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ちょっと忙しく、ずっと、こちらのサイトを見ていなかったので、補足がついていることに気が付きませんでした。ご返事が遅くなりすいません。 1.Tom named the boy とthe boy named Tomではニュアンスは違ってくるのでしょうか?Tom named the boy がthe boy で具体性を持つと考えられるでしょうか?    普通、Tom named the boy は、どんな意味になるか、それを考えると分かると思いますが、この場合は、成立しません。 2.entireを全、すべて のように訳したのですがThe hockey-crazed entire nation のようにしてentire nation をすべての国民というふうにくっつけるのは駄目なのでしょうか?   よく思うのですが、何がどうなっているかということを表すために前置修飾の順番があるのではないでしょうか? a red used car と a used red car はどう違うのでしょうか? 前者は「赤い中古車」であり、後者は「使い古した赤い車」というニュアンスが出るのだと思います。つまり、それぞれ独立した概念を持った前置修飾語がどういう順番になっているかということは、どの概念が上位か下位かを表しているように思えます。ただ、entire の場合、多分、そういった上位下位の入れ替わりがあるようなものではなく、常に、上位に来るように思います。つまり、冠詞やall, my のような決定詞と同じような使い方になるのではないでしょうか?なぜなら、「全体」とか「全部」というとき、何を判断基準にしてその構成メンバーかどうかを判断する要素が下位になければ、全体・全部という判断そのものができません。





  • 英文法について

    下記英文に関して The entire hockey-crazed nation was stunned when Zack Parise scored to tie the game for the U.S. with 24.4 seconds remaining in regulation. The entire hockey-crazed nation の語順をThe entire nation crazed hockey にしたとします。crazed hockey を形容詞的に使った後置修飾とした場合はニュアンスは異なってくるでしょうか? nationの強調が後者は弱まるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 文法語法です

    A high perbentage of communication between two or more people (is) (silence),during which no voice activity (take) place. George and his wife somehow managed to (raise) their many children,in spite of being (facing) with various difficulties after (leaving) their country. Last might John (slept) so long when he (woke) up,he felt completely (renew). The longer I waited to hear the (results) of the game,the (least) sure I became of our chances of (winning). 各問題にある3つの()のうちどれかに文法,語法の誤りがあります。それはどの()か,正しい語形はなにか,を教えてくれませんか?お願いします

  • この文の意味が分かりません。(*´ェ`*)

    When things break, it’s not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again. It’s because a little piece gets lost - the two remaining ends couldn’t fit together even if they wanted to. The whole shape has changed. 自分なりに訳してみました。(かなりお粗末ですが・・・お勉強のため・・・) なにかがダメになった時それは実際だめになったわけではなく再びそれをさけるためである。 次分かりません。 ふたつの始まりと終わりは・・・たとえそれらがそうしたくても。 全ての形が変わっていくのです。 んー、自分でも訳して意味が意味が分かりませんが・・・練習練習。 文法・決まり文句・熟語・正しい訳など教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Like any relationship, there are some issues. Unfortunately, after having been alone for so long, I simply don’t know if these issues are minor, or legitimate death sentences. My guess is each of these is connected, and when combined they might doom this relationship. The first is proximity: We met at a bar, and at the end of the night found out we lived in the same apartment building, on the same floor, 50 feet away from each other. There are clear benefits to this. The convenience is great. That said, I’m very much an introvert used to living my entire adult life alone. It’s been a complete shock to have someone always there, if not physically then with the knowledge that in ten seconds they could be. if not physically then with the knowledge that in ten seconds they could beの訳をよろしくお願いします。could beの後に何か略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 訳仕方が不明瞭です

    たくさんあるのですがよろしくお願いいたします。 1.The careers of some Singapore women may have ended on the backburner because of the country's regionalisation drive. (訳)シンガポールの女性で、キャリアを持つ人たちは、国の地域主義政策で、裏方へ回っているかもしれない。 とありますが、 ・regionalisation drive で「地域主義政策」なんて訳せますか? ・「裏方へ回る」にあたる英文なんてありますか??どこでしょうか。 2.When a Singapore man heads overseas to work~ (訳)シンガポールの男性が、海外に赴任するとき~ とあるんですが、 ・headsの意味の取り方がわかりません。「海外に赴任するとき」の訳に至る訳仕方の流れを教えて下さい。 3.Woman can get locked into the stereotypes of being only mother and wives. (訳)女性は、ステレオタイプ的な、母や、妻に閉じこもりうる ですが、 ・canの後に動詞の原型のgetがきているのはいいんですけれど、更にその後、lockedっていう動詞の過去形みたいなものがきているのは語順的にだめなんじゃないかと思うんですけれども、このlockedは文法的にどう解釈すればいいでしょうか。 以上、たくさん聞いてすみません。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 関係副詞の継続用法について疑問があります!

    コンマのついた継続用法(非制限用法)が使える関係副詞はwhenとwhereの二つで、使われ方は関係代名詞の場合と同じように、(時や場所を限定する場合が限定用法であるのに対し)、補足説明をするのが継続用法。従って、先行詞が固有名詞(地名など)の場合は継続用法を使う、と文法書には書いてありました。 ところが最近、先行詞がthe United Statesという国名になっているのに、限定用法が使われている例を二つ見つけました。(どちらもコンマがありません。)これはどうしてなのでしょうか? いろいろな文法書で調べましたが良く分かりません。例文を書いておきますので、御意見や御指導をお願いいたします。 例1: Music seems to have many happy effects on us. Music therapy is a well-established field of study in the United States where some universities even offer Ph.D. studies in the fiesld. 例2: The first bowling place built inside a building opened in England in 1455. Then the game was taken to the United States where most people played it outside.

  • 英文和訳

    For a long time, airlines in China have heavily relied on travel agents to sell their tickets, resulting in the control of air ticket prices falling behind the price loosening mechanism. Due to the lack of traffic right allocation standards, airlines in China have to adopt price strategies to compete with other transportation modes in order to increase their market share. Consequently, price wars always lead to certain chaos in the market and some major losses for the airlines themselves. The air transport market in China is dominated by a few large airlines such as Air China, China Southern Airlines, and Eastern Airlines, which is a typical monopoly phenomenon. Under this situation, the price of one airline will inevitably influence the ticket pricing of its competitors and the structure of the entire market. Therefore, airlines should consider the corresponding actions of the competitors to ensure stability of the entire market when deciding ticket pricing strategies. In order to solve this problem, the game theory can be used as an effective approach. どなたかお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    In Article 231 Germany accepted responsibility for the losses and damages caused by the war "as a consequence of the ... aggression of Germany and her allies." [nb 2] The treaty required Germany to compensate the Allied powers, and it also established an Allied "Reparation Commission" to determine the exact amount which Germany would pay and the form that such payment would take. The commission was required to "give to the German Government a just opportunity to be heard", and to submit its conclusions by 1 May 1921. In the interim, the treaty required Germany to pay an equivalent of 20 billion gold marks ($5 billion) in gold, commodities, ships, securities or other forms. The money would help to pay for Allied occupation costs and buy food and raw materials for Germany. To ensure compliance, the Rhineland and bridgeheads east of the Rhine were to be occupied by Allied troops for fifteen years. If Germany had not committed aggression, a staged withdrawal would take place; after five years, the Cologne bridgehead and the territory north of a line along the Ruhr would be evacuated. After ten years, the bridgehead at Coblenz and the territories to the north would be evacuated and after fifteen years remaining Allied forces would be withdrawn. If Germany reneged on the treaty obligations, the bridgeheads would be reoccupied immediately. International organizations Main articles: Covenant of the League of Nations and International Labour Organization § History Part I of the treaty, as per all the treaties signed during the Paris Peace Conference,[nb 3] was the Covenant of the League of Nations, which provided for the creation of the League, an organization for the arbitration of international disputes. Part XIII organized the establishment of the International Labour Officer, to regulate hours of work, including a maximum working day and week; the regulation of the labour supply; the prevention of unemployment; the provision of a living wage; the protection of the worker against sickness, disease and injury arising out of his employment; the protection of children, young persons and women; provision for old age and injury; protection of the interests of workers when employed abroad; recognition of the principle of freedom of association; the organization of vocational and technical education and other measures. The treaty also called for the signatories to sign or ratify the International Opium Convention.

  • anotherは不適切では?

    NHKからの抜粋です The Nuclear Regulation Authority is preparing for emergencies that could be set off by another accident at the Fukushima plant during its decommissioning process. 的確に対応する日本語記事はありませんでした。 なぜ"another"なのでしょうか。他の箇所でも同様に使われています。 文法書を紐解くとotherとanotherの用法詳細がありますが、例文を見るとどれも”存在することが前提”です。 事故炉廃棄作業中のaccidentは、現在存在しません。そして将来も存在することを期待しません。 私なら代わりに"possible"を使います。 全文です Nuclear regulator panel discusses evacuation Dec. 23, 2014 - Updated 00:06 UTC A panel of experts at Japan's nuclear regulator has discussed evacuation plans for people around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, in the event of another accident that could disperse radioactive materials. The Nuclear Regulation Authority is preparing for emergencies that could be set off by another accident at the Fukushima plant during its decommissioning process. Japan's current safety guidelines for areas surrounding nuclear plants across the country were updated after the Fukushima accident. The guidelines also apply to the area near the Fukushima Daiichi plant as temporary measures. Evacuation orders are still in effect in a wide area surrounding the Fukushima plant, so the expert panel is considering creating separate guidelines for evacuation zones. At the meeting on Monday, experts agreed that the current guidelines can be applied to an area within a radius of roughly 30 kilometers from the plant. But they said they will listen to opinions from local governments when they make safety measures for residents beyond the 30-kilometer zone. The experts effectively approved an evacuation plan which proposes residents inside the 30-kilometer zone be ordered to remain indoors. The plan also proposes that people who temporarily enter the zone within a 30-kilometer radius be ordered to quickly leave. Some experts pointed out it is necessary to consider how to notify them in the event of an emergency.

  • 文法を教えてください。

    文法を教えてください。 This Contract takes effect on this day. 質問1.どうして、takes で、複数形になるのでしょうか? 質問2.どこを見て判断したら、Takeではなく、takes になると、わかるのでしょうか? 以下の二つの文章について質問です。 英文1.This contract takes effect on this day . 英文2.This contract is effective from the day of execution . 英文1.を良く見ると、takes effect は、動詞+名詞 となっています。 英文2.を良く見ると、is effective は、be動詞 + 形容詞 となっています。 質問3.と、すると、動詞の後は、名詞にすると、決まっているのでしょうか? 質問4.be動詞の後は、形容詞にすると決まっているのでしょうか? 以上、質問4つです。 ご回答、どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。 ありがとうございます。