• 締切済み



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

「多くの」と訳すのはどうかな、と思った程度です。  880号線の西、パシフィック・コモンズ・ショッピング・センターに近い場所の主要な小売店やスタジアム用地の地主による反対の声が大きくなったために、その計画は頓挫した。





  • ballparksofbaseball.comsというサイトに下記の文

    ballparksofbaseball.comsというサイトに下記の文章がありますが、英語力不足で、イマイチスッキリと理解出来ませんので、ご教示頂ければ幸いです。 Those plans have been derailed due to increased opposition from major retailers and the owner of the stadium site, west of Interstate 880, near the Pacific Commons shopping center. この文章の中の major retailers and the owner of the stadium site, west of Interstate 880, near the Pacific Commons shopping center. という部分の訳は「the Pacific Commons shopping centerの近くで、Interstate 880の西にあるスタジアム用地付近の多くの小売業者やオーナー達」でよいでしょうか? 適切な日本語訳をご教示願います。

  • 次の文の英訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    Close to the castle is an attractive shopping centre, noted for its wealth of Victorian and Edwardian roofed arcades amongst more modern developments. Also close by-its position unusually central for a major sports stadium-is Millennium Stadium, the spiritual home of rugby for fans the world over.

  • 英語のご指摘お願いします。

    英語の指摘お願いします。 A certain pearl ridge is the second largest shopping center in Waikiki near the Diamond Head. This shopping center sell macademia nut,chocolate and cof fee of Hawiiao famous souvenir. The Hawaiian famous cna coffe having rich sweet aroma and not bitter. Next,We eat dinner in How Tree Lanai. This restausant having Egg Benedict and lobster of Hawaiian dish. The scenery is very good. You can see a beautiful sunset from How Tree Lanai. なにか変はとこがあればご指摘お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を日本文にして下さい。

    Prior to the battle, isolated fighting around Lone Pine had begun early in the Gallipoli campaign. At around 7:00 a.m. on the first day of the Australian and New Zealand landings at Anzac Cove, 25 April 1915, elements of the Australian force had pushed through to Lone Pine in an effort to destroy an Ottoman artillery battery that had been firing down upon the landing beach. Before the Australians could engage the battery, the Ottomans had withdrawn to a ridge to the south-west, which the Australians later dubbed "Third Ridge" (or "Gun Ridge"). Pressing further inland, troops from the 6th Battalion had attempted to reach the ridge, crossing a wide valley (later known as "Legge Valley"), but they were pushed back when an Ottoman regiment, the 27th, had launched a counterattack from the south-east towards Lone Pine at 10:00 a.m., with the objective of retaking the 400 Plateau. Rolling up the 6th Battalion, the Ottomans pushed the Australians back to Pine Ridge, a finger of land that jutted south from Lone Pine towards Gaba Tebe. Taking heavy casualties, the Australians withdrew north to Lone Pine, where they were able to establish a defensive position. As reinforcements were brought up from New Zealand units, in the afternoon a second Ottoman regiment, the 77th, arrived and heavy hand-to-hand fighting ensued before the counterattack was blunted. Further fighting around Lone Pine continued throughout the early stages of the campaign, but eventually a stalemate developed in which neither side was able to advance and static trench warfare began. In early July 1915, while making plans for an offensive to break the deadlock that had developed around the Gallipoli Peninsula following the initial landings in April, the commander of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, Lieutenant General William Birdwood, had determined that an attack at Lone Pine could be used to divert Ottoman attention away from a main attack that would be launched by a combined force of British, Indian and New Zealand troops further north around Sari Bair, Chunuk Bair and Hill 971. The Australian 1st Infantry Brigade was chosen to undertake the attack on Lone Pine, and consisted of about 3,000 men, under the command of a British officer, Colonel Nevill Smyth. Along with the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Brigades, the 1st Infantry Brigade was part of the Australian 1st Division. The division's commander was Brigadier General Harold Walker, a British officer who had replaced Major General William Bridges as temporary commander after Bridges had been killed by a sniper in May. Walker did not like the idea of launching an attack at Lone Pine, let alone a mere diversion, but when General Sir Ian Hamilton, the commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, insisted the attack proceed, through thorough planning, Walker endeavoured to give his troops the best chance of success possible on such an unfavourable battleground.

  • 下記の英文を訳して下さい。

    On 7 June, Falkenhayn met the 6th Army commanders and accepted their claim that only with fresh troops could the 6th Army positions be held. The 5th and 123rd divisions were sent to the 6th Army and XIX Saxon Corps was relieved by IV Corps on 14 June. The 117th Division was moved from the Lorette Spur beyond the Béthune–Lens road for a rest but around Liévin and Angres, the 7th Division (Lieutenant-General Riedel) and 8th Division (Major-General von Hanstein) held decrepit trenches which could not be repaired at night because French searchlights illuminated the ground to catch German troops in the open. At Schlammulde south of the Aix-Noulette–Souchez road was relatively protected from French artillery-fire but was covered in corpses, which revolted the troops who could not bury the dead. Many attempts were made to close a 330 yd (300 m) gap to a switch trench, which led towards the sugar refinery and Souchez. Two breastworks had been built near the Château and more fortifications had been built in Souchez. An absence of attacks in the 16th Division area had been used to repair the defences from Souchez to Hill 123 but the trenches in the 5th Division (Major-General von Gabain) area were derelict. In the I Bavarian Reserve Corps area, the 58th Division still held much of the Labyrnthe and to the south the 1st Bavarian Reserve Division and the exhausted 52nd Reserve Infantry Brigade, which had held the line since the beginning of the offensive were still in the original front line, although the trenches were severely damaged. The German artillery had been reorganised into divisional groups and batteries south of the Scarpe, maintained flanking fire on the French guns north of the river. A new trench line ordered by Lochow had been dug from Loos to Lens, Vimy and Thélus and a new line was planned east of Lens to Oppy and Feuchy, far enough back to negate the tactical advantage of artillery support from Vimy Ridge, should it be captured. Signs of another French attack increased and on 14 June, French reconnaissance patrols were active from Angres to Neuville and French artillery-fire grew in intensity. Super-heavy shells sufficient to penetrate concrete shelters fell in Souchez, Givenchy, Thélus and Farbus, destroying command posts and staging areas. At dawn on 16 June, much of the German wire had been cut, many trenches had been demolished and the defending infantry had suffered many casualties. At noon, the French attacked from Liévin to the Scarpe, with little return fire from the German artillery, which had been suppressed by counter-battery fire and under observation from French aircraft, which flew overhead unchallenged.

  • 下記の英文を和訳して下さい。

    The citation for Dartnell's VC On 3 September 1915, near Maktau, Kenya, during a mounted infantry engagement, the enemy were so close that it was impossible to get the more severely wounded away. Lieutenant Dartnell, who was himself being carried away wounded in the leg, seeing the situation, and knowing that the enemy's black troops murdered the wounded, insisted on being left behind, in the hope of being able to save the lives of other wounded men. He gave his own life in a gallant attempt to save others. The First Battle of the Isonzo was fought between the Armies of Italy and Austria-Hungary on the Italian Front in World War I, between 23 June and 7 July 1915. The aim of the Italian Army was to drive the Austrians away from its defensive positions along the Soča (Isonzo) and on the nearby mountains. Although the Italians enjoyed a 2:1 numeric superiority, their offensive failed because the Italian commander, Luigi Cadorna, employed frontal assaults after impressive (but short) artillery barrages. The Austrians had the advantage of fighting from uphill positions barricaded with barbed wire which were able to easily resist the Italian assault. The Italians had some early successes. They partially took Monte Nero (Monte Krn), took Monte Colowrat, and captured the heights around Plezzo. However, they were unable to dislodge the Austro-Hungarian troops from the high ground between Tolmino and the Isonzo, which would later form a launching off point for the Caporetto Offensive. The heaviest fighting occurred around Gorizia. In addition to the natural defenses of the river and mountains, bastions were created at Oslavia and Podgora. The fighting at Gorizia consisted of street-by-street urban combat interspersed with artillery fire. Italian troops, such as the Italian Re and Casale Brigades, were able to advance as far as the suburbs but could get no further and were driven back. They made small footholds at Adgrado and Redipuglia on the Karst Plateau south of Gorizia but were unable to do much else. On the Austrian-Hungarian side two commanders distinguished themselves: Major General Géza Lukachich von Somorja, commander of the 5th Mountain Brigade, who retook Redipuglia, and Major General Novak von Arienti who retook Hill 383 with his 1st Mountain Brigade. Early in July the commander of the Austrian Fifth Army, General Svetozar Boroević, received two reinforcement divisions, which put an end to the Italian efforts at breaking through the Austrian lines. The final Italian gains were minimal: in the northern sector, they conquered the heights over Bovec (Mount Kanin); in the southern sector, they conquered the westernmost ridges of the Kras plateau near Fogliano Redipuglia and Monfalcone. The First Battle of the Isonzo 第一次イゾンツォの戦い

  • The West is color……どう訳せばいいのでしょうか。

    お世話になります。アメリカ人作家Jessamyn Westの言葉なのですが どう訳せばいいのかわからず困っています。 The West is color. Its colors are animal rather than vegetable, the colors of earth and sunlight and ripeness. ご教示いただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • black dot とは?

    Captain Briggs decided to sail north of Santa Maria Island in Azores to escape the wind. At 5 a.m. on the morning of the 25th, the Mary Celeste was near the black dot to the west of the island. At 8 a.m. it was near the black cross northeast of the island. 上記の文中の"black dot" とか"black cross" とはどういう意味でしょうか? どこかの地点でしょうか??ご教示頂けないでしょうか。いつもありがとうございます。

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2文の和訳をしたいのですが、うまくできません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 1文目の途中まで自分でやってみた和訳も載せています。 間違いがあれば、それも指摘してほしいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。 In addition to ranking and profiling the cities in terms of overall international retailer presence, the report examines the impact of technology on our changing retail spaces, analyses rents within each market, and how rental levels are influenced by the differing role of the store. 小売ブランドが多く出店する各都市の分析とそれぞれのランキングに加え、このレポートでは各都市の賃料相場や入居するテナントによって賃料がどのように影響を受けるのかを分析し、小売ブランドがその都市へ進出する際の,,,? The report also identifies which are the major exporter countries of international retailer brands and the most expansive retailers, and examines their varying routes to market.

  • 文の意味がよくわかりません

    下記の文の構造がよくわからないので、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 So far, Tcho has West Coast distribution networks covered and is working to secure distribution throughout other major metropolitan areas. 補足 【前の文章】 "Our sales are growing at a very rapid pace, especially considering the current economy," said Rob Kopf, director of sales at Tcho, noting that it typically takes between two and three years to break even in a market as crowded as the one for chocolate. "We're not looking to necessarily take over the chocolate universe, but at the same extent we don't want to stay as a tiny little local player," said Kopf. So far, Tcho has West Coast distribution networks covered and is working to secure distribution throughout other major metropolitan areas. 【出展】:VOA http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/New-US-Chocolate-Maker-Trying-to-Break-Into-World-Market-112894294.html