• ベストアンサー

on the dollar

いつもこちらのカテでお世話になっています。 アメリカで出版されたドキュメンタリー書籍で (例文1)They buy something for 50 cents on the dollar. (例文2)They sell something for 50 cents on the dollar. というような表現に出会いました。 この XX cents on the dollar が買った額・売った額というのは 想像がつきますが on the dollar というのはどういう意味でしょうか。 辞書にもなく、検索でもうまくひっかかりませんでした。 著者はアメリカ人です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

1ドル当たりという意味です。 さらに、buy ~ for __ cents on the dollar であれば 「~を1ドルあたり_セントで買い取る」 となります。 詳しくは参考URLを



早速のご回答有難うございました。 検索することは不得手ではないはずなのですが このサイトは見落としていました。 意味がわかってよかったです。御親切に有難うございました。

その他の回答 (1)


the dollar というのは「(その)一ドル,一ドルにつき」,あるいは単位につく the で「ドル単位」ということです。 一ドルに対して50セントで売買する この場合では半値で売買するということです。 20 cents on the dollar なら「1ドルに対し20セントで」 このように 50 cents は割合を表し,50 cents だけ払うということではありません。



ご回答有難うございました。 なるほど、50セントで買うのではなくて、1ドルにつき、という 条件が入るのですね。 わかりやすいご説明有難うございました。


  • 英語訳について

    こんにちは。アメリカ文化についての英文を読んでいるのですが、 どうしてもわからない部分があります。 辞書を引いても、ネットで例文を探してもわからないので お力を貸して頂ければうれしいです。 "certain crops---which they would sell to ship captains bound for England or New England" bound forが「~行きの」という意味かな。。とは思うのですが、 shipを動詞として扱うべきなのか。。。ship captainという一つの名詞なのか。。。どれにしてもピンとくる意味にならず モヤモヤです。 よろしくお願いします

  • arrangeの言い換えとしてのput on

    ビジネス英語のテキストにarrange の言い換えとしてput on を使った例文がありました。 They put on lots of courses for people who needed to develop their English. Marketing is putting on an exhibition to promote the company's work in Mexico. arrangeの意味で使うput onは後に来る目的語は限られるでしょうか。 その場合、arrangeの目的語になるけどput onの後に来ると不自然なのはどんな単語でしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • earmarkについて

    In the interview, Mr. McCain said, referring to tax cuts, “Whether they actually pay for themselves dollar for dollar, obviously there are differences in opinion.” pay for themselves dollar for dollar,の構造を教えてください。 During his campaign, Mr. McCain has focused much more on spending than on taxes. He has called for the end of earmarks, which are pet projects inserted into spending bills by legislators. 専門的でなくて結構なのですが、end of earmarksとは何を指しているでしょうか。 earmarks are pet projectsというつながりになるようですが。 They are “a very small part of the budget,” he said, “but so symbolic” -- because they prevent politicians from having any credibility when they try to persuade the public about other budget cuts. when they try to persuadeのtheyはpoliticiansのようですがThey are “a very small part of the budget, because theyのtheyはpet projectsでしょうか。 Pet projects prevent politicians from having any credibility when politicians try to persuade the public about other budget cuts. の内容がいまひとつ分かりません。

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "You go to your closet and select that lumpy blue sweaters for instance because you are trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back." "And for what? So that tomorrow they(workers) can spend another $300,000 reshooting something that was probably fine to begin with to sell people things they don't need." 映画プラダを着た悪魔より

  • よろしくお願いします

    I live with two other women. I'm the one who handles utility bills; they're in my name. Every other month, when they come due, I text my roommates to let them know how much we all owe. They send me the money via an app. Without fail, one roommate, "Tracy," always rounds down to the nearest dollar when sending me money. So if it's $82.64, for example, she just sends $82. Sure, it's only 64 cents, but it's the principle of the thing. Shouldn't she be sending me the full amount? rounds down to the nearest dollarとprinciple of the thingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Them darn PP people they are bandits, I charged you $3.00 for the PP fees and I figured that was a few cents more than I needed to cover it, well them bastards charged me $3.81 for the fees that's 4% and they advertise 3% them bastards. I'm going to have to start charging every one on every transaction 4.1% for my PP fees.

  • 通貨の読み方について

    次は、Economist の一文です。 この中の通貨の読み方について教えてください。 $1.22 は、 one dollar twenty-two cents one point twenty-two dollar one point twenty-two dollars one point two two dollar one point two two dollars one point twenty-two one point two two その他 €2.92 は、 two euros ninety-two ?? two euros ninety-two two euros nine two その他 などなど、正しい読み方、慣用的な読み方を教えてください。 --------------- Our annual Big Mac index (see table) suggests they have a case: the euro is overvalued by 17% against the dollar. How come? The euro is worth about $1.22 on the foreign-exchange markets. A Big Mac costs €2.92, on average, in the euro zone and $3.06 in the United States. The rate needed to equalise the burger's price in the two regions is just $1.05. To patrons of McDonald's, at least, the single currency is overpriced. ※€ は、ユーロ通貨マークの文字化けです。

  • 英語の問題です。

    この長文の和訳と、()内に入る語句を次のうちから一つ選ぶならどれか教えてください! (a)fifty cents (b)one dollar (c)one dollar and fifty cents There once was a miser who lived near a river.When he bought something,he always wanted to get it at a lower price.One day he decided to go to the village across the river. To get to the opposite bank he must go by ferryboat. He went to the ferry and asked the boatman," how much is it to go across the river?" The boatman answered,"One dollar". The mister wanted to get a lower price."Fifty cents," he said. The boatman said that was not enough,but the mister got into the boat. The boatman rowed about halfway across the river.Then he stopped rowing and said,"The fare to come here is fifty cents.Please pay me the fare and get off the boat here." The miser was surprised and said,"I can't get off here." If you can't take me to the opposite bank for fifty cents, take me back to the first place." Than,without a word,the boatman began to row the boat back. At last the boat returned to the starting place. The boatman turned to the miser and said,"I took you on a fifty-cent trip as you asked, and then I bought you back here again. So now you must pay me ()"

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願い致します。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。 注意書きが出てきたのですがこれって業者向けのサイトですかね? すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。 once the goods are down, we will start negotiating and giving them the retail price structure to follow. but the best way is for us to buy their goods with the condition they would not sell in online anymore. this is better right? so I was asking for your help to buy their goods so they would not sell in online anymore in the future

  • 和訳願います。

    ---------------------------------------- I currently have only Grey XXL available in LS coveralls. I have lots of Short Sleeve coveralls available, and can sell for 27.99. However, they are assorted colors and sizes. Grey, Navy Blue, and a few more. There are 24 pcs in a case....6Small,3 Medium-XL, 8 XXL, 7 3XL. I also have a great selection of bib overalls, denim jeans, pants, jeans, skinny/slim pants, shorts. Unfortunately, coveralls is something I am a little short on right now. I can sell you Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve coveralls in specific sizes and colors in first quality, although they are a bit more expensive. Would you like a price on buying specific sizes and colors of coveralls? ---------------------------------------- 宜しくお願いします。