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 いい選択肢ではないが、正しい、正しくない、「最善の方法」(の三つがある)。日本は正気であった、中国も正気だった。,,(私は)どちらがこの島の所有主か知らない。日本は事を荒立てず、最善を尽くした、荒立てても大した利益にはならなかった、、、(日本の正義)しかし(荒立てたら)経済制裁、日本が世界の反感を買うなど、結果は大きかっただろう。  質問者さんの方がこの人をご存知だし、どのようにご説明になったかもご存知なので、僕などより遥かにこれからニュアンスを読み取るのは、適任だと思います。


  • 英訳してください。

    people did not need statistics to know that their societies were growing rapidly.but had the information been available the figures would have proved them right.the population of Europe had been about 100 million in 1650, was almost 170 million a century later, and by 1800 was well past 200 million.

  • 「もう少し画質が良いと、もっと良かった」の訳

    投稿された動画に対して 「ありがとう。でも、もう少し画質が良いと、もっと良かった」 と伝えるにはどう書いたらいいですか? 機械翻訳したら 「Thank you. But it would have been better if the image quality was a little better.」 となりましたがこれで伝わるでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Their situation was now precarious, as their main attacking force was well past the right of the main British infantry positions; infantry in the 52nd (Lowland) Division was closer to the nearest enemy-controlled water source at Katia than most of the attacking force. Had the British infantry left their trenches promptly and attacked in a south easterly direction, von Kressenstein's force would have had great difficulty escaping.

  • 短い英文章ですが、訳をお願いしたいです。

    but if you had walked a mile in MonaLisa's shoes, who's to say you would'nt have been a sour puss,too? 以上の文です。 最後のtooは、一行目の文と関係して「さらに」という感じなんでしょうかね…? 特に would'nt have been の部分が分からないです;

  • この英文の訳を教えてください。

    Many endogeneous plant compounds have been reported to retard the oxidation process in their natural environment and in products to which they have been added.

  • 訳をお願いします。

    He would often think out loud while I was there . Of course, he could have been talking to a bed or a chair just as easily. But it was now a habit was slower than his. But that served to make his own ideas come faster and brighter. This was my part in our relationship. When I arrived at Baker Street, I found him sitting in his armchair. His face deep in thought . It was clear that he was considering some difficult problem. He waved his hand for me to sit down. It was nearly a half hour before he finally looked up. Then he quickly turned to me and smiled. He welcomed me back to what was once my home. he could have been talking to a bed or a chair just as easily. He welcomed me back to what was once my home.上の二行の文でまず、could have been talking 、 just as easily、訳し方がわかりません。また、back to 、what was once my home 訳し方がわかりません。宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (11) Some scholars believe that Amenhotep IV was a normal-looking young man. Their theory is that the distorted human forms artists began drawing at this time were the result of a new artists style. The bodies, neither male nor female, but a bit of both, were meant to show the king as "everything." Other scholars have a different theory. They believe that Amenhotep IV was deformed by disease. They believe the long spidery fingers nd toes, the head that looks like pulled taffy, and the stick arms, full breasts and sagging belly represent a true likeness. Amenhotep IV's mummy has never been found, but if one turns up with an unusual body shape, we'll know who it is. (12) Scholars aren't sure if Amenhotep IV ruled alongside his father for a short time or not. It would have been excellent on-the-job training for the inexperienced prince. It would also have made it crystal clear to anyone who might have designs on the throne that the job was filled. From Amenhotep III's mummy we know toward the end he was fat and in poor health. Two of his teeth on the right side were abscessed. He would have been in constant pain. With Amenhotep IV ruling beside latest painkiller from Cyprus―opium. If he had packed his teeth with opium, he would not have been able to make clear-headed decisions; a co-ruler would have been not only useful, but also necessary. (13) When Amenhotep III died, embalmers used a new method. They injected tree resin and salt under the skin to plump it up nd give the body a more life like look. This innovation was the first in increasingly drastic changes that marked the reign of the rebel Amenhotep IV―a short blip in Egypt's history we know as the Amarna Period.

  • 日本語訳を教えてください

    この英文の訳を教えてください Onkalo presents a difficult conceptual problem for humans : anatomically modern hum a ns have been in existence for around 200,000 years, but thinks how different the first humans would have been. How would you communicate with them?

  • 訳みてください

    Have you been drinking? お酒飲んでるでしょ? You are right about 〇, it is boring but unfortunately this is hotel we have been booked into. 〇についてあなたは正しいことを言っている。 (私は〇は何にもない所だよっていいました。〇は地名です) 私達が予約したホテルは恵まれていない。 You will have to show me somewhere more interesting than 〇. Tanoshimo-yo! あなたは私に〇よりどこか面白いところを見せて。(教えて??)楽しもうよ! (〇は地名です) I have been to Belfast, Northern Ireland. I would not recommend this place. 50% of Northern Irish people hate English people, as Japanese you would not have this problem. I have been to Dublin, Southern Ireland, this is a very lively place, you would enjoy it. 北アイルランドはいったことあるよ。 この場所はお薦めできない。半分の北アイルランド人は英国人をきらう。 ダブリンに行ったことあるよ。ダブリンは南アイルランドでここに住むにはきっと楽しめるよ。 UKemailです。 お願いします

  • 訳を教えてくださいっ;

    訳を教えてくださいっ; They enable him to accomplish much which would otherwise be impossible. Their value lies in their enabling him to Adjust to present circumstances in the light of past events. お願いしますっ;