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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:”医学論文訳”)



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  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

P7C3の経口投与を30日間行った動物の脳組織をdoublecortin(DCX)で染色しました。 DCXは微小管結合たんぱく質で、神経細胞の発生と最終分化の間に発現する新生神経細胞のマーカーです。 意訳ですが内容はこんなところかと思います。


  • 英語の論文です。要約が訳せません

    大学の論文が訳せません。 Abstract(要約) We apply spiking neurons with dynamic synapses to detect temporal patterns in a multi-dimensional signal. We use a network of integrate-and-fire neurons, fully connected via dynamic synapses, each of which is given by a biologically plausible dynamical model based on the exact pre-and post-synaptic spike timing. Dependent on their adaptable configuration (learning) the synapses automatically implement specific delays. Hence, each output neuron with its set of incoming synapses works as a detector for a specific temporal pattern. The whole network functions as a temporal clustering mechanism with one output per input cluster. The classification capability is demonstrated by illustrative examples including patterns from Poisson processes and the analysis of speech data. 長いのですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 能力を与える?与えない?

    Wntというたんぱく質が作用させる能力についての論文を読んでおります。 最後の文章のほうで Wnt production would selectively suppress expression of GRN in neighboring neurons, rendering them incapable of compensating for haploinsufficiency. という文章がありました。 Wntの産生は選択的に近傍神経のGRNの発現を抑制し、ハプロ不全補正の能力を無効化する なのか ハプロ不全補正の能力がないもの(them)にこれらを与えることができると考えられる。 なのかわかりません。 rendering them 以降の適切な訳をご教授ください。

  • 医学論文訳

    医学論文訳 「Our findings indicate that striatal miR-212 signalling has a key role in determining vulnerability to cocaine addiction, reveal new molecular regulators that control the complex actions of cocaine in brain reward circuitries and provide an entirely new direction for the development of anti-addiction therapeutics based on the modulation of noncoding RNAs.」 ・・難しい・・です・・・。

  • "医学論文訳"

    "医学論文訳" The asterisk beside rno-miR-129 refers to the rno-miR-129*miRNA encoded by the same pre-miRNA transcript that encodes rno-miR-129, but expressed on the opposite arm of the pre-miR-129. ・・わっかんね~。

  • "医学論文訳"

    "医学論文訳" It is thought to increase sensitivity to the motivational effects of cocaine and associated environmental stimuli, culminating in a loss of control over intake. However, recent findings support a more nuanced view in which cocaine also triggers adaptations in brain reward systems that decrease responsiveness to the drug.

  • 医学論文訳

    医学論文訳 At 10μM concentration, it is reasonable to estimate that compounds were administered at low-micromolar to mid-nanomolar concentrations. 難しいです・・。

  • "医学論文訳"

    "医学論文訳" Rats with a history of extended cocaine access demonstrate increasing motivation to obtain the drug, reflected in escalating consumption and higher "break points" under progressive ratio reinforcement schedules. ・・。

  • 医学論文の訳

    医学論文の訳 「An in vivo screen was performed in search of chemicals capable of enhancing neuron formation in the hippocampus of adult mice. 」 summaryの最初の1文で躓いたっす。 どなたかアドバイスを・・。

  • "医学論文訳"

    "医学論文訳" By the 5 day time point, at which time 40% of cells born by day 1 normally die, animals that receive p7c3 a statistically significant, 25% increase in BrdU+ cells compared to vehicle group. 「By the 5 day time point, at which time 40% of cells born by day 1 normally die~」 のところが・・よくわからず。

  • ”医学論文訳”

    ”医学論文訳” This difference progressed with time such that mice that received a daily oral dose of p7c3 for 30 days after the brdu pulse exhibited a 500% increase in abundance of brdu+ cells in the dentate gyrus relative to vehicle controls. 前後の文がないのでわかりにくいと思いますが。。わかる範囲で結構ですので。。