• ベストアンサー


Would a little rebellious plant, the black sheep of ferns, grow toward the shade just to be different? を訳して欲しいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 ただ変わっていたいというだけでシダ類の嫌われ者(である)小さな反乱者の植物が、日陰に育つだろうか   我ながらまずい訳ですが、まあこんな感じの文です。






  • What did Annie think would be a great help to Grace? 上の質問に対して なぜ下のような回答になるのか. She thought the recovery of the troubled horse would be. 是非教えて下さい(>_<) できれば訳もお願いします.

  • 訳をお願いします

    Will the casual shots offered up by the palace of the Duchess walking Lupo, her black cocker spaniel, on the grounds of Kensington Palace be sharply cut back once she's walking with a stroller instead? In the search for privacy, Will and Kate might be swimming against the tide. Whereas the notion of a fairy tale and, later, a train wreck of a relationship drove public interest in Charles and Diana, the image of a modern young couple - at once accessible and world apart, and seemingly able to do no wrong - appears to be driving the story.That interest seems set only to grow after the addition of the littlest Windsor.

  • 日本語訳を! 1-(3)

    お願いします。  Life in Egypt revolved around the Great River. Our seasons come and go, marked by weather changes, but not so in Egypt, where the sun always shines. In Egypt the seasoms were marked by changes in the Nile. The first of the three seasons began in July. Egyptians called it akhet. During akhet, heavy rain in Ethiopia poured down from the highlands, swelling streams that fed the Nile. The banks of the Nile overflowed. Flooding may not sound like a good thing, but to the Egyptians it was a very good thing. Those floods left behind that black earth for planting. During the floods, farmlands were covered with water. Everyone uneasily watched the water rise. Would there be enough water? Would the Nile bring enough of that rich, black earth for farmers to plant their seeds? Or would there be too much water? Would whole villages be washed away? It was a delicate balance. If you were the supreme ruler, it would be your job to work it out with the gods so that things went well. You worked with Hapi, the god of the Great River, and more importantly, with the god in charge of the floods, the one with the ram's head―Khnemu. It was your job to be sure there was ma'at, or balance―not too much, not too little.  The Egyptians watched the flood levels obsessively. They measured the water and recorded it. They compared their measurements to the good years. They compared their measurements to the bad years. Everywhere you went, people would have had an opinion on this year's flood level. People talked in the market place. People talked along the roads, over dinner, while washing clothes at the riverbank. Would this be a good year? Would the granaries be full? Or would this be a bad year? Would they suffer the anguish they sang about in The Hymn to the Nile?

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    They accordingly allotted their resources, equally divided, in a defensive posture to fortify the approaches to Ioannina, capital of Epirus, and the mountain passes leading from Thessaly to Macedonia. This was a grave error. The war plan by Venizelos and the Greek General Staff called for a rapid advance with overwhelming force towards Thessaloniki with its important harbor. A small Greek force of little more than a division, just enough to forestall a possible Turkish redeployment eastwards, was to be sent west as the "Army of Epirus". At the same time the bulk of the Greek infantry and artillery made a rapid advance against the Turks in the east. In the event, the Greek plan worked well. Advancing on foot, the Greeks soundly defeated the Turks twice, and were in Thessaloniki within 4 weeks. The Greek plan for overwhelming attack and speedy advance hinged upon another factor: should the Greek Navy succeed in blockading the Turkish fleet within the Straits, any Turkish reinforcements from Asia would have no way of quickly reaching Europe. Turkey would be slow to mobilize, and even when the masses of troops raised in Asia were ready, they were able to go no further than the outskirts of Constantinople, fighting the Bulgarians in brutal trench warfare. With the Bulgarians directing the bulk of their force towards Constantinople, the capture of Thessaloniki would ensure that the railway axis between these two main cities was lost to the Turks, causing loss of logistics and supplies and severe impairment of command and control capability. The Turks would be hard placed to recruit locals, as their loyalties would be liable to lie with the Balkan Allies. Ottoman armies in Europe would be quickly cut off and their loss of morale and operational capability would lead them toward a quick surrender.

  • 日本語訳を! 5-(2)

    お願いします。 (4) Different towns in Egypt worshipped differnt gods. The leaders of the town would try to convince everyone that their god was the most powerful. If their god was powerful, it meant they were powerful, too. Before Upper and Lower Egypt were unified, each had its own capital with its own goddess. Upper Egypt's goddess looked like a vulture. Lower Egypt's goddess looked like a cobra. After Upper and Lower Egypt unified, the kings wore a crown with both a vulture and a cobra to symbolize the joining of the regions. (5) One of the pharaoh's most important jobs was to take care of the gods. If the gods were happy, the Egyptians figured they would be happy, too. The crops would grow, the Nile would flood to the right level, and Egypt would be at peace with its neighbors. Life would be in balance, or ma'at. The pharaohs built great temples to show respect to the gods. Inside each temple, in the innermost room, they placed a shrine. And inside the shrine, they kept a statue of the god for whom the temple had been built. Every day the priests served the statue as if it were alive. (6) One pharaoh, King Neferhotep (who ruled about 1741 to 1730 BCE), paid special attention to the temple at Abydos. King Neferhotep wanted to be sure the priests were taking care of the statue exactly as they were supposed to take care of it. After all, those priests were the king's representatives. So if they displeased the gods, then the gods were displeased with the king as well. Ma'at would be thrown all out of whack.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Consider, for example, that the existence of a single human thought requires the highly complex interaction of hundreds of neurons. In order to separate mind from brain, it would be necessary to think of each neuron as something distinct from its function, which is a little like trying to separate the seawater that provides the substance of an ocean wave from the energy that gives the wave its shape and motion. The existence of the wave requires both elements: without energy, the wave would fall flat; without water, the wave energy would have no expression. In the same sense, it is not possible to separate individual neurons from their functions; if it were possible, then a thought could be feed from its neurological base, and the mind could be seen as something separate from the brain, a free-floating consciousness that could be considered a “soul “.

  • And all the little friends whom he used to know would be down by the seaside, playing in the wet sand and splashing around in the water. そしてかつて彼が知っていた小さな友達たちは海のそばにいて、ぬれた砂浜で遊んだり、水を掛け合ったりしているのでしょう。 would be downの訳はどれになるのかわかりません。教えてください。

  • 英文の訳が分からないです。

    以下英文の訳が分からないです。誰か教えてください。 The failure by the Senate to pass legislation intended to cap American emissions before the Copenhagen meeting guaranteed that the outcome would fall far short of even the minimum needed to build momentum toward a meaningful solution.

  • 仮定でしょうか

    I’d like to get a little bit of weight-related plastic surgery, and my husband is adamantly opposed to it. Both of us work, and I would be using my own money to pay for it. I will be usingではなくI would be usingとwouldが使われているのはなぜでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • すいません。助けてください。訳お願いします。

     論文読んでいるのですが、これってどうやって訳すのでしょうか?  This standard model of silicon film growth assumes that the diffusion of the growth precursors is thermally activated and that the optimum substrate temperature around 200℃ for the standard device grade material is a compromise of surface mobility high enough to grow well ordered material and yet the temperature low enough to keep the hydrogen needed for passivating the silicon bonding defects.  ちなみに、to grow well ordered~の部分が特にわかりません。  to grow well/ odered~ で文章きれますか?  

  • WIN11の64Bitを使用しているパソコンで、Brother製品のDCP-J968Nを使用しています。通常の印刷はできるが、スキャナーやDVDのラベルの印刷ができません。Brother UtilitiesのControlCenter 4を使用してスキャンすると、DCP-J968NLANが見つからないエラーが表示されます。また、NewSoft CD Labでブラザー製のプリンターが見つからないというエラーも発生しています。
  • お使いのパソコンはWindows10の64bit版で、プリンターとは無線LANで接続されています。関連するソフトやアプリは特にありません。電話回線の種類はIP電話です。
  • マックのトラブル対応法は出ていますが、WIN11の場合はどうしたら良いか分かりません。スキャンやDVDのラベルの印刷が必要なので、解決方法を教えてください。