• 締切済み




効能:胸焼け、胃酸過多、消化不良、胃のむかつきなどの諸症状。 用量:症状のあるときに1錠か2錠を咀嚼。 繰り返し症状があるときには医師へご相談下さい。 ============================================== フリーダムは全く新しい独自の薬用製剤です。頭皮のトラブルにおける一般的なフケ用シャンプーにくらべて効果のあることが証明され、医師によって推薦されています。 用法:使用前によく降ってご使用下さい。 髪を濡らし、フリーダムをよく泡立てるようにマッサージして下さい。 ドライタオルでしっかりと髪を包み込み、3分間その状態で放置して下さい。 その後しっかりと洗い流して下さい。 はじめは週に2回の試用とし、そのご必要に応じてご使用下さい。 注意:1週間以内にパーマや染髪をした場合には使用しないで下さい。 子供の手の届かないところに保管して下さい。 宝飾品や金属などにかからないよう注意して下さい。 外用のみ





  • 翻訳、お願いします。

    翻訳、お願いします。 INDICATIONS:For the reller of heartburn,sour stomach or acid indigestion and upset stomach associated with these symptoms. DIRECTIONS:Chew 1 or 2 tablets as sypmptoms ococur. Repeat hourly if symptoms return,or as directedby physician. Freedom is an entirely new and unique medical formulation which has proven more effective than ordinary dandruff shampoos in dealing with scalp problems.Recommended by doctrs. Directions:Shake the bottle well before use.Wet hair,and massage in enough Freedom to from a thick lather .Wrap a dry towel around the head to completely cover the hair,and leave for three minutes.Rinse thoroughly and repeat.Use twice wekly initially,and then as often as necessary. Cautions:Do not use within one week of permanenting or drying.Keep out reach of children.Avoid contact with jewelry and metal surfaces.FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • 和訳(翻訳)お願いします。(早く、急いで!!)

    和訳(翻訳)お願いします。(早く、急いで!!) INDICATIONS:For the reller of heartburn,sour stomach or acid indigestion and upset stomach associated with these symptoms. DIRECTIONS:Chew 1 or 2 tablets as sypmptoms ococur. Repeat hourly if symptoms return,or as directedby physician. Freedom is an entirely new and unique medical formulation which has proven more effective than ordinary dandruff shampoos in dealing with scalp problems.Recommended by doctrs. Directions:Shake the bottle well before use.Wet hair,and massage in enough Freedom to from a thick lather .Wrap a dry towel around the head to completely cover the hair,and leave for three minutes.Rinse thoroughly and repeat.Use twice wekly initially,and then as often as necessary. Cautions:Do not use within one week of permanenting or drying.Keep out reach of children.Avoid contact with jewelry and metal surfaces.FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • !!至急どうか翻訳をお願いします!!!!!!

    Free to use for commercial and non commercial work no credit or link back needed, but please don’t redistribute or sell them as your own. この英文の翻訳をしてくださいませんか どうかお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします!

    A bout is won by forcing the opponent out of the inner circle or by throwing him down in the ring. A wrestler loses when any part of his body, such as a finger, touches the ground, or when any part of his body goes outside the circle which is formed by small bales of sand and has a diameter of only about 4.5 meters. Striking with fists, pulling hair, choking, and kicking in the stomach or chest are prohibited. Since there is no weight limit, it is possible for wrestlers to compete against opponents twice their own size.

  • 翻訳

    Patients with anaphylaxis to medications should be informed about all cross-reacting medications that should be avoided. Should there be a future essential indication for use of the medication causing anaphylactic reactions, it may be helpful to educate patients about possible management options, such as medication pretreatment and use of low osmolarity agents in patients with a history of reactions to radiographic contrast media, or induction of drug tolerance procedures (also known as drug desensitization).

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    ネットのエキサイト翻訳などを使っていたのですが、途中から訳が分からなくなりました。 アメリカからノコギリヤシサプリメントを取り寄せたのですが、注意書きが読めません。 情けないですが、お願いします。 Take one capsule three to five times daily, preferably with meals, Capsules may be opened and prepared as a tea. Other Ingredient:Gelatin. This product is intended for use by men and is not intended for use by women. If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Do not use if seal under cap bloken or missing.

  • 至急、翻訳お願いします。

    至急、翻訳お願いします。 どなたか至急翻訳して頂けませんか? 長文で申し訳ありませんが、自分では訳せず困っています。。 よろしくお願いします。 Meat, game and poultry Following the healdlscares of recent years, your best bet is to choose organic beef approved by Soil Assodation farmers who maintain organic standards, use natural food with which to feed their cattle and no giowth-promoting drugs, and who are ultimately concerned with animal we1fare.The best beef comes from animals that are about eighteen months old,but this must be matured,or‘hung',for ten to twenty days at low temperatures in 'order to tenderise it and improve its flavour and keeping qualities. The lean meat on Properly hung beef should be a deep-plum-red colour and slightly moist. lt should have a good outer covering of fat, creamy to pale yellow in colour and of firm texture.       The tastiest and healthiest pork comes from pigs that have been kept outside and allowed the freedom to live as natural a life as possible.The best pork should be pink, smooth and firm to the touch;freshly cut surfaces should look sligtly moist and there should be no excessive fat.The fat should be firm and a clear, milky white in colour; avoid cuts with soft, grey and oily fat. The skin, or rind, should be thin, pliable, smooth and free of hairs.  Choosing good lamb is relatively simple. Lambs cannot be factory farmed and their Pasture is not normally sprayed, so most lamb is free from chemical residues.The time of year when slaughtering takes place affects the appearance of the meat: good-quality, winter lamb is dark red, with creamy;marbled fat, while spring lamb is slightly lighter (dark pink), with white fat.  Although many types of game are commercially frozen and therefore available all year round, the flavour is at its best in freshly killed and well-hung game,which is available in autumn and winter. It is best to purchase game from a reputable butcher who knows the origins and hanging times of the meat that he is selling.

  • 英文契約書の翻訳をお願いします。困ってます。

    タイトルの通りなのですが、英文の賃貸契約書を友人から少し訳して、と言われ気楽に引き受けたのですが、冒頭から普段目にしない英語ばかりで頭の中が??? で困っています。 以下の文です。よろしくお願いします。 「(...) together with the use in common with the Landlord and others having the like right of the common entrances, staircases, landings, lavatories and passages of the Building and of the escalators (if any) and lifts as provided by the Landlord (whenever the same shall be operating) EXCEPT AND RESERVED unto the Landlord and all persons authorized by the Landlord or otherwise entitled thereto: 」 で以下、ずらずらと権利が箇条書きで並んでいます。 どなたかイギリス英語が得意な方お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Were the observer, whether casual or skilled, to reside for some length of time in an asylum, and thus to make himself practically acquainted with the ways, thoughts, and feelings of its inmates, he would certainly discover how great a mistake it is to suppose, as is often done, that they are always so alienated from themselves and from their kind as not to be influenced by the same motives as sane persons [are influenced] in what they do or forbear to do. When an insane person is on his trial for some criminal offence, it is commonly taken for granted by the lawyers that if an ordinary motive for the act, such as anger, revenge, jealousy, or any other passion, can be discovered, there is no ground to allege insanity, or, at any rate, no ground to allege exemption from responsibility by reason of insanity. The ideal madman whom the law creates is supposed to act without motives, or from such motives at it enters not into the mind of a sane person to conceive; and if some one, who is plainly mad to all the world, acts from an ordinary motive in the perpetration of an offence, he is presumed to have acted sanely and with full capacity of responsibility. No greater mistake could well be made. Much of the success of the modern humane treatment of insanity rests upon the recognition of two principles: first, that the insane have like passions with those who are not insane, and are restrained from doing wrong, and constrained to do right, by the same motives which have the same effects in sane persons; secondly, that these motives are only effective within limits, and that beyond these limits they become powerless, the hope of reward being of no avail, and the expectation or infliction of punishment actually provoking more unreason and violence.

  • 翻訳教えてください

    あるNDAを翻訳していますが、以下がよくわかりません。 教えていただけませんか? 1.The term disclosing party may mean any party of this agreement according to situation and type of information,as much as he/she is the source of the confidential information and he/she have the rights of disclosure. ここのas much asの訳し方はどうすれば自然でしょうか? Althoughの意味ですか? 2.All parties agreed that , any party that do not fulfill or violate or do not assure the continuous existing and happing of the herein points and conditions by this Agreement is obliged to compensate the injured party with a sum of …………………………….. plus paying all costs of damages resulting. 賠償条項ですが、よくわかりません。