• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

1.その詩人が生まれた家はそのままの状態で保存されている。 2.彼らの努力は、成功という形で報われた。 3.枯葉は燃えるときに甘い香りを放つ。 という感じだと思います。 ご参考まで。



ありがとうございます。 おかげで助かりました!


  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    The reason they gave for not promoting me was that I was worth more to the company as a salesman than a manager. (出典 スーパートレーニング実践活用例文555) この英文で、全体の意味は理解できるのですが、they gave for not promoting me のところが、文法的に理解できません。それと、 I was worth more to the company as a salesman than a manager. は、 I was more worth to the company as a salesman than a manager. では、だめなのでしょうか? 解説の方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The divisions of XIII Corps and XV Corps attacked on 14 July, just before dawn at 3:25 a.m., on a 4-mile (6.4 km) front. The infantry moved forward over no man's land to within 500 yards (460 m) of the German front line and attacked after a five-minute hurricane bombardment, which gained a measure of tactical surprise. Penetrating the German second line by a sudden blow on a limited front was relatively easy but consolidating and extending the breach against alerted defenders was far more difficult. The attack on Longueval met with initial success, as the thin German outpost line was rapidly overwhelmed. By mid-morning, the British troops had fought from house-to-house to the village square.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Army of Serbia's ally Montenegro did not follow the Serbs into exile, but retreated to defend their own country. The Austrian-Hungarians launched their Montenegrin Campaign on 5 January 1916. The Montenegrins fought bravely, but despite some success in the Battle of Mojkovac, they were completely defeated within 2 weeks. This was a nearly complete victory for the Central Powers at a cost of around 67,000 casualties as compared to around 90,000 Serbs killed or wounded and 174,000 captured. The railroad from Berlin to Istanbul was finally opened. The only flaw in the victory was the remarkable retreat of the Serbian Army, which was almost completely disorganized and had to be rebuilt almost from scratch.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    With British activity now declining elsewhere on its front, the German IV Corps opposite Pozières, was able to concentrate most of its artillery against the village and its approaches. Initially the bombardment was methodical and relentless without being intense. The western approach to the village, which led from Casualty Corner near the head of Sausage Valley, received such a concentration of shellfire that it was thereafter known as "Dead Man's Road". The German bombardment intensified on 25 July, in preparation for another counter-attack.

  • 英文を翻訳お願いします

    In general, wine is made from grapes. Pass me the salt,please. He will be an Edison. I don't mind eating fast food three times a day. A human being is the only animal that is gifted with speech. He said that necessity is the mother of invention. This is the house where Shakespeare was born. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never change my mind. The rescue worker grabbed the man by the hand. The knowledge of first aid is of great use. He was at a loss as to what to do. Mother went to see the school festival by train.

  • こういう時どうすれば

    仲良くしだしたEpalからこのようなメールがきましたが親は死んでいるということですか? もししんでいたのなら、全体的に長いメールでしたがあえてこのことに(親のこと)ふれるべきなのでしょうか?どういえばいいのでしょうか? 教えて下さいお願いします。 My hometown is Florida that is where I was born and raised. I miss it very much. I have a house there as well because after my parents died, they gave me the house there. I haven't been there in a few years though. I also have one sister as well.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    A rescue effort by Major William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan was begun in haste attempting to dig the men but their efforts were hampered by mud-slides and continued enemy shelling. :pp.167–171 Two men were rescued and five dead were recovered before efforts had to be halted. The voices other men could be heard for a while, but the remaining fifteen men died before rescue efforts could resume. :pp.167–171 Donovan was awarded the French Croix de Guerre for his actions during the attempted rescue. :pp.209–210 Poet and literary critic Joyce Kilmer, a sergeant with the regiment, wrote the 1918 poem "Rouge Bouquet" (also called "The Wood Called Rouge Bouquet" to commemorate the soldiers in his unit who died. :pp.175–176 The poem was first read by Kilmer at the memorial service held on the battlefield a few days later. :pp.175–176 It first appeared in print in the American serviceman's newspaper Stars and Stripes—published two weeks after Kilmer died in combat in the Second Battle of the Marne on 30 July 1918. The Battle of Tell 'Asur, known as the Action of Tell 'Asur also known as the Battle of Turmus 'Aya, took place between 8 and 12 March 1918, after the decisive victory at the Battle of Jerusalem and the Capture of Jericho during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I. Fighting took place over an area which extended from the Mediterranean to Abu Tellul and Mussalabeh on the edge of the Jordan Valley. After the Capture of Jericho by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) in February 1918 the occupation of the Jordan Valley began. However, the captured territory was not sufficiently broad to provide a strong enough base for the planned Transjordan operations. The EEF's front line was successfully pushed northwards following attacks by the XX and XXI Corps against the Ottoman Seventh Army and Eighth Army. At the end of March the First Transjordan attack on Amman was launched to be followed the next month by the Second Transjordan attack on Shunet Nimrin and Es Salt.General Edmund Allenby's right flank was secure but was not sufficiently broad to support the planned operations across the Jordan to the Hedjaz railway.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The last success of the year came on 31 December. SM U-24 sighted the British battleship HMS Formidable on manoeuvres in the Channel and torpedoed her. Formidable sank with the loss of 547 of her crew. The C-in-C Channel Fleet, Adm. Sir Lewis Bayly, was criticized for not taking proper precautions during the exercises, but was cleared of the charge of negligence. Bayly later served with distinction as commander of the anti-submarine warfare forces at Queenstown.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The attack in Sector I was delayed considerably as Major Hammerstein gave orders to the three groups of his detachment for the attack on fort 2; he also demanded a prolonged artillery bombardment to better secure the advance of the infantry. So it was only at 14:30, when the guns concentrated their fire on the fort itself, that the major gave the order for the first and second groups to attack. Despite the artillery fire they faced, the Bulgarians and Germans advanced with relative ease as the Romanians, despite their large number, began retreating and even fleeing in panic to Tutrakan.

  • 【至急】英語の和訳!!

    この英文の和訳をお願いします。 It is said that he made two traditional ones and additionally created one in the colors of the Italian flag with red tomato sauce,while mozzarella cheese,and green basil leaves. The Queen was delighted and "Pizza Margherita"was born.