• ベストアンサー


ニューヨークについての文を読んでいて英文の疑問が出てきました。 よろしくお願いします。 Ellis Island did not just welcome new Americans. The officers there also decided who could not come into the US. この下の文の訳は「そこの警官は誰がアメリカにやって来れないかも決めた」で大丈夫でしょうか。 Most people took between two and five hours to pass through Ellis Island. In the station's early years, immigrants had to complete these tests: ・~ ・~ この下の文のstation's early yearsとは何でしょう。


  • ベストアンサー
  • taka_tora
  • ベストアンサー率56% (59/105)

こんばんは j6305636さんの訳で大丈夫だと思います。 エリス島はただニュー・アメリカンズを歓迎しただけではなかった。 移民局の検査官は、誰がアメリカに入国できないかも決定した。 ということですよね。 (officerは、「移民局の検査官」と訳させていただきました。違うかも知れませんが) ”station's early years”は、「移民局の初期」あるいは「初期の頃の移民局」という意味ではないでしょうか。



ご回答ありがとうございました。 ここで警官という訳はおかしいですよね。


その他の回答 (1)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

taka_tora様の回答の通りだと考えます。 アメリカ史を学んだ時エリス島も出てきましたが、1892年から1954年までFederal immigration stationがエリス島にありました。どうしてOfficeではなくstationだったのかというと、船着場のランドマークとしての建物の中に移民局があったからです。そこはアメリカへの移民にとって旅の終着駅であり新天地への入り口であったのだという説明を授業で受けました。ですから、Officerは警察官ではなく、入国管理官とか、審査官とか検査官という訳が適切だと思います。 In the staton's early yearsとは、「移民局開設当初は」という訳でもいいかもしれません。(後の文脈との間に違和感がなければ)



ご回答ありがとうございました。 詳しい方に説明して頂き助かります。 これからもよろしくお願いします。



  • 英文の疑問点

    New Yorkについての英文を読んでて疑問点が出てきたので教えてください。 New York is famous for its skyscrapers. There are many different styles of building. Some are beautiful,some are not. Together they are one of the most wonderful sights in the world. この文のTogetherはどういう意味でしょうか。 New York was the perfect place for skyscrapers. On a small, crowded island, there was only one place to go―up. この文のthere was only one place to go―upはどういう意味でしょうか。 In 1783, George Washington became president of the new country. His office was in Manhattan. But New York was only the capital of the new country for a year. この文ではButというよりAnd soとかのほうがいい気がするのですが どうでしょうか。 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文について

    ・Fair Deal by Truman, recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights. ・However, the nation’s politics had shifted rightward in the years following World War II and inflation, economic conversion from wartime to peacetime industries and growing anti-communist sentiment provided major obstacles to Truman’s plan. ・To a growing contingency of conservatives and Southern Democrats in Congress, the Fair Deal smacked of socialism. ⇨Fair Deal by Truman, guaranteed equal rights of all Americans such as increase the minimun wage and grant health insurance. (始めの文) The Fair Deal smacked of socialism by contingency and Southern Democrats. (最後の文) ⇨以降は短くした文です。 あまりにも内容が変わってしまっていたり、文がおかしければ指摘して欲しいです。 2文目ももし可能であれば、少し簡単(短く)して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文で、

    The trees will not grow to full size for about 30 years. (1)この日本語訳は、何でしょうか? (2)この文について、How long do the trees take to grow up? という質問があり、 答えは、A; They take more than 30 years.    B: They take  about 30 years.      C; It takes more than 30 years. どれが、正しいのでしょうか?

  • 英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    I used to watch television. The song was able to know, thanks to television. I decided to go to high school after all. I have to teach my sister. After all, she is an only child. We can read book, for all we know the words. While was glad hear the news, my sister was sad. I was glad hear the news. In contract, my sister was sad. Tough I have gone to early bed yesterday, I couldn’t get up early. Is it true I had gone to early bed yesterday, but I have couldn’t get up early. です。 変な文や、こうした方がいい、というアドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ぎこちない英文ですみませんが・・。疑問点があります。

    My hobbies are diverse. In one of them,I am often hanging out a mall with friends just for fun,but there I am ashamed of not buying an item but thinking it's so great and precious a goods that I should only stare at these goods. In another of them,I like to watch cross-border's dramas,called "24" and "Prison Break",and so on. In a third of them,I like to take a trip frequently. Unfortunately,I don't have much money now,in another words,I can't afford to pay for various tour's plans in spite of I want to do. Instead,I think I'll go abroad to study English and culture,saving a lot of money. Finally,I like playing a lot of sports better than any other thing. という趣味に関する英作を提出しました。 すると、In one of them,In another of them,In a third of them,but there I am ashamed of not buying an item but thinking it's so great and precious a goods that I should only stare at these goods. を削除されてしまいました。やっぱり変なんですよね??;; 初学者なんで、これくらいの文しか書けません。。 それに、なんでIn (one,another a third of)は削除されてしまったのですか??topicの書き方が変ですか?? 全然分かりません。教えてください><

  • 正しい英文と誤文訂正

    A. Mr. Jhonson got married in 1994 with that doctor's daughter. B. She seems she is more than thirty years old. C. I asked for him not to make the error again. D. He ran to the station, but he could not catch the train. この中で正しいのは、Dだと思うのですが、他の選択肢の誤りを直していただきたいと思います。 まずAは、withをtoに直す。Bはshe isが不要、Cはforが不要だと思うのですが、どうでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんんか?

    Loss of spouse During the early years of life, loss of souse is certainly not a normally encountered crisis. After adolescence, however, it becomes increasingly common with increasing age. During the early years of adulthood, divorce cause loss of a spouse much more often than death does. Incidentally, the crisis of losing a spouse is more likely to have a gradual onset in the early adult years than a sudden onset, because during these years divorce-the more usual cause of losing a spouse-is likely to result from a gradual buildup of tensions, while death-the less common cause of losing a spouse-is likely to have a sudden onset. The most common cause of death in early adulthood, as in adolescence, is accident. お願いします。

  • 英文を添削してください

    House Un-America Activities Committee(HUAC)についてのことです。 The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, investigated allegations of communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War (1945-91). HUAC’s controversial tactics contributed to the fear, distrust and repression that existed during the anticommunist hysteria of the 1950s. The work of the committee continued to decline in importance throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring its eventual abolition in 1975. ⇨The House Un-American Activities Committee investigated communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War. HUAC’s tactics contributed to the fear that existed during the anticommunist hysteria. However the work of the committee declined in importance and until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring abolition in 1975. 上の文は教科書やインターネットで調べて引用したものです。 長いので、勝手に短くしてみました(⇨以降の文章です) こちらの文章が文法的、意味的におかしくないか確認して欲しいです。 また、ここは削れるよ、とかこの表現はこうした方が簡単、などあれば、そちらも教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の質問

    かっこの中のを 並びかえて英文に してください お願いします!! 1、 Can you… (us/to the station/ give/a ride/?) 2、 They decided… (eat/not/to/too/much/)

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Not only was it problematic finding qualified British officers to command the companies and battalions of the Indian Army, there was also a shortage of trained Indians to be granted a Viceroy's Commission. Viceroy Commissioned Officers occupied a unique position between the junior British officers and the senior non-commissioned officers. During its year in France, the VCO's of the Meerut had also suffered heavy casualties. Prior to the war, when most operations of the Indian Army were along the North-West Frontier, there had never been a need to quickly produce VCOs. Consequently, those who were promoted to the rank of VCO was typically a long service soldier of many years of experience. With the heavy casualties of France, the system had not yet caught up to the realities of the new type of war they were fighting. Confronted with a type of war they had never expected to be a part of, morale among the Indian troops plummeted. As an added insult, when the Meerut and Lahore Divisions were withdrawn from France, they ceased receiving combat pay, even though they were being shipped Egypt, under threat from Ottoman force, and then to Mesopotamia, to actively take part in an offensive.

  • ディスクレバーが開いている状態でお困りですか?
  • お使いの環境について教えてください。パソコンもしくはスマートフォンのOSはWindows10ですか?接続は無線LANですか?関連するソフト・アプリには筆王がありますか?電話回線の種類はひかりですか?
  • ディスクレバーに関するお困りごとについて、以下の情報をお知らせください:ディスクレバーが開いている状態でどのような問題が発生していますか?お使いの環境はWindows10で無線LAN接続ですか?関連するソフト・アプリには筆王がありますか?電話回線の種類はひかりですか?