• ベストアンサー



  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

But... I'm afraid you made a misunderstanding. こういう言い方は少し失礼に聞こえるかもしれません。 I'm afraid I may not have made my qestion very clear. くらいが穏当ではないでしょうか。 The one I want to know the name is a red circled tiny pad! のところは、文法的には The one I want to know the name of is a red circled tiny pad! の方が正しいと思います。 “front leg”のところは“front paw”の方が普通の言い方だと思います。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 なるほど!「I'm afraid」を付けることで、湾曲表現になると思ってましたけど、もっとデリケートなんですね。 「of」についてもご指摘を受けて、そう言えば高校の授業で習ったっけなぁ・・・って懐かしく思い出しました^^; 「front paw」・・・ちょっと誤解してました。人間で言えば手首から先の部分かと思ってましたが、辞書を見たら「動物の足」なんですね。 訂正しておきます。


  • 英文のメールに対する返信メールの内容について

    QNo.3670939で質問させていただいた者です。「Ultimate Baseball Online」というサイトに、「I would like to unsubscribe to the"Ultimate Baseball Online".Would you do it please?If I myself have to do it,tell me how to do it via email,please.("Ultimate Baseball Online"の登録を解除したいです。そちらで手続きをしていただけますか。もし私自身でしなければならないとすれば、その方法をメールで教えてください。)」という問い合わせのメールを送りました。すると、「Do you want your whole account deleted?If you do please send us your character name,name,and the email that is connected to the account.」というメールがそのサイトのCustomer Serviceというところから送られてきました。そのメールに対して、「私は全ての私のアカウントを削除したいです。私は、私のキャラクターの名前が分かりません。私の名前はAで、そのアカウントに関係するEメールアドレスは"B"です。」という内容の英文メールを返信するには、「I want my whole account deleted. I don't understand my character name. My name is A,and the email that is connected to the account is "B".」という文章でいいのでしょうか?

  • この英文があっているか見てください。

    小学生レベルの英語ですが、添削お願いします。 イギリス人の女性と会話したい内容です。 (1)日本では働く女性はOLと呼ばれています。 OLとはオフィスレディーのことです。 a working women are called OL in Japan. OL is Office Lady. (2)あなたはとても良く日本のことを知っている。 とても初めて日本に来たとは思えない。 you know well about Japan. I can't believe that you have been in Japan at first time. (3)この名前は○○です。 it's name is ○○ (4)今日は今まで何をしていましたか? どこへ行っていましたか? what have you done today? where have you gone today? (5)これは、日本語で○○と呼ばれています。 it is called ○○ in Japan たくさんですみません。宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値引きの事とメイドインアメリカのシールの事でメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 It's don't worry I know it's a bit confusing with all the discounts. I have attached an updated invoice where I have included the discount of 37.50 ドルin the comments section, please have a look. Please let me know if that is fine as even I am getting confused here. Please confirm that this is what you require. The total to pay for all your invoices is 260.16ドル for all invoices. I have spoken to the warehouse about the photos of made in USA, but they have sealed the cartons already and they got put away for dispatch. Therefore, I am unable to email you the pictures but I can assure you that it have been done for you.

  • 英文のチェックお願いします。

    結婚をしようか悩む友人にアドバイスする英文を考えよという課題で 英文に間違いがないかチェックお願いします。どんな細かいことでもむしろありがたいです。よろしくおねがいします。 I think you don’t have to make a proposal of marriage. Can you remember how many people did you married with? It’s going to be 6th husband! The first you got married was a cook and next was a famous singer. Then, third husband was a doctor, forth was a French man and fifth was a high school student. It is time you stopped. I think you are not fit for such a restricted life. How about just making lovers? It will be reasonable for each other and no one is hurt like 5 men you had married. You should do from now on. Anyway, it is not only one problem. What I want to say the best is that sixth guy is my father!!

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。bully Syu

    I have a different viewpoint, but until now all of you white people have been in a position to bully for a long time , are not you? I think that it is good to stand in a position to be bullied occasionally. If it is not it can not stop bullying with pain. ここでの英文ではare not youでなくhaven't you,だと考えるのですが、またIf it is not it canの各itがどこを指しているのか掴みにくいのですが、ご説明いただければ幸いです。

  • 英文メールへの返答がわかりません。先方のメールの翻訳もお願いします。

    前回、質問して回答してもらって、メールに返答が届いたのですが、やはり意味が少しだけしかわかりません。 自分の対応もよくないと批判されてしまい、英文に自信もなくなったので、回答のメールの英文もよろしくお願いします。 前回の質問は下記のリンクです。 ​http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa5008327.html​ The custom told me since it did not declare as a return merchandise so it subject to custom charges. If you put the description as a broken return item then custom would never charge a cent. Custom told me that there is invoice inside the parcel so that means that I bought it from you with value declared $198, custom did not do wrong since it was no information if its a return merchandise. I don't mind pay the tariff as long as the value is correct. $198 value on item is not correct & you made it up. I went to custom office back & forth few times, they will not release the shipment until I pay the charges. If the parcel ever ship back to you, please declare as a return broken item, value of broken item should be in $5. There will be no custom charges if declare in low value. Make sure you write the description as instructed above. 自信がないのですが、下記が自分の返答です。 I'm sorry to trouble you. As the item is kept at the post office until two week,you refuse to receive and ask the post office to send back the item. The staff of post office said,if you refuse to receive,you don't have to pay the shippng and the tariff. Please make contact the post office about it. I any number of times ask you to do it,but you didn't. Please do it in a hurry,or the item will be dumped trash. Please do it in a hurry,or I can't do anything. If you refuse or ignore request,I will not deal your complaint any longer,I don't deal your complaint. Then,if the item is dumped trash,though you will not have to pay the tariff,but I will be unable to resend the item,I will be unable to deal your complaint. The item is tariffed,when it is imported and exported. Becuase,you refuse to receive,you don't have to pay the tariff. If you refuse to receive,the item will be return and I can resend the item by the method which is imposed the tariff.The tariff is you mean charge. Regards,

  • メールの英文の意味について

    QNo.3664669で質問させていただいた者です。「Ultimate Baseball Online」というサイトに「I would like to unsubscribe to the"Ultimate Baseball Online".Would you do it please?If I myself have to do it,tell me how to do it via email,please.("Ultimate Baseball Online"の登録を解除したいです。そちらで手続きをしていただけますか。もし私自身でしなければならないとすれば、その方法をメールで教えてください。)」という問い合わせのメールを送りました。すると、「Do you want your whole account deleted?If you do please send us your character name,name,and the email that is connected to the account.」というメールがそのサイトのCustomer Serviceというところから送られてきたのですが、この英文の意味は、「あなたは全てのあなたのアカウントを削除したいのですか?もしそうなら、そのアカウントに関係するあなたのキャラクターの名前と、氏名、Eメールアドレスを私たちに送ってください。」でいいのでしょうか?また、このメールに対する返事は、このメールにそのまま返信するという形でいいのでしょうか?

  • この英文で大丈夫でしょうか?

    下の2つの英文で、おかしなところを直していただきたいのですが… I'm feeling much better, thank you. I can't do hard exercise yet, though. I wish I recovered completely. It is the best season here to do sports now. I want to play tennis. (具合はだいぶいいです。まだ激しい運動は出来ないけどね。早くよくならないかな。こっちはスポーツをするには今が最高の季節なんです。テニスがしたいよ~。) Did you talk in ○○(ラジオ番組名)? If so, I'd love to hear it! Do you have the record? If you have it, send the file, please. I'm interested in your talk and voice. (○○に出たの? もしそうなら、その放送を聞きたいよ! その放送は録音してある? もしあるなら、そのfileを送ってよ。あなたのtalkに興味があるし、あなたの声も聞いてみたいよ。) 気付いた点、何でもかまいませんので指摘ください。お願いいたします。

  • 英文チェックお願い出来ませんでしょうか??

    It became really convenient. Me, too often buy books by Amazon. However when I visited Honduras in South America as a technical guidance volunteer, Internet used just limited some privileged classes’ rich people, and general public do not receives its benefit, yet. As in rural farm village, information from the Internet does not reach. I felt live in like the “Middle Ages”, but strangely I did not suffer inconvenience from this even though there is no Internet information in rural farm village in Honduras. Moreover, the Japan Oversee Cooperate Volunteers always bring a personal computer with them, but they have trouble with their computer without exception. Thanks to computer and Internet, we can do anything about our life conveniently. In addition, thanks to Youtube and SNS (Facebook, Twitter) government and mass media became difficult to hide the inconvenient matters for themselves. The prominent example is democratic revolution such called “the jasmine revolution” But the confusion has been occurring about “can do everything in Internet”. The hacker who breaks security on the Internet may say so. Could it say right to use splendid technique like WikiLeaks? No, it is wrong. I think the standing person who has a special talent must response for using this. And I think the technique such as hacking must manage only the person who can treat right way. Such a person must have an ambition and a pride. The Japanese exploration satellite “Hayabusa” succeeded the first time in the world “sample return” from the asteroid “Itokawa”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayabusa Nevertheless, JAXA (research organization like NASA) is not well-endowed institute and its “Hayabusa” team stands up against the mission to take the sample from asteroid (distant 6,000,000,000km from the earth) and overcome many difficulties for 7 years. I think this is an ambition and a pride. When I belonged to my last company, some outsourcing company said “we can’t do this offer, it’s too severe” and pull out suddenly. I was obliged to finish the work myself and desperately set up all night consecutively in 2 evening, because I must keep the tight deadline on my pledge of honor. My mission is to build a 100% accurate diagnose system for the students who took an examination. I am self-confident that I constructed a correct and first processing system in those days in Japan. When I told about this system to chief manager of major data processing company of New Zealand, I could receive his feedback: “it is a splendid system”. If you engage me, I would provide all my techniques that I have and could give profit for your company. I accumulate know-how for 15 years on methods of software & IT as an engineer. If you meet me, I convinced you can understand that I obtain remarkable result. If you engage me, you may understand how I am useful within 3 months. If you judge I am useless, you can discharge me. You do not have the risk at all.

  • 英文チェックしてください

    1 In my opinion, the company shouldn’t have taken an action such a way to increase the company’s revenue 2 She shouldn’t have said such a dirty word to him because he was upset with it after all. 3 I should not have entered to the university that is worthless. 1 If I had studied harder, I could have passed the exam. 2 I could have been possible to study abroad if I had been born in rich family. 3 I might have been to the office on time, if I had left my house 5 minutes earlier this mooring.