• ベストアンサー



  • porquinha
  • ベストアンサー率35% (289/817)

意味はNo.1の通りで。 By using such a measuring system このような測量方法(「200歩」という計算の仕方)だと、 you might get more or less land,獲得できる土地が増える、もしくは減ります depending on ~によって ehether the person who paced off the field had long or short legs. 歩く人の脚が、長いか短いか



ご回答ありがとうございます! 詳しくわかりました!


  • 和訳が分かりません。

    For example, you can tell them to shut off after you leave the house for work, and then spring back into action in just enough time to make the house nice and toasty (or cool and comfortable, depending on the season) by the time you to get home. 度々すいません。 この文のspring back into actionって意味はなんですか? それと、time you to...って間違っていませんか? time for you to get home なら分かるのですが・・・


    学生なのですが難しくて和訳できません。 よかったら教えてください。 Unlike dogs and horses,cats walk or run by moving first the front and back legs on one side,and then the front and back legs on the other side. They have good coordination and almost always land on their feet when they fall. Their sense of smell is also excellent and is important for the evaluation of food. A sick cat often will not want to eat,because it cannot smell its food.

  • 和訳お願いします

    これは若者英語なのでしょうか?よくわかりません… Im'a just stay on tell you get of or if you get on.

  • 次の英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Some American universities offer an on-line roommate finder or roommate search service. These are useful sites brought to you by off-campus housing services at the universities, which are designed to assist current and in-coming students in their search for compatible roommates. Whether you are looking for a roommate or a room for rent, you should visit the websites, and you may find affordable rooms and friendly roommates. You can live in an on-campus dormitory if it is available. If you want to live in an off-campus apartment, it would be a good idea to share the apartment with other students. In many cases, you can have your own room and share a kitchen and a bathroom. In order to search for a room, you can use an on-line roommate or apartment finder. Or go to see bulletin boards for getting information about "roommates wanted." That will let you cut costs and reduce your bills so you can save money on housing. If you visit an American university during your long summer vacation, you may sublet a room. The summer vacation starts in mid July, and many students are out of town for vacation for a while, so they may sublease their rooms. If you need some information about sublets, visit an on-line apartment finder offered by the university you visit.

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    次の英文を訳してください。 All Inuit live most of their lives close to salt water or fresh water. Their land has a wild look, but grass and flowers manage to live there. In the past the Inuit lived by hunting and fishing and moved all year. The Inuit year has two main seasons:a long,cold winter and a short, cool summer. Spring and fall are too short to be noticed. In summer,there is no snow on the land,and little ice on the sea. In winter the sea freezes and becomes vast ice fields.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You are very painstaking and deliberate when it comes to partnerships, lovers, relationships of all kinds. You tend toward long-lasting friendships and are very loyal. sometimes too staid. Money and material possessions will be come important in this relationship one way or another. But money will be gained through this union eventually. If the ruler of the seventh house is afflicted at any time by a difficult transit in your chart however there will be loss through the partners wastefulness or misfortune. The ruler of the seventh in this house often means that you hope to be kept or not to have to work after marriage. This may be a drain on the soul mates income. But he will spend money on your anyway and will like to buy you things.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします What time is it? There are many ways you can find out the time. You may have a wristwatch on your arm. You can look at an arm clock beside your bed. People tell the time on the radio or TV. You can call a number on the telephone and get the time. It has not always been easy to know the time. A long time ago people looked at the sun to tell the time. The sun was their clock. They could tell the time of day by the place of the sun in the sky:morning,noon,or afternoon. After many years people began to see something else about the sun. When the sun shone on something,it made a dark shadow behind it. This was the place that did not get sunlight. As the sun moved across the sky,the shadow moved too. People could tell time better by the shadows that by the sun. They made something long and pointed so that the shadow was easier to see.

  • 会話文を訳したのですが、これで大丈夫でしょうか?

    A: Helen and Meryll, can I help you? B: Would you connect me with Mr.Brown? A: Hang on. (To Mr.Brown)Cliff,you are wanted (by someone) on the phone. この会話文を訳すと、 A:ヘレン&メリー社です。ご用件はなんでしょうか? B:ブラウンさんにつないでほしいのですが・・・ A:お待ちください。  クリフ、電話でご指名だよ! このような訳になりました。特に、(To Mr.Brown)Cliff,you are wanted (by someone) on the phone.の (To Mr.Brown)は、どのように訳せばいいのでしょうか? 教えてください!

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    I hope you know that $500.00 is the price you have listed!!! So I am REALLY trusting you!! I cannot afford to pay $500.00 for that razor! Also, should I buy the Tokyo razor or wait on it?

  • 和訳お願いします!!!!!!!

    We put you on the waiting list for the first flight leaving on the 7th. In the case that this can get confirmed, you will need to pay a penalty of 30.00Bs by the time you check in due to the change of time. If you can please keep in touch with us and contact us the day before in order to know whether your flight got confirmed for the morning one or not.