• 締切済み


以下の文章を翻訳しようとしているのですが、日本語が母国語じゃないため、正しいかどうかチェックしていただきたいと思い、メッセージを書きました。一応、自分なりに翻訳をしてみたのですが、何かがおかしいので、指摘していただければ助かります。よろしくお願いします。 (1) "Describe a specific project the beneficiary was involved in abroad that enhanced the employer’s productivity, competitiveness, image, or financial position. Indicate how many other employees were assigned to this project" 「雇用主の生産性、競争力、イメージ並びに財政状態を向上させた受益者が海外で関わっていた特定プロジェクトを描写してください。」 (2)“Explain what advantage the beneficiary’s knowledge has brought to the foreign entity in the international market. Explain how this knowledge has been applied in the international market.” 「国際市場における外国事業体に対し、申請者が持つ知識はどのような利点を与えたのか説明してください。当該知識が国際市場内でどのように充当されたか説明してください。」 (3) “Explain how the duties the alien performed abroad are different from those of other workers employed by the petitioner or other U.S. employers in this type of position. Provide documentary evidence of the beneficiary’s advance or specialized knowledge.” 「外国人が海外で遂行した職務と申請者において雇用されている、あるいは___________その他の従業員における職務遂行の違いを説明してください。 申請者における____や専門知識に関する証拠書類を提出してください。」


  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

質問者さんの日本語訳のなかでもbeneficiaryの訳が「受益者」と「申請者」の2種類存在します。 この英文はJob Applicationまたは、企業のpre-qualification申請書でしょうか? 契約書ではよく「企業主、施主」のことを「employer」と表示します。 文面からすると請負業者・企業に対する質問状のようなので、私が読んだ第一印象では「申請社(者)」の方がピッタリするように思います。 しかし、「受益者」「申請社」「申請者」「雇用主」「企業主」「施主」などは、適宜変更してください。  以上を元に、日本語訳を拝見すると質問者さんの日本語で十分だと思います。 ただ、少し並び替え替えを行いますか? (1)申請社(者)がかかわった海外でのプロジェクトの中で、施主の生産性、競争力、イメージ、財務向上に貢献したものがあれば詳述しなさい。 そのプロジェクトに従事した従業員数を示しなさい。 (2)申請社(者)が用いた知識に関して、海外市場における利点を説明しなさい。 その知識を国際市場においてどのように適用したか説明しなさい。 (3)この種の業務において、外国企業と米国企業の従業員の間に業務遂行に関して違いがあれば説明しなさい。申請社(者)の先進的、もしくは専門的知識に関する証明書類があれば提出しなさい。 以上、いかがでしょうか。。。



丁寧に説明してくれて本当にありがとうございます。 おかげさまで助かりました!



  • 翻訳お願いします。

    この文章の翻訳できるかたお願いします。 Our interest here is to see how deconstruction looks towards the limits of the image through this process of diachronics. In other words, how deconstruction allows us to see the diachronic shifts as a positioning of a limit.

  • This is, in fact, the aim

    This is, in fact, the aim of education : not just to give information about this or that, but to relate bits and piece of knowledge to each other in a unified vision or understanding of life. 日本語訳をお願いします! できるだけ意訳ではなく直訳でお願いします。

  • ざっくりと和訳をお願いします。

    I was interested in purchasing this fine razor but was discouraged to do so for practical reasons. After a bit of research, I've noticed that this razor is only to be used on one side. Not the other. Can you verify this? Or explain how these types of razors are used?

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    But apart from of any potential payoff, I believe that the quest for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is irreplaceable. It seems to me essential that a developed nation participate in this expansion of knowledge for the good of all mankind, and that it devote to this effort a fraction of its resources, even without any film hope of material benefit in return. If unexpected applications do materialize as a bonus, so much the better. A few remarks are in other, however. This“pure”science does have an obligation. It must produce truly original results. There is no place for research which merely reproduces, expect for a detail or two, an experiment already successfully performed. But how does one judge the degree of novelty? At present, this difficult evaluation is carried out informally, by the seat of the pants so to speak, by the scientific community-not entirely without errors or injustices, to be sure, but, by and large, with fairly satisfactory results. A word of caution:it does sometimes happen that, in order to reach a particular goal, several avenues prove feasible, utilizing very different means, some quite elaborate, others much simpler or considerably less costly. Should one, for instance, send humans into space, or should one rely on unmanned spacecraft? One must constantly remain alert to the danger that research might get mired in enormous projects of doubtful utility. This is the responsibility that scientists must assume on behalf of the taxpayers of their respective countries.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    英語出来る方翻訳おねがいします><;; We witness a remarkably similar process in the terrorist's construction of the image, including how much slippage is involved in the manifestation and interpretation of those image. The targets on September 11 were chosen as much as images by the terrorists than for any other single reason, more perhaps than as politically or strategically damaging.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    Let‘s start with this odd couple, so often cast as adversaries. FUNDAMENTAL RESEACH, A NECESSARY RESPONSIBILITY OF DEVELOPED NATIONS To find out how the world functions, from the atom to the galaxies, from minerals to living beings, is an exalting quest. This progress of knowledge is independent of any practical result that might ultimately be derived from such an effort. The journey of the Voyager spacecraft to the edge of the solar system needs no other justification than the harvest of knowledge that rewarded us. The discovery of the double helix structure of the genetic code would have been satisfaction enough, even without the phenomenal practical possibilities that we envision today. Trapping a single atom in a cell and “cooling”it with laser beams down to one millionth of a kelvin is another marvelous experiment, just mastered recently, and (so far)devoid of any practical use. One can sometimes justify fundamental research by projecting the potential, hidden applications that it might spawn. The study of the electronic properties of solids was pregnant with the invention of the transistor, the fabulous development of microelectronics, the advent of digital technology. Spectroscopy gave birth to the invention of the laser, which revolutionized communications. But apart from of any potential payoff, I believe that the quest for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is irreplaceable. It seems to me essential that a developed nation participate in this expansion of knowledge for the good of all mankind, and that it devote to this effort a fraction of its resources, even without any film hope of material benefit in return. If unexpected applications do materialize as a bonus, so much the better. A few remarks are in other, however. This“pure”science does have an obligation. It must produce truly original results. There is no place for research which merely reproduces, expect for a detail or two, an experiment already successfully performed. But how does one judge the degree of novelty? At present, this difficult evaluation is carried out informally, by the seat of the pants so to speak, by the scientific community-not entirely without errors or injustices, to be sure, but, by and large, with fairly satisfactory results. A word of caution:it does sometimes happen that, in order to reach a particular goal, several avenues prove feasible, utilizing very different means, some quite elaborate, others much simpler or considerably less costly. Should one, for instance, send humans into space, or should one rely on unmanned spacecraft? One must constantly remain alert to the danger that research might get mired in enormous projects of doubtful utility. This is the responsibility that scientists must assume on behalf of the taxpayers of their respective countries.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    長いですがよろしくお願いします。 Let‘s start with this odd couple, so often cast as adversaries. FUNDAMENTAL RESEACH, A NECESSARY RESPONSIBILITY OF DEVELOPED NATIONS To find out how the world functions, from the atom to the galaxies, from minerals to living beings, is an exalting quest. This progress of knowledge is independent of any practical result that might ultimately be derived from such an effort. The journey of the Voyager spacecraft to the edge of the solar system needs no other justification than the harvest of knowledge that rewarded us. The discovery of the double helix structure of the genetic code would have been satisfaction enough, even without the phenomenal practical possibilities that we envision today. Trapping a single atom in a cell and “cooling”it with laser beams down to one millionth of a kelvin is another marvelous experiment, just mastered recently, and (so far)devoid of any practical use. One can sometimes justify fundamental research by projecting the potential, hidden applications that it might spawn. The study of the electronic properties of solids was pregnant with the invention of the transistor, the fabulous development of microelectronics, the advent of digital technology. Spectroscopy gave birth to the invention of the laser, which revolutionized communications. But apart from of any potential payoff, I believe that the quest for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is irreplaceable. It seems to me essential that a developed nation participate in this expansion of knowledge for the good of all mankind, and that it devote to this effort a fraction of its resources, even without any film hope of material benefit in return. If unexpected applications do materialize as a bonus, so much the better. A few remarks are in other, however. This“pure”science does have an obligation. It must produce truly original results. There is no place for research which merely reproduces, expect for a detail or two, an experiment already successfully performed. But how does one judge the degree of novelty? At present, this difficult evaluation is carried out informally, by the seat of the pants so to speak, by the scientific community-not entirely without errors or injustices, to be sure, but, by and large, with fairly satisfactory results. A word of caution:it does sometimes happen that, in order to reach a particular goal, several avenues prove feasible, utilizing very different means, some quite elaborate, others much simpler or considerably less costly. Should one, for instance, send humans into space, or should one rely on unmanned spacecraft? One must constantly remain alert to the danger that research might get mired in enormous projects of doubtful utility. This is the responsibility that scientists must assume on behalf of the taxpayers of their respective countries.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 変な部分は意訳していただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Certain peoples destinies are joined together mystically before birth. They are destined. As though the stars have ordained the union of spirits long ago in some other life, or some other world, the souls are joined. We might say simply the two people are meant for each other, it is this partner, this Soul Mate who shows so graphically in your chart. The one whose life and fate is bound up with yours. Other partners or lovers may show too, but not with the same intensity. In this third reading I will endeavor to answer your questions, and reveal more of the secret destiny that love has in store for you.

  • 翻訳してください。。。

    こんにちわ。英語がものすごくむずかしくて翻訳に苦戦してます。。。EXCITEの翻訳などもしようしたのですが、文章が変でわかりずらいので、教えてください! Indicate the socio-cultural complex or culture selected, name and provide a brief description of the general cultural patterns of the society or more significant societies(limit this part to one or two I.E. the U.S. and Ireland) within which each socio-cultural complex or belief system occurs. Be sure to include data on typical settlement patterns, subsistence and economic patterns, social and political organization, and the dominant religion in those societies where the complexes are found. Then, discribe the general parameters of the social manifestation of each complex selected( in other words, tell how people in the society come to know about, understand, and experience each socio-cultural complex in the social system where the complex occurs). Describe the ways in which average "folk" find out about and experience the religion of the society. 本当に長くてすみません。。。自分でも翻訳してみたものの意味があまり理解できずにいます。。。よろしくおねがいします。

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 The Internet is the other major networking technology. It started as a research project in the late 1960s, but has since grown exponentially to interconnect tens of millions of computers around the world. At present the Internet carries computer data traffic almost exclusively, with little voice or video traffic. Chapter3 is an introduction to the Internet.

  • 別れた恋人から4年ぶりに電話が来た。以前の未練と執着心はなくなっていたが、彼女からの意味深な電話に動揺した。
  • 電話番号が間違って登録されたため、彼女とは思わぬ再会となった。しかし、連絡後に急な音信不通になり、相手の気持ちに疑問を抱いている。
  • 電話は最後のお別れの意味合いがあるのかもしれないと感じた。自分自身が未練や執着を手放したことを示す電話だったのかもしれない。