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和英辞典の訳はどうしても不完全なことがあります。英英辞典では次のように説明されています。私にはこれが一番よくわかりますが、如何でしょうか。 as long as = provided that as far as = to the extent or degree that すなわち as long as I know は「私が知るという条件で」「ただし私が知るならば」といった意味になりますが、これではちょっと意味不明ですね。 as far as I know は「私が知る範囲では」という意味です。



大変わかりやすいご回答ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m


  • 現在完了の文

    こんばんは。英語についての質問です。 例文 He has become what he is by industry.「彼は勤勉によって今の彼になった」 という文章ですが、これをIndustryから書き始めると、 Industry made him what he is. なのか、 Industry has made him what he is. になるのか、またはそれ以外なのか教えていただきたいです。

  • 英語の問題 助けてください。

    1.He is last man 2.I cannot see him 3.It is not long 4.[ ]get angry 5.[ ]his promise 6.He looks 7.She is cheerful 8.Tired sa he was 9.What do you think 10.So great her surprise A.to do such a foolish thing B.he must have forgotten C.that she could not say a word D.before she has a baby E.your father said to you? F.without remembering his father G.he may well H.he kept on working I.as if he had been ill J.as well as intelligent 最初の1~10の文の後にA~Jが続きます。4,5は最初に文が入ります。 どれが繋がり略も書いてくださると助かります。答えがないのでずっと苦戦していました。どうかお助けください。簡単で結構なので理由も書いてくださるとありがたいです。

  • 回答なく困っております!

    回答なく困っております! テストがあるのでお願いします! A. He wants to buy a computer that has at ——— a 100 petabyte hard-disk. 1. least. 2. mostly. 3. well. 4. all B. Please call us if you ——— read that manual before running this software program. 1. will not. 2. have not. 3. had not. 3. are not. C. When ——— the three types of ray? 1. he discover 2. has he discovered 3. did he discovered. 4. he has discovered D. The spec says that the steel should not contain ——— 0.1% of the substance 1. more. 2. more than. 3. less. 4. not less than E. Our company will be ——— productive by using robots. 1. twice as. 2. two more. 3. twice more. 4. another F. I ———— working as a technician in the company for more than five years. 1. do. 2. am. 3. will be. 4. have been. G. He is the most capable team leader I ————. 1. have ever know. 2. ever know. 3. may know. 4. will know H. This motor bike is very fast and powerful, but it is ———— expensive than any other. 1. as. 2. more. 3. much. 4. a lot. I. The number of the computer programmers ———rapidly in the past 20 years. 1. increase. 2. Is increasing. 3. has increased 4. will increase J. Art is ——— important as technology, math and science. 1. just as. 2. such as. 3. even more. 4. the same.

  • on disability

    I have been in a relationship for four years. My partner has fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. When we met, he had just found out. He was still active, working, and we had sex regularly. Fast forward: He is now on disability, not working at all, we rarely sleep together and he never leaves the house. I love him still, but I didn't realize how hard this would be. I know he has a lot to cope with, but it's hard on me as well. on disabilityはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、it's hard on meはit's hard for meとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題です。教えてください。

    主節か従属節かを考えて書き直す問題です。 例 After you break the eggs into a bowl,beat them well. ↓ Beat eggs well after you break them into bowl. (1) As long as Oliver does his job well, the boss does not care what he wear to work.

  • as far as と as much as

    A: Does Jack live in the suburbs or in the center of the city? B: As (  ) as I know, he lives near the center. far/long/ much という問題があって正解は far ですが、どうして much が間違いなのかがわかりません。 As much as I don't want to, I have to agree with that. 嫌々ながら、それには同意せざるを得ない。 という例文がありました。

  • 話法の問題教えてください

    話法の問題教えてください 1書き直しの問題なのですが(   )told,sdaid以外には何がはいりますか? When he said to me what is the matter with me,I said him that I have not slept well. → When he asked me what was the matter with me, I (   ) him that I had not slept well. よろしくお願いします

  • 解説をよろしくお願いします

    He doesn’t want kids and never has, whereas I’ve always wanted to be a mom. The last time the subject came up, he said he would “let our relationship grow until I genuinely want to have children with you,” but that for now, the thought of having kids scares him. that for nowの解説をよろしくお願いします

  • ネイティブ並に話せる方、添削お願いします。

    まだ一度も会っていなくてメールをするのも初めての相手M(友人の弟)へのメールを書きました。上段の和文が言いたいことです。 ですが、Iから始まる文章ばかりになってしまっていたり、言い方が分からなかったり、文法的な間違いもありそうだし、何しろ自然じゃありません。また、「はじめまして」といった感じのことはどう表現すればいいでしょうか?(会ってないけど”nice to meet you.”?) 以上、自然な言い方への添削と、何か気づいたことがあったらアドバイスをお願いします。 ■私はXの友人でWと言います。あなたのメールアドレスは、彼がZ国を発つ時に教えてもらいました。数日前に、Xの夢を見ました。それで、彼に何か進展があったのだろうと思ってメールしました。Xは元気にしてるのか?刑期はどれくらいになったのか?入れられる刑務所は、海兵隊脱走兵専用の厳しいところではなくて、平均的な場所になったのか?そんなことを心配しています。彼はとてもタフで賢い人だから、きっと何があっても大丈夫だと信じてはいるけれど、もし、彼のその後について何か知っていたら、どうか教えてください。PS:私の変な英語、聞き苦しくてごめんなさい。日本からWより。 ■Hi,M I am W and one of X's friend.I got your e-mail adress from him when he left Z. I had a dream about him a couple days ago. Then I thought something might have happend to his situation. I wonder if he's fine, if the jail he has to go is nomal one not the special hard one for a deserter form marines and how long he has to be in a jail. I believe he'd be all right no matter what happens because he's pretty tough and smart we know though if you know what has become of him after that, let me know it please. PS: Sorry about my weird english. W from Japan

  • 英語の問題です。教えてください。

    主節か従属節かを考えて書き直す問題です。 例 After you break the eggs into a bowl,beat them well. ↓ Beat eggs well after you break them into bowl. (1) As long as you get home, let me know. (2) Because this is the seventh time Luke’s been absent, he failed the course.