの文でいいのですが、 Thank you for coming today. I'm her sister 〇〇. We appreciate your.... Nice to meet you. はスピーチでは変ですよね。。。 私の英語力では自信が有りませんのでアドバイスをお願いいたします!