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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:イギリスで滞在しているものです。)




電話で払いたいならあなたはデビットカードかクレジットカードで支払いできます。また郵便局か銀行に請求書を持っていって支払う事もできます。しょうじさんと陽子さんの請求書を終了させて、請求書の名義をあなたの名前に変更しましょうか?つまりあなたが請求書を引き継ぐという事です。 てな感じでないでしょうか? 私もtakeoverがどうかな~と思いましたが、辞書では以下のような感じでしたが、 奪取{だっしゅ}、〔支配{しはい}・管理{かんり}・所有{しょゆう}などの〕乗っ取り、引き継ぎ{ひきつぎ}、買収{ばいしゅう}、支配権{しはいけん}[管理権{かんりけん}]の取得{しゅとく}、横取り{よこどり}、バトンタッチ、接収{せっしゅう}◆【語源】take overの名詞化 要は同じ請求書を使うけど、名前だけが変わったのか、人が変わったので、請求書も変わるのか、という事ではないかと思います。 よく分からなければ、その人に、もっと簡単な英語で話してくれとか、finalise とtakeoverの意味が分からないから、その辺をもっと簡単に言ってくれと聞いたらいいと思いますよ:-)


  • イギリスでの賃貸実務に詳しい方求む!!

    当方、現在イギリスで語学留学中で、良い賃貸フラットを物色中です。 そんな中たまたま、とあるUKサイト(大家さんとテナントを結びつけるソーシャルサイト)で良いと思える物件を見つけました。 最終的な契約方法やお金の支払方法について大家サイドから下記のような申し出がありました。念のため一番最後にコピペさせていただきます。 質問させていただきたいのは、大家サイドからのオファーは英国の賃貸慣習から見て妥当かどうかということです。当方、イギリスでの賃貸ははじめての経験でして、本当にこの方法でいいのか、騙されていないかということが不安です。 契約方法や賃料の精算方法などなど細かな点でも何でも構いませんので、お気づきの点があればお伺いできればと思います。 なお、現金の授受方法としてWestern Union Money Transferを使用する方法を提案しています。この点についても問題点等ありましたら、ご指摘ください。(大家は私が本当にお金をもっているかどうかという点について、上記Western Union Money Transferを使用したユニークな方法を提案しています。) ちなみに、この物件はロンドン中心地近くに位置しており、大家はバーミンガムに住んでおります(かなり仕事が忙しいとのこと)。 <大家からのメールコピペ> My Lawyer will get a contract ready for you to sign if you like to take the flat after viewing and the keys will be handed over to you immediately after contract has been signed. Also, receipt of payment will be issued to you after which you'l have to sign the lease agreement form. I was discussing with my Lawyer about the idea on how i will be so sure that i will not just waste my time to london without achieving my the aim and she advised that we can work out something via Western Union Money Transfer. She said that Western Union Money Transfer can actually hold the money as an evidence and surety that her tenant will pay her at least for the first month and deposit. She gave me an option on what we can do since you have the funds at hand which will be explained below: PROCEDURE: 1) Transfer the the amount £*** (1 month rent and security deposit) to any of your family members (wife, dad, mum, siblings) or your friend. Your Name (as Sender) to any of your family members (wife, dad, mum, siblings) or your friend (as Receiver) in London or other parts of UK. 2) Scan & Send a copy of the Western Union transaction receipt as a proof of the transaction or mail me the transaction details. (The money is safe as it is only you that can withdraw since you need a national ID card or International passport) 3) Then, we will meet for viewing. 4) If you decide to take the flat, we will go to any local Western Union office close to my flat pick up the money and pay me. (You don't need to come with cash to view, after viewing we will go together, you will withdraw and pay me) 5) Keys will be handed over to you after signing the contracts. I am pretty sure that the transaction at Western Union office will require some charges, i will definitely refund the transaction charges back to you upon viewing and if you don't see what i sent as pictures of my flat to you, you are free to leave without paying me anything. I only want to be sure that i am not going to waste my time this time around and i think with this condition, both of us can be sure we are not wasting our time. I will only rely on your honesty that you have made the transaction so that i can reserve the flat for you. Let me know if you are okay with this so that we can proceed. Thanks so much while i will be waiting to read from you and i am looking forward to meet you and be great friends eventually. NB: PLS DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT TO ME OR IN MY NAME, WHAT I NEED IS JUST AN EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE THE CASH TO PAY ONCE YOU HAVE VIEWED. <終了>

  • canの用法?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より A:Take out those earphones when you talk to me! B:But this connects me to my cellphone. A:Well,make your choise. You can talk to me or you can talk to your phone.「どちらかにして、私と話すか、携帯電話と話すか。」 B:Hold on a sec. I have a call coming in. (質問)[You can talk to me or you can talk to your phone.]の[can]についてお尋ねします。 (質問1)canのフィーリングがつかめません。蓋然性・可能性「~ありうる」だと思いますが、能力「~できる」とも取れます。何かこの感じがつかむ方法はないでしょうか? (質問2)命令文にして[Please talk to me or talk to your phone.]では同じ表現にはならないでしょうか? 何度も同じ様な質問ですみません。よろしくお願いいたします。以上

  • アメリカの若者からのメールなのですが

    アメリカの若者からのメールなのですが このアメリカ人からスノーボードを売ってもらおうと思ってますがよく意味が理解できません。 i dont have pay pal or any of that stuff so if you wanted the boards at this point you would have to send me 350$ for the board and watever the shipping is goin to cost me. as soon as you can do that i can give you a address to send the money too then ill send you the board 特にこの部分なのですが watever the shipping is goin to cost me. 教えてください。お願致します。 送料がわかるまで待っていれば良いのでしょうか?

  • ざっくりと和訳をお願いしたいです

    i can pay instand over pay-pal and shippment via EMS with tracking would be great. the razor that you recomend me are new but not sharpend it is described in the auktion, i would definitly prefer a sharpen one because i have not the kind of skill to refreshe it from scratch. #K156/A0 this one i would rearly like, can you make me also a better price for this or other one, or only for the 2 you send me?

  • 英語翻訳をお願いします

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 I have bad experience with paypal. my card has limited because paypal. My bank suggest me to pay with my master card or visa card, since this two card is always accepted anywhere in the world, specially for a big company and I don't have to pay extra fees for the transaction. do you have creditcard machine? or merchant to process my card? Let me know if we can continue this deal.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    it looks like the paket stucks on customs, so can you tell me please, have write on the paket gift and is there an invoice on or in the the paket? maybee you can send me an invoice via mail over 43 dollar so i can fax it to customs and they send it to me, so i must not drive 50 km and pay 19% tax

  • 和訳を教えて頂けないでしょうか

    I have tried through the post office again with no luck the wheels are too big to meet the size requirement, sooooo frustrating Whack only leaves us the option of USPS or fed ex which both ate 600, ouch if you want me to realist it I can or you can pay the crazy freight, let me know

  • 和訳を添削してください。意味は合っていますか?

    和訳を添削してください。意味は合っていますか? I'll pay the man from myself what amount I can afford, don't think about this money and whatever amount you pay to me for this time. 私は、お金に余裕があるので、彼に支払うことができるでしょう。このお金と、今回あなたが私に支払うお金については考えないで(気にしないで)下さい。 上記は、今回は私が立て替えるので、そのことについては気にしないで。ということで宜しいでしょうか?

  • あってますか?

    返信はいつでも良いよ。 you can reply to me anytime であってますか??

  • 和訳お願いします。 paypal関連です。

    先日、ebayで買い物をしたのですが、支払ページで料金を支払おうとしたのですが、 One or more of the items below cannot be purchased because the seller has not specified shipping costs to the location selected. Change your address or remove the items to continue. You may also contact the seller for an exception. と表示されていて、支払不可能だったので、私から出品者に次のようなメールを送りました。 I have one problem. I try to pay on ebay, but I can not pay when I change my address. I want you to ship Japan. so, is it possible to estimate shipping cost to Japan? and, is it possible send me the invoice again? Thank you. そうすると、出品者から以下のような返事がきました。 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. It would help me if you could make this change of address, then when I print the shipping label, your address is automatically filled in. Because of my teaching schedule this week, I won't be able to mail this until Thursday or Friday. I will send you another invoice for shipment to Japan. Thank you, とのことなのですが、 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. のところの意味があやふやで不安です。 このまま、木曜日か金曜日までまってればいいとのことでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみませんが、英語に詳しい方よろしくお願いします。