• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • foxa-gogo
  • ベストアンサー率44% (38/85)

実はCharlton Ogburnによるもので、誤ってペトロニウスの言葉として広まったもののようです。 Harper's Magazine (1957)に掲載された記事で、第二次世界大戦に従軍時の経験について書いたものだそうです。「We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams we would be reorganised. Presumably the plans for our employment were being changed. I was to learn later in life that, perhaps because we are so good at organising, we tend as a nation to meet any new situation by reorganising; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralization.」 質問者さんが引用された文の訳は: 「私たちは新しい状況を目の前にしたとき、えてして組織変更によってそれに対応しようとするものだが、この組織変更というものは、進歩が得られたかのように見せかけつつ、実際には混乱、非効率、堕落を引き起こすには、感心してしまうくらい有効な方法なのである。」 ちょっと分かりにくいので補足すると、要は、進歩が得られたかのような錯覚を覚えるが、実際には混乱、非効率などの問題を生じるのに、アメリカは組織変更ばかり得意なために、どんな問題でも組織変更によって解決しようとして失敗しているのだ、というような意味です。



よくわかりました(^_^) とても助かりました。ありがとうございます。


  • 意味を教えてください

    I am 31, recently out of a 12-year relationship (and three-year marriage), and am at a loss. While I was chubby when my ex and I started dating, my weight became an issue of contention near the end of my marriage. I’d like to have kids, and would therefore like to start dating, maybe find someone to have a family with. I feel short of time given that I spent all of my 20s in a relationship that didn’t work out in that way. I am clinically obese though I’ve been told that I am attractive and carry it well. Should I wait until I lose the approximately 30 pounds that I need to lose to be at a normal weight, or can I realistically date now? I know this is a strange question and somewhat individual but while I sometimes chat with people on dating apps like Tinder or OKCupid (my pics are recent and accurate, though flattering), I tend to dodge out before making plans to meet because I am nervous about reactions to my weight. carry it wellとdodge outの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    If you do,then you have a perfectionist streak, a habit that fuels a whole variety of stress-producing qualities,including procrastination,defensiveness,fear,guilt,and failure to delegate. One sutudy reviewed reports from 9,000managers and professionals and concluded that perfectionism result in reduced job performance. The research also cited health problems that result from this form of self-induced stress.In addition,those who set their standards unachievably high tend to lose self-esteem when they fail to meet their goals,which only adds to stress.

  • innuendo

    My wife was a student teacher while I was in high school. We never had any classes in common and barely knew each other existed. We didn’t meet and get married until our parents introduced us at a church bingo. How do I stop the stupid student-teacher innuendo? ここでのinnuendoはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 息子へのメッセージ・・・ 英作文の添削お願いします。

    下記の文章(英文の方です)は、フォトスタジオで撮影した写真に添える、まだ赤んぼの息子へのメッセージです。 ネットの翻訳サイトや辞書の例文を参考にするなど自分なりに一生懸命頑張りましたが、イマイチ自信がありません。 (ネットの翻訳だと直訳すぎて変な表現になる、、、と聞きましたし・・・) 長文ですみませんが、どなた様か英作文の方を添削していただけないでしょうか。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 A new hero came over in our home one year ago. It is 《名前》, you. 一年前、我が家に新しいヒーローがやってきた。それがあなた、《名前》です。 You have a gentle nature and gentle eyes. Additionally, your dance is really lovely. Just looking at them makes us happy and serene. あなたは穏やかな気質とやさしいまなざしを持っているの。それに、あなたのダンスは超愛らしい。それらを見ているだけで、私達は幸せで穏やかな気分になれるよ。 Though you are just a baby now,you will continue to grow mature through your acquired various experiences. 今はまだ赤ちゃんだけど、これからも様々な経験を積んで成長していくんだね。 (※1) In this world,while there are recognizable matters,there are invisibleness . 世の中には目に見える事柄がある一方で、目にみえない事柄もある。 (※2) Also,while you will meet a lot of different people, there are many people that you will never meet all your life. また、様々なたくさんの人々に出会う一方で、生涯あなたと出会わずに終わる人々もたくさんいる。 (※3) But,you are being influenced by any and all of events and people that exist throughout the world. だけどあなたは世界中に存在するありとあらゆる出来事と人々に影響されているんだよ。 Because,one thing leads to another ,and all those are linked together like beads. 一つのことが別のきっかけとなり、それらはすべてお互い数珠つなぎにリンクし合っているんだから・・・。 In days of adversity, let's widen the scope to see your situation in a new light ! 逆境のときには視野を広げて新しい面を見てみよう! when you're happy, let's thank even someone who is on the other side of the world! うれしいときには地球の裏側で暮らす人にまで感謝しちゃおう! Well,but first of all, can you tell us. でもまあその前に・・・、まず私達に話してよ。 We've always been there for you. 私達はいつだってあなたのそばにいるから! Above all things , there is nothing more wonderful than being able to interact directly. なんといっても直接交流できることほど素敵なものはないよ。 So fortunately for us, you came into the world as our son. そして幸運なことに、あなたが私達の息子として生まれてきてくれた。 We'll cherish our miraculous encounter. 出会えた奇跡を大切にするよ。 Nobody could ever take your place.   From your father and mother, with love. あなたはかけがえのない存在です…  パパとママより (※1)~(※3)については、下記の文とどちらがしっくりくるのか更に悩んでいます。良いアドバイスあったらよろしくお願いします。 (※1) In this world,there are recognizable matters and invisibleness.      世の中には、目に見える事柄と見えない事柄とがあるよ。 (※2) Also,there are many people that you will meet,and many that you will never meet all your life.      また、あなたが出会う人々と生涯出会わずに終わる人々がいる。 (※3) But,you are being influenced by any and all of them.      だけどあなたはそれら全てに影響されているんだよ。

  • 映像の会話なんですが、和訳をお願いします!

    Where do you think that post is now? In that bin. So, I don’t care about your girlfriends, your mothers or anything else. You start playing our game, this will never happen again, do you understand? You will never ever get any post while you’re here if you don’t start screwing the knot and producing the goods. 自衛隊の訓練中、隊員宛に届いた家族や彼女からの手紙を伍長が隊員の目の前で燃やしながら話してるといった状況です。 「今手紙は何処だと思う?バケツの中だ オレにとってお前らの彼女 母親などどうでもいいんだ」の後You start からがよくわかりません(^_^;) 宜しくお願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    Q. Making a financial plan with and for mom: My mother is a freelancer whose flow of work has dropped precipitously, from steady as recently as five years ago, to practically nil in 2017. She inherited some money and that floated her for a little while, but now she’s putting things on credit cards. Help! She has already declared bankruptcy twice. She is kind of at the end of her rope, as drained emotionally as she is financially. She lives in an expensive part of the country. I have encouraged her to move to my city, which is considerably less expensive. She is considering it, but reluctant. How do we start to make an actual plan? I’m not rich but I’m steadier than she is right now, financially speaking. I don’t want to wait until things get any worse, and she gets into even more debt. Any advice is appreciated! A: There are certainly ways you can be helpful to your mother, but the responsibility for making “an actual plan” lies with her, not with you. You can’t want financial stability for her more than she does. She’s already declared bankruptcy twice, which is obviously far from ideal, but also suggests that she knows what to do when her financial outlook is especially bleak. Encourage her to see a financial adviser, to reduce costs wherever possible (including moving to a less expensive city, although not necessarily yours), to seek more stable work, and to look into social services her age may soon qualify her for. Consider now (rather than when she faces an emergency) how much money, if any, you are willing to give her to help meet her expenses, and whether your own budget will survive if she never pays you back, especially since it seems unlikely that she ever could. Everyone has different values when it comes to giving family members money, so I’m not going to tell you that you absolutely should or shouldn’t. But it’s better to have a plan in mind before things get dire. The important thing to remember is that your mother is an adult with resources that extend beyond you. an adult with resources that extend beyond youの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 起動できなくなってしまいました!

    OS は WinXP で、PartitionMagic7を使用してHDDのサイズを変更したら、再起動をうながされたので再起動したところ起動できなくなってしまいました!画面いっぱいに英字で次のようなメッセージがでて、うんともすんともいわなくなってしまいました。お恥ずかしいのですが、基本であるバックアップをとる事を怠ってしまいました。どうすればよいのかアドバイスをお願いします。 Moving partition:D (FAT32, Logical volume, 75524.3 MB on Disk:1) Up by: 5020.3 MB, and resizing to: 70504.0 MB Error 58. Unable to write to the bootsector.Virus protection software may be running. Entire Progress:100% Error 58 while executing Batch. Error 58. Unable to write to the bootsector.Virus protection software may be running. Will now reboot. Press any key to continue

  • 英文を和訳していただきたいのですが・・・

    Linkin Park と言うアーティストのM&Gと言うものに応募して当選した感じなんですが、あまり上手く訳せなくて困ってます・・・ 誰かお力になっていただけませんか? If you cannot attend this Meet & Greet with members of Linkin Park, please e-mail us back ASAP to let us know, so that another LPU member may attend in your place instead. The Meet & Greet may occur during another band’s performance, so please be aware that attending the Meet & Greet may mean that you will miss seeing another band’s set. Also, by attending the Meet & Greet, please be aware that you may not be able to hold your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket). If you are not willing to miss the other performances or potentially loose your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket) and would like to forfeit your Meet & Greet pass, please let us know ASAP. DETAILS OF LPU MEET AND GREET WITH LINKIN PARK! 1. Look for the Meet & Greet location info, which will be posted at the MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN BOX OFFICE window. Information will be available approximately 3 hours prior to Linkin Park’s set at each show. Please note, the same Meet and Greet info found at the BOX OFFICE (MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN TICKET BOOTH will also be provided by the DAY OF EVENT email, sent out the morning of the show. Look for an email from ontheroadwithlp@gmail.com. 2. Meet at the M&G meeting location at the correct meeting time. Please be on time, otherwise you could miss the Meet and Greet. The M&G will take place prior to Linkin Park’s set. LP Security will come and get you to give you your M&G pass and escort you to the Meet and Greet. DO NOT MOVE FROM THE MEET AND GREET LOCATION PROVIDED BY LPU. ONLY LPU STAFF MEMBERS CAN ESCORT YOU TO THE MEET AND GREET. To claim your pass, you will need to provide the following 3 items: 1 - Valid photo ID (driver's license, school ID, work ID, library card, passport, etc). Anything that is official with a picture will be accepted. If you are under the age of 13, your guardian’s photo ID will work. 2 -Your ticket to the show. WE ARE NOT GIVING OUT ANY TICKETS so make sure you have your own! 3 - Print out of this confirmation email. Please be sure to calculate the time needed to find the meeting spot. If you miss the pickup for the meet and greet, there is no way to get in late. Please be aware that you may have to wait for a certain period before the Meet & Greet begins. If you leave the M&G waiting line at any time (for instance, to watch another band’s performance), please be aware that you may not be allowed to return, especially if the M&G has already started. Each person will be allowed to have ONE, and only one, item signed by members of Linkin Park. Remember that you should plan to carry this item with you throughout the show, as most venues do not allow re-entries. Please do not bring large or bulky items. Camera policies are subject to the venue, but we will NOT be allowing individual photos at this meet and greet due to time constraints. Please check with the venue before bringing your camera. Please also note that we are not responsible for any last minute specific security issues that may arise and change the camera policy. If you have one, wear your LP Underground shirt! This will help the members of Linkin Park and other LPU members to recognize you! Remember that by attending the event, you are automatically consenting to being filmed, photographed, recorded and taped in and around the premises of the event. Your presence constitutes a voluntary agreement and release, granting LPU and Linkin Park and its assigns the right to include your image, photograph, likeness and/or voice in such recording for use throughout the world in any and all media and by any method, now or hereafter known, in perpetuity. If you are not in voluntary agreement, you should not attend the event. If you are under 18 years of age, your guardian must be in voluntary agreement with the foregoing in order for you to attend the event. 18歳以下ならどうなると書いているのでしょうか。

  • 時事英語の質問です

    以下の英文で、with the appearance of greater parity はどういう意味になるのでしょうか?日本側の責務が増えて、アメリカと同等近くになったと言ってるのでしょうか? それから、pre-imperialist とは、どういう帝国主義者なんでしょう? 宜しくお願いします。 In the weeks and months ahead, their opposition may tempt Abe to deal with the many critics of his policies in the same high-handed way his own grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi. Kishi once prevailed against the wishes of the Japanese people when they had united en masse to oppose any renewal of the military alliance with the U.S. In 1960 he revised the security treaty in a way that gave the U.S. largely what it wanted while leaving Japan with the appearance of greater parity. Thereafter, the anti-war opposition to the revised military alliance and movements to defend the Constitution waned rapidly. Conservative politics adjusted to the new situation and Japan's foreign policy goals changed from Kishi's "Great Japan" to a sort of pre-imperialist "little Japan."

  • 言葉の持つ意味について、言葉の意味

    言葉の持つ意味について、言葉の意味 について悩んでます。 言葉というのは、本当に難しいです。 今このままを伝えようとした時 僕は教えてGooに質問をしています。 と書いて状態を分かる日本人は たくさんいると思いますが、分からないという 日本人もいると思うんです。 例えば、質問という言葉、そこに感情が入り 言い換えると、ある人にとっては、 嫌です、ですが、ある人にとっては良いです。 意味が微妙に変わります。 でも、質問という言葉だけで世の中意味をなします。 そういうことを考えると、どこまでが共通で どこからが違うのかがよく分かりません。 すごく悩んでしまいます。 考えないことが一番よいのかもしれません が気になって気になってしまって 何か分かればと思い質問しました。 それとわかれば、皆さんの誰もが共通の気持ち 意識を持って使える 絶対的な言葉を教えてもらいたいです。 もしくは、それに近い言葉を教えてください。 みなさんが思った言葉を待ってます。 おかしな質問をしてしまいごめんなさい。 ご回答まってます。