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我々は非常に難しい我々は増加の割合が高い吸収している理由の日付ではなく、我々は免除されているため、変数と固定費を制御するが、働いている我々は、これらのコストを相殺したためです。 Google 翻訳です。


  • 英語の問題

    1:Our dog ( ) for manyweeks,but in the end shecame back. (1)has missed (2)missed (3)was missing (4)was to miss 2:The manager got angry because we ( )finishedthe work by the deadline. (1)had (2)hadn't (3)have (4)haven't 3:After we ( )a few miles one of us had to fall out as a result of a sprained ankle. (1)are (2)had been to (3)had gone (4)were 4:I lost the watch whichmy sister ( )me for mybirthday. (1)gives (2)has given (3)had given (4)will give 5:We want to the beach in his car on Saturday, because our car still won't( ). (1)fixed (2)have been fixed (3)have fixed (4)having been fixed 解答と訳お願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “More than anything, we've been a great live band. The reason why critics didn't like us because they thought we were one thing that we weren't. They thought we sounded like a Seattle band. We proved those critics wrong over our career and changed from album to album.

  • 前置詞について2

    We went to go the beach in his car on Saturday, because our car still won't have been fixed. 上記の英文の in his car の箇所でなぜby his car又はon his carにならないのですか? 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    Just because we don't talk to each other doesn't mean I don't think about you. I just try to distance myself because I know I cann't have you.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    英語が得意な分、翻訳をよろしくお願いいたします。 Hello, We are sorry that the delivered item has not arrived in perfect condition. Unfortunately we do not have empty jewel cases for shipment. As compensation we just refunded the costs of delivery. The chargeback to your account will be transferred by Amazon within the following business days. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us. Kind regards,

  • 翻訳してください!!

    大学の講義内容(教授の研究論文です)なのですが、聞き取ることはできても、しっくりくる日本語に訳せません。 どなたか訳してください!!よろしくお願いします。 Particularly with cars, we want speed, easy access, and no congestion. Having it all is jast not going to happen. We may be able to increase speed and have easier access to desired destinations, but cars are not the answer. Cars need roads, and building roads increases the demand for mobility. Chris Bowers, also writing in ゛the Ecologist", offers a sobering example of this phenomenon. England's M25, which circles London, was intended to carry 80,000 cars a day, according to Bowers. Upon completion, however, the motorway ゛hsd to cope with double that number because of the additional created for Journeyas." Twice as many peple decided to use the expressway simply ゛because it was ther."

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "We're right in the midst of getting a five-song EP together. We have 'Out Of Time', which is currently out there as a single and we have another song called 'Tomorrow', which was recorded when we did 'Out Of Time'. We're looking to release that EP in October and that's really exciting because we're moving forward and we're creating new music that we're all really proud of." Asked if there was a backlash from the STP fan base because of Chester's involvement, Robert said: "I think there was going to be. How many have people have terminated their singer and wanted to terminate their singer? [laughs]

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    So we have to focus on learning English because it is the most useful language not only in Asia but also in other parts of the world.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Robert was also full of praise for his new bandmate, telling Pop-Break.com, "Chester is an amazing human being. "Coming in, we knew we wanted to do this right and sing our songs the way they were supposed to be sung and move forward as a band. "LINKIN PARK will always be his first priority and we respect that. "The guys in LINKIN PARK have been amazing with all this. "Everyone likes to be surrounded by amazing people. We have a great management team, everyone's excited and working hard. We've got a lot of work to do. "There's people out there that really don't like the fact Scott isn't in the band. We have to go out there and prove ourselves. Our goal is to play the best set of songs we can play and really make that count."

  • 教えてください

    たくさんありますがよろしくお願いします 1 3つとも正しい文ですか? Have you ever been to a foreign country? Have you ever been to any foreign countries? Have you ever been to foreign countris? 2 長文読解で本文にMai has been in India since last week.とあります。When did Mai go to India?という質問にShe went there a week ago.と答えると×ですか 3 長文読解でWhy の質問にBecauseをつけないと×ですか 4 バレエをするってどういいますか いろいろすみません よろしくお願いします