• 締切済み


内容は指紋についてです。 ※簡易和訳ツールの使用なしでお願いします! Fingerprints were first used in ancient China on cray seals, much like signatures are used on documents today. But it was not until 1880 that Englishman Dr.Henry Faulds, while in Tokyo, made the first identification of a criminal by using fingerprints. Dr Faulds was able to link the greasy fingerprint found on a bottle to a servant who had committed a theft.



「 指紋が最初に使われたのは、古代中国で粘土板に対する捺印であった。それは現在、書類にサインするのと同じ目的であった  しかし犯罪者の割り出しに使われたのは、1880年に東京に滞在中であったイギリス人のヘンリー・フォールズ博士が、窃盗を働いた使用人が皮脂でボトルにつけた指紋を使ったのが最初であった。」 くらいなところでしょうか。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<訳例> 指紋は、粘土の封印の上に、古代中国で、初めて用いられた、今日、文書に、署名が用いられているのとよく似ている。 しかし、1880年になって初めて、英国人のヘンリー・フォールズ博士が、東京にいた時、指紋を用いて犯人の最初の識別をした。フォールズ博士は、ビンに見つかった油の付いた指紋を、窃盗を犯した使用人に結びつけることができた。



  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします(>_<) In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, an Englishman, devised a new system for playing postal fees. In those days most countries required the person who received the letter to play the postage. It was Sir Rowland Hill's idea that ( 24 ) should attach a stamp to show that the necessary postage had been paid. His plan was put into practice, and in 1840 Great Britain issued the first postage stamp, which the person who had written the letter would put on the letter before it was sent. This stamp, known as the Penny Black, showed a picture of Queen Victoria and the woulds “Postage ”and “One Penny.”

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    A German counter-attack on 20 August, forced separate battles on the French armies, which were defeated and forced to retreat in disorder. The German pursuit was slow and Castelnau was able to occupy positions east of Nancy and extend the right wing towards the south, to regain touch with the First Army. During 22 August, the right flank was attacked and driven back 25 kilometres (16 mi) from the position that the offensive had begun on 14 August. The First Army withdrew but managed to maintain contact with the Second Army. Between 24–26 August, both French armies repelled the German offensive at the Trouée de Charmes and subsequently regained the line of 14 August by early September. Casualties In 2009, Herwig used records from the Sanitätsberichte to give 34,598 casualties in the 6th Army during August, with 11,476 dead. In the 7th Army there were 32,054 casualties in August, with 10,328 men killed.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 Shishmaref is located on a tiny island in the Bering sea. To the east you can see the mainland of Alaska. I arrived in season when there in on night - the time of the midnight sun. I often watched the sun start to set and then rise again. The village had only about two hundred people, and I probably met them all in my first two or three days. The young people spoke English, but the older people used Eskimo all the time. I tried to learn a little of the Eskimo language every day, dut it was very difficult. The first thing I learned to say was, " I'm hungry." Their life was very simple and natural. As you may know, Alaska has many wild animals which the Eskimos hunt. These provide them with meat, oil, and skins for clothing. One day when we went hunting, I saw my first grizzly bear. It was majestic. This was the most vivid experience of my first stay in Shishmaref.

  • ざっくりと和訳をお願いします。

    I was interested in purchasing this fine razor but was discouraged to do so for practical reasons. After a bit of research, I've noticed that this razor is only to be used on one side. Not the other. Can you verify this? Or explain how these types of razors are used?

  • 和訳お願いします

    Step by step the station was getting in shape and the time soon came for testing. Edison never for a moment imagined that everything would run smoothly at first; on the other hand,he never thought that his station wouldn't be a success. Many things happened,but the master soon found ways and meas of setting them right,Sometimes comical effects came up that mirth for the newspapers.For instance,on June 29,1882,the first fires were started under the boilers in the first electric power station at 257 Pearl Street,New York City.Tests were undertaken to try out the individual parts under regular working conditions.The steampipes were given pressure tests,and the auxiliary steam engine which operated the coal conveyors and the blowers that were to prevent the accumulation of heat in the armatures,was subjected to time trials.On July 5,the first steam dynamo was started,and the others followed from that time on,during which tests were made with the 1,000-lamp bank installed on the upper floor of the station to give to each steam dynamo a working load before it was switched on to the feeders.The field regulating apparatus was tried and necessary adjustments made.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Thiepval Ridge was the first large offensive mounted by the Reserve Army (Lieutenant General Hubert Gough), during the Battle of the Somme on the Western Front during the First World War. The attack was intended to benefit from the Fourth Army attack in the Battle of Morval, by starting 24 hours afterwards. The battle was fought on a front from Courcelette in the east, near the Albert–Bapaume road to Thiepval and the Schwaben Redoubt (Schwaben-Feste) in the west, which overlooked the German defences further north in the Ancre valley, the rising ground towards Beaumont-Hamel and Serre beyond.

  • 和訳お願いします

    It was Dr.Werner Siemens' initiativeness that brought electric traction definitely before the world,for he was the first to employ grnerated by a series dynamo used as a motor.His apparatus,at that period considered modern,convinced everyone that at last the problem had been switched onto the right track.The little railway proved how futile all work on the motor had been before 1879. Siemons'`series machines'were also used for series arc lighting.Now,examining the picture of his motor,the electrical engineer will see at a glance how inadequately that motor was provided with iron for the poles and cores.Notice also that it used the least effective magnet core winding,which was long and of hardly any breadth.What was modern in 1878-79 was antiquated in1880,for Edison's regeneration of the dynamo worked a revolution in the art.After a look at Edison's electric locomotive of 1880,we aren't surprised that his machine had an efficiency which was more than double that of any dynamo or motor previouslybuilt.The Edison constant potential system also fulfilled the demands of electric traction.

  • 和訳

    Natsume Soseki went to Britain about 100 years ago as a student sent by the Ministry of Education. He was 33 years old and a professor at the Fifth High School in Kumamoto then. He left Yokohama by ship in September 1900,and reached London two months later. Britain was more developed than other countries in those days. There was already a web of underground in London―30 years before the first underground in Tokyo. Everything Soseki saw and heard was a wonder. He enjoyed buying used books,walking in the parks and going to the theaters. He wrote this to his wife: “I wish you could see the wonderful theater shows. In one show,I saw about sixty women dancing on the stage in gorgeous costumes.” Soseki’s life in London,however,was difficult sometimes. The prices were very high for him. He stopped going to college because he felt the tuition was too expensive and the classes were not useful. And being unfamiliar with the city,he often lost his way or took the wrong train when he want out to see the sights. 和訳していただけてたら光栄です。 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。

  • 和訳を教えてください

    下記の文章の後半の訳がわかりません。 どなたかよいアドバイスをお願いします。 I was asked to comment on the first paragraph of the World Broadcastin Union's declaration, a section which states that information technology is not an end in itself, but rather a means to an end. Clearly, the secret is in the content - the information that validates, that brings to life the technology, and not the other way round. この文章の Clearly, 以下の和訳についてどなたか良いアドバイスをお願いします。 ちなみに 文頭の the first paragraph は、第一節 と訳してよいのでしょうか・・・ ここも合わせて教えていただけると、大変たすかります。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 和訳お願いします;;

    When he was sentenced to 15 yaers in jail for robbery Joe MacDonald knew prison life would be tough. After about a yaer he had started to get used to the borebom,plain meals,and limited access to the outside world and to his family. But there was one thing he could't get accustomed to:smoking. Most of the other prisoners smoked,even though it was difficult to get cigarettes,and nowhere was somking banned. The worst thing was that he shared a cell with a man who smoked five packs a day. When Joe asked him at least to cut dwon,he just laughed:Smoking is the only pleasure I have here." Furthermore,when Joe asked prison guards to move him to a call on his own or one with only non-smokers they didn`t take him seriously either. After all,Joe was a criminal and this was a jail,not a holiday resort. They didn`t have enough room to let prisoners choose their own cells. But Joe felt quite serious about the mater,especially when he atarted to get coughs. When the prison doctor visited him he said it was just a cold. But Joe knew that doctors had recognised the dangers of passive smoking,and courts were beginning to support them. It was not only smokers,but non-amokers near them who risked getting lung cancer and heart disease. At least people on the 'outside'had some chance of avoiding smokers. What could he do locked in the same small cell with a smoker up to 23hours a day? Well,he decided,the,8th Amendment of the US Constitution banned "cruel and unusual punishments." Surely being forced to face a serious health risk was just such a punishment? He decided to file a suit against the prison authorities.

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  • 車のヒューズボックスや他の部品を使用し、USBやシガーソケットなどでライトを取り付ける方法を解説します。
  • 知識がない方でも簡単に車にライトを取り付ける方法をご紹介します。