• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:またしても英語が分かりません。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • omoture
  • ベストアンサー率61% (8/13)

(一)誤り(2) 正す( predicting ) (二)誤り(3) 正す( did you see ) (三)誤り(2) 正す( ever been  ) (四)誤り(5) 正す( will have stayed ) ・・・かな、たぶん。



回答ありがとうありがとうございます!! とても役立ちましたww


  • 英語

    1:Married men sometimes wish they () single. (1)are (2)were (3)have been (4)being 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you () there. (1)were (2)had been (3)have been (4)would be 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks() an expert. (1)like his being (2)as if he were (3)even if he were (4)as though being 4:You looked() a ghost when you came out of thehouse. What happened? (1)like to have seen (2)like seeing (3)as though to have seen(4)as if you had seen 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you() in bed. (1)are (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A mysterious mystifying feeling will draw you towards him and in that moment your life will become changed, your future will become set. You and he are not only soul mates, but he is a kind of spiritual twin. Never will you have a relationship quite as deep and magical as this, for you and he are meant for each other, and both of you have been unconsciously waiting, both lonely to meet.

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    (1)Victorian, by the sea. Where we are is private, but you can get into town. (2)I like that you can modernize the inside but let the bones remain. I think the Victorians got in right in the generosity of the rooms and the windows. (3)It was very stimulating, really, because he was shooting with a handheld camera over his shoulder, so he would talk to you and then go back in. Everything that Jamie and I went though, Sean was right there behind us, even for the battle at the end of the movie in the crypt. There was a sense that we were all in it together. (4)He wrote the movie, directed it, shot it, and was all over everything from costume to hair to makeup. You feel safe as an actor. And, as an actor, if you can’t feel safe, you can’t make a fool of yourself. (5)I’d been there once before in my foolish, misspent youth and drank a lot of beer. But when you’re working on a film as immersive as this, you kind of have to cancel reality.

  • 英語の文章を和訳して下さい。

    In the official report on the operations issued by the Government of India much stress was laid on "the intense heat, sand, and shortage of water", and "[t]he desertion of the camel-drivers and the severe climatic conditions so delayed and distressed the main body as to necessitate a withdrawal from Lahij". McKenzie notes that "we do not seem to have made such arrangements for transport and for water supply as would have prepared us for the difficulties which every experienced traveller knew we would have to face. . . But the severe heat of the climate, the potential treachery of hired Arabs, and the shortage of water were all of them factors which had been familiar from the beginning to the Indian authorities, and, one might suppose, ought to have been allowed for."

  • 英語の歌詞の和訳をしてほしいです。

    WestLife 「Have You Ever Been In Love」の英語の歌詞の和訳、できる方よろしくお願いします。 In the morning light Half awake and half asleep Have you ever laid there thinking Was it all a dream? But you reach out and she's there Every moment, everywhere Have you ever been in love? Have you ever felt How far a heart can fall Have you ever stayed up waiting For a telephone call Just to hear her say hello Cause you miss each other so Have you ever been in love? Have there been times to laugh And times you really want to cry Finding reasons to believe her cause you'd die a little if she lied And when in times of doubt Have you ever tried to work it out But still she leaves you wondering What it's all about And when she's far Have you ever felt the need to stray And tried and then discovered It just doesn't pay Cause with her, you can be true And with her, you can be you Have you ever been in love? Have there been times to laugh And times you really want to cry Finding reasons to believe her Cause you'd die a little if she lied And when in times of doubt Have you ever tried to work it out But still she leaves you wondering What its all about And when the night comes down Can you call your house a home Do you dream you're still together And wake up alone Have you ever been in love The way that I'm in love Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been in love?

  • 意味の違い教えてください

    意味の違いがわかるように和訳をお願いします 1-1 I hope you are strong and healthy. 1-2 I wish you were strong and healty. 2-1 If you help him,he will be happy. 2-2 If you had helped him , he would have been happy. 3-1 If he had started yesterday, he would be in time. 3-2 If he had started yesterday, he' have been in time. 4-1 Two more days would be enough for the work. 4-2 In another week, I would have been back at home. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題

    Q:次の文の誤りを指摘して正しくなおしなさい。 1:That famous cherry tree is dead because of pollution. Yes,we have to do something to save it. 2:John and Mary have been knowing each other since 1976. 3:When have you come to Japan? 4:By the time he retires,Professor Yamada will teach for almost forty years. 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 動画HPでの英語表示、意味は?

    実は、動画HPのディリーモーションから 下記の様なメールが送られて来ました しかし私は英語が分かりませんから 何が書いてるのかが分かりません 何と書いてるんでしょうか? Your 動画 description have been flagged as harmful to the community and have been deleted. Please be mindful of the words you chose and refrain from insulting and disrespectful behavior. Further offenses may result in deactivation of your account without prior notice.

  • 接続詞asを用いた省略、倒置について

    Forty stores in Lakewood have been listed for closure, as have a smaller number of stores in West Bay, Mountville and Jameston. 参考書訳 レークウッドで40店舗が閉鎖の対象として上がっており、40店舗未満をそれぞれウェスト・ベイ、マウントビル、ジェームズトンで閉店する。 1、asの意味は何ですか?「対照」(~の一方で、~と違って)ですか? 2、as節以下の倒置も省略もない形は as a smaller number of stores in West Bay, Mountville and Jameston have been listed for closure で良いですか? 3、省略部分において、haveのみ残り、have beenとして残っていないのは何らかのルールがあるからでしょうか?

  • 英語の質問です。

    採点をお願いします。 1.あなたの経済的な支援がなければ、私は事業に失敗していたでしょう。  ( your / but / help / for / financial ), I would have failed in my business. →But for help your financial,I would have failed in my business. 2.ハムレットはあたかも幽霊を見たような顔つきをしている。  Hamlet ( had / as / looks / seen / though / he ) a ghost. →Hamlet looks as though he had seen a ghost. 3.万一私の助けが必要になれば、いつでもいいから電話してください。   ( help / should / need / you / my ), please call me anytime, →You should need my help, please all me anytime. 4.もし好きなところに行けるとしたら、どこに行きますか?  ( anywhere / supposing / could / you / you / go ) like, where whould you go? →Supposing you could go anywhere you like, where would you go? よろしくお願いします。