• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

Because と来ていますから前の文の説明であることはわかりますね。 なぜなら~ となります。 when you read a book as a child これは条件を表していますね。as a child ですから一人の子供として、子供のようにのような意味になりますね。 it becomes part of your identity itは前の文章で出てきた何かを指していますね。identityに対応する適訳が難であるかはわかりません。 それは前後の文章の中身によります。多分「本質」みたいな意味かもしれませんね。 それはあなたの本質の一部となる。 in a way that no other reading in your whole life does ちょっと長いですね。 in a way that ~ これは becomes を修飾していて「どのようになるのか」というなり方を説明しています。 「~のような方法で」 [no other reading in your whole life] does []が主語です。 other reading ... 他の読書 in your whole life ... あなたの人生の中で つまり、 「あなたの人生の中での他の読書がする[does]」 おっと先頭にはnoがありますから、 「あなたの人生の中での他の読書がしない」 ですね。 ここまでくれば今までの文をつないで、判りやすいように書き換えれば完成です。 #独り言 #....意味の通らない日本語訳回答を自信をもって書いている人もいますが、、どういうつもりなのかな。 #英語がわからない人が信じたらどうするつもりなんでしょう。



非常にわかりやすいご説明ありがとうございました。 おかげで文章全体の意味をとることができました。 本当にありがとうございます。


  • 主節の文章が進行形の場合の、when節の位置

    私が受けた英語教育では、時を表す接続詞when節は、前でも後でもよいと習いました。つまり、 When I was a child, I lived in Tokyo. を I lived in Tokyo when I was a child. と書き換えられるように。 しかし、最近知り合いの子どもから、主節が進行形の文の場合は、主節を前に書くようにと学校の先生にいわれたと聞きました。 たとえば I was reading a book when he came home. と書くことはできても、 When he came home, I was reading a book とは言わないと中学校の先生が言ったというのです。 そんな規則があるのでしょうか?

  • バースデーカードを英語で書いてみましたが・・・

    同姓(女性)の外国人の友達にバースデーカードを書いてますが 自信がありません。一部ですが、英語が得意な方、添削していただけると幸いです。もっと自然な英文があれば、ぜひ教えてください。 宜しくお願いします。 Here’s a birthday gift kit just for you. A schedule book & a pen, so you can write in lots of wonderful plans. An eraser, so you can make all your troubles disappear easily. A map, to lead you to the right way when you lost your way in your life. A powerful rubber band, it makes you stretch your possibility beyond your limits. あなたの限界を超えて可能性を伸ばさせる・・という文のつもりです・・・

  • 並べ替えの問題です。

    My mother (when / reading / came / a book / I / back / was]. 答えは下のどちらでしょうか?それともどちらでもOKですか? (1) My mother was reading a book when I came home. (2) My mother came back when I was reading a book.

  • 大学受験英作文

    すこし構文を増やしてみました。…使いこなせませんが。 最近、インターネットが盛んになったせいか、本を端から端まで読む人が少なくなったのは残念です。 It is a pity that there are few people now to read a book carefully ,propably because of getting Internet more popular . 人とのつきあいのように途中でいろいろなことを感じたり、思いがけない発見をしたりできるところが読書の面白さです。 The pleasure of reading is feeling many things and finding something you had not thought on the way to such as connection with other people . よろしくお願いします

  • 英語でエッセイを書いてみたんですが・・・

    1000文字程度(全然足りていないのですが)のエッセイ の課題課題が出て一応は取り組んでみて提出したのですが。 翌日に先生から返却される際、後で話があるといわれました・・ そして授業後に話してみると、ひどい英文、文法がダメなど ボロボロに言われてしまいいました。 そこで手直しをしてみようとしたのですが、どこの文法が ダメなのか分らないし、文章の構成もすべて注意されてしまった ので英語がとことん苦手な私にはどうすればよいか分りません。 そのため、下手でどうしようもない英文の明らかに誤っている 文法。また、こうしたほうがもっと良くなるなどのアドバイス を頂けないでしょうか。本当によろしくお願いします。 (文字制限によりIntroductionとconcludionは削っています。)       People Need Reading  The first reason to support is you can learn many words by reading. You sometimes find incomprehensible word when you are reading. At such time, if you look up words in a dictionary and examine the words of meaning, you can know and learn many words. Moreover, the increase of vocabulary leads to the increase in the thought because thinking is an act of doing by using words. When thinking alone, act of thinking used by generally using words so the idea cannot help coarsening naturally if the vocabulary power is scarce. In brief, the richness of vocabulary supports your thought. In addition, the kind of colloquial expression was limited. Only if you spend a daily life, you do not need to use a difficult word. However, if it thinks only using by the spoken language in the daily life, your thought becomes simple by all means. If the expressed word is simple, the content of ideas becomes simple too. In contrast, feelings and thinking are become complex if you knowing many words. In the written language, there is a variation without in the spoken language. In a word, reading is the best possible method to know many words.  A second reason to support is the great deal of knowledge can be acquired by reading. A lot of things that I have not known up to now are written in books and I am impressed every time obtained the new knowledge. For instance, people learn a new matter by reading newspaper and journal. For one thing, you can know about the place where you have not gone if you read about the place such as preparation of the school excursion when you were such a student. Furthermore, the ability for communication improves when knowledge increases, because you show provided got the new knowledge for friends and it can share with each other. In addition, generally speaking people want to know it more deeply by getting new knowledge. Reading books broadens your knowledge and allows you to encounter things of great beauty more frequently, thereby making you a different person from who you were before starting to read books. In other words it is the best means to read the book to get a new knowledge.  The final reason to support people can know what the happiness at private time. Quiet time of one is develops the person. Of course, you can develop your personality throughout pleasant communication with people, but it is also necessary for personality development to have a quiet alone time to reflect on yourself. Happy in vague time while listening to music alone but then reading accompanies a constant mental tension. At the same time this moderate tension gives birth to the sense of fulfillment. Moreover, reading is not by oneself it looks like oneself though because it is time of two people with the author. Next, there is no pressure because the author is not before your eyes but book tell you deeply and quietly. Besides time to taste on one’s own that superior person chose the word. So the person grows up more by spending this time. In fact the person of the bookworm knows the richness of this time to read alone.  

  • この文章を日本語にしてください。

    I am curious if you are studying the vocabulary of the words that we are reading? Also after we are finished with this book is there another book you are interested in to keep reading and working on your pronunciation? I am willing to help you in any way I can.

  • when とwhile

    (1) Eric was reading a book when the phone rang. (2) Eric was reading a book when the phone was ringing. 過去に行われたcontinuous の動作が時間スパンが短ければwhenをよく使うよ、というnativeの意見もありました。上の二つは それぞれこれ以上の状況説明がないのですが、(2)は変なのでしょうか? 私は大いにありだと思います。(2)は変だという人もいます。 whileが一定のスパンを持つ時間の事をあらわすのは わかります。きっと Eric was reading a book while the phone was ringing.ならよかったのでしょう。 whenを「~の時」で使った時 そこに表現される2文のうちのどちらが先に起こった事かを はっきり表す必要があるから (2)がよくないという人がいるのでしょうか? どう良くないのかがわかりません。宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 至急!英訳お願いします!

    英訳お願いします。 My name is Jim and I come from the United States. I have enjoyed reading fiction since I was a child. Since moving to Japan,where I am surrounded by a foreign language every day,I enjoy reading novels in my own language even more. I really find it relaxing. I also feel more confident than when I'm speaking or reading Japanese. It is fun to imagine that I am one of the characters in the novel I'm reading,particularly when I read fantasy stories. When I read Harry Potter,for example,I felt as if I had become a wizard like him. When I read Lord of the Rings,I became Strider. It made me feel so strong and brave! When I told my friend Sue about my imaginary lives,she agreed. "I know what you mean ,"she said. "The same thing happens to me.When I read Little Women,I wanted to help my family like the heroine did." I also enjoy reading science fiction. I like to imagine that I am flying with the other characters in a super fast spacecraft and that we save the earth from terrible crises. When I read I become a different person,even if only for a little while. 何卒よろしくお願いします。

  • when節に現在完了についてです

    ある本にはwhen節に現在完了の完了は使えない (When have you arrived here ? は間違いだから When did you arrive here に変える)と書いてあったんですが 違う本では Please return the book when you have finished reading it . という例文(完了ですよね?)があったんです。 どっちが正しいですか? さらにもう一つ I have been to China whne iwas a child ↓ I went to China whne iwas a child 解説 when節と現在完了は共起しない この解説はどういう意味ですか?

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします! They transform you spiritually and are karma. They make you the person you are today, and the person you will be when you meet. Each persons karma (development of soul and character) goes at its own pace, it cannot always be measured in years or days. It’s like reading a book, each chapter; a chapter of your life, the meeting is on a certain page but some people read the book faster, some slower. In theory you can hasten the meeting, you could get to the page quicker if you work on your karma, if you become the person your destined to be sooner. Just by having this reading done your are already step closer to that time than before.