
  • メアリーがアパートの更新か引越しを悩んでいます。
  • 更新料の支払いが6月に必要ですが、他のアパートに引っ越す場合は敷金が返金される可能性があります。
  • 他のアパートには洗濯機や冷蔵庫がないことも考慮すべきです。
  • ベストアンサー


If you still stay ABC apartment you will have to pay renewal fee(1month)at June. But you would like to move another apartment, deposit refund. Provably deposit money will reduced as repair fee. I have still a FAX from ZXC which printd your room and others. Usually other apartments has not a washing machine and a refriegerator.I'm just wondering you should be think about this. 友人のメアリーがアパートを更新するか引越しするか悩んでいます。文章どうでしょうか?特に最後ですが、この点も考えに入れておいた方がいいと思う。と言いたいのですが。 ZXCは不動産会社の名前としてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • naomi2002
  • ベストアンサー率44% (478/1075)

メアリーさんは引越ししようかと考えている。しかし彼女が今住んでいるアパートには洗濯機や冷蔵庫があって、他の所にはない。そういうメリットもあるので、よく考えて欲しい。 というような状況だと思っていいですか? それから、FAXというのは、今のアパートを紹介された時に不動産会社からもらったもので、他のアパートの条件も書いてあると言うことですね。 If you want to continue living in ABC Apartment, you will have to pay a fee in June for renewing the contract, which is equal to a rent for 1 month. If you want to move to another apartment, the deposit you paid will be refunded. If there is any damage to your room for which you are responsible, the repair cost will be paid from the deposit. In this case, the amount refunded will be reduced. I still have the FAX from ZXC on which the condotions of your apartment and others are listed. I would like to remind you that there are some good things with your aprtment compared with others. For example, a refrigerator and a washing machine is equipped with your apatment. These are not usually equipped in other apartments. I reccomend you to take these things into acount before you make the final decision. ちょっとくどいかもしれませんが、外国の人に説明するには、これくらいでちょうど良いかも。。。 それから、礼金についてはご質問の文中にはないですよね。ご参考までに、礼金はkey moneyというようです。



おっしゃる通りの状況です。修理の説明も入れておいた方がいいですよね。気がつきませんでした、自分で書いていても、冠詞がaなのかtheなのか、解らなくなります。 final decisionもぴったりの単語ですね。早々にご回答ありがとうございます。礼金の事も書いていたのですが長くなってしまいましたので、又別の機会にお願いします。


  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    Any place were we can be together is a good place for me! I just wanted to make sure it's also convenient for you. See now I will be on holiday and I have enough time. I'll try to look for a hotel this afternoon. I was wondering do you still have your boarding passes? I think it's good if you would apply for a Air France frequent flyers card ... maybe you will fly to France a lot in the future ... I hope so :) When I'm in Tokyo I will arrange it for you ... it will be my pleasure to help you with this.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願します

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 m(_ _)m Hi I was wondering if you had to open the boxes to find the serial number and if the watches are still 100% perfect sealed in the plastic and untouched because I have bought them as a collection piece with perfect white cardboard outer package etc... and if you have another one I may also buy that but how much discount can I have this time?

  • イーベイ=ノンペイングビッダー

    いつもお世話になっています。 イーベイでノンペイングビッダーの報告をしようとすると・・・ Choose a reason for closing this case 1.The buyer and I have completed this transaction successfully. You will not receive a Final Value Fee credit. 2.I feel I have no other option but to end communication with the buyer. (Available on the 8th day after case is filed or once the buyer responds) You'll get a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will get an Unpaid Item strike. 3.We've agreed not to complete the transaction or the buyer is returning the item. (Available after the buyer responds at least once) If the buyer informs eBay that they agreed, you will receive a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will not receive an Unpaid Item strike. If the buyer informs eBay that they did not agree, you will not receive a Final Value Fee credit and the buyer will not receive an Unpaid Item strike. You need to wait up to 7 additional days to be eligible for a Final Value Fee credit. 1.以外が選択出来ない状況になっています。 どうしたらいいでしょうか? 何方か宜しくお願い申し上げます m(_ _)m

  • 日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    it's almost christmas and I can't believe that 2 years already have passed. The are times that I am still thinking about you and wondering what you are doing. Maybe it's time to go to Asia again, because I am really missing the time I had in Asia.  Miss you 

  • 下記、英文の翻訳をお願い致します。

    Young lady, I will put you over my knee and wack your bottom with a wooden stick! I was worried something bad happened to you, or you found new guy. But...you were only looking up at the sky wondering if any babies you have will have blue eyes! web上の翻訳や辞書で調べたのですが、相手が何を言いたいのか、いまいちニュアンスが分かりません。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Finding a new apartment is really slow but I am trying to do everything I can to make it go faster. Now I have to wait about 2 weeks again until I can continue the search because after I sent an application to one place, they said they need 1-2 weeks until they can actually receive it. But after that, I think I might be able to find someting quite soon.. It's a "more expensive" way of doing things, kind of. Before they let you move into one of their rental apartments there is a certain amount of money that you need to pay first. And because it is alot of money, not money people do it this way and that's why there should be more apartments available for me. It's about 15 000-20 000   but my parents said they can lend the amount to me, because they don't want me to borrow money from the banks. And this money is something I will get back if/when I move, so it's not like I would actually loose th ose 15000-20000  Q__Q Ah, I don't know if you understood, but yeah, Finland likes to complicate things. I still love you and miss you so much. And I don't think sending e-mails will change what I feel and think about you. But I'm sure that when we meet again in real life it will be ever better than before.

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    Where to meet ... Charles de Gaulles airport has many different terminal. You will be arriving in 2E and since it's to early there won't be many people. And ... I would recognize you out of a million people ... hmmm maybe I'll think of something so you will recognize me. So after you take your luggage and go through customs will exit ... and I will be waiting for you there. Actually I don't think it's normal for this time of the year. But the temperature will be around 0 degrees early next week ... If there is something I still need to get for you ... or if you still have questions please ask me. 以上です。ありがとうございます。

  • 英作文です。

    和文英訳で、 でも、それなら、準備するのにまだ一か月あるよね? 君なら、きっと、良いスピーチができるよ。 But about that,you still have a month to prepare. I am sure you will make a good speech. と、したのですがどうでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I will never forget you. You still have my greatest respect and admiration as you dwell in Heaven.

  • 翻訳してください(^-^)

    Yes me too I booked a ticket yesterday :-) I will go to Tokyo for a month haha. But also maybe one week Okinawa :-) ikitai!!!!! :-) I did not succeed to buy the blue jeans I still have to look a bit further in order to find it :-)  I don't know what I will do on holidays in Tokyo yet. But I want to relax :-) I have to find an apartment first in Tokyo. Domestic travel nice!!! Where are you going in Japan? Sapporo? Or also Okinawa? haha if you are in Okinawa I will say HELLO RiRi!!! :-) お願いします\(^o^)/ Sleep well for now!!