Cats' Unique Abilities and Challenges: Translating TREASERE GRADE3

  • Learn about the unique abilities of cats and the challenges they face in translating TREASERE GRADE3, a difficult task for students.
  • Find out how cats' coordination allows them to walk or run gracefully, and how their sense of smell influences their appetite.
  • Discover the importance of cats' sense of smell in evaluating food, and how a sick cat's loss of smell can affect its appetite.
  • ベストアンサー


学生なのですが難しくて和訳できません。 よかったら教えてください。 Unlike dogs and horses,cats walk or run by moving first the front and back legs on one side,and then the front and back legs on the other side. They have good coordination and almost always land on their feet when they fall. Their sense of smell is also excellent and is important for the evaluation of food. A sick cat often will not want to eat,because it cannot smell its food.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

犬や馬と異なり、猫はまず最初に片側の前脚、後脚を動かし、それから、反対側の前脚、後脚を動かして、歩いたり、走ったりする。 猫は運動神経が良く、落下する時は、ほとんど常に脚で着地する。 彼らの嗅覚も優れていて、食べ物の評価にとって重要である。 病気の猫は、しばしば食べたがらないだろう、と言うのは、その猫が食べ物のにおいをかぎ分けられないからなのだ。 <注> •have good coordination 運動神経が良い[優れている]



ありがとうございます!! とてもわかりやすかったです

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 犬や馬と違って、猫は、まず片方の前足と後ろ足で歩いたり走ったりし、次に反対側の前足と後ろ足を使う。バランス感覚がよく、落ちても大抵足から先に着地する。  嗅覚も優れており、餌のよしあしの判定に重要な働きをする。病気の猫は何も食べないことが多い、食べ物の匂いが嗅げなくなるからだ。



ありがとうございます!! 役立ちました


  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳と選択をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) People first ( 1 ) civilization about 4,000 B.C., or 6,000 years ago. This is an insignificant period of time compared to their 3 million years on this globe. The ( 2 ) of history speeded up tremendously compared to the sluggish pace of earlier times. Million of years passed before people learned how to farm. This occurred about 10,000 B.C. But after that people seemed to leap forward. The more time passed, the more rapid pace of invention and development and change. When people were food gatherers they ( 3 ) their knowledge every 100,000 years. When they became civilized they needed 1,000 years, but people depended on their own two legs during most of these 3 million years on this earth. Then a few thousand years ago they learned to ( 4 ) horse and other animals, and to ride them or use them to pull carriages. About a century ago the bicycle was developed. Then in rapid succession the steam engine, the automobile, and the airplane were developed, and now there are spaceships that can land on the moon and place instruments on Mars. (1)1.raised 2.grew 3.developed 4.invented (2)1.time 2.tempo 3.rhythm 4.grade (3)1.stored 2.doubled 3.exchanged 4.accumulated (4)1.ride 2.use 3.tame 4.hurt

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    Some people tried to keep off witches by painting signs on their houses, and others by nailing up a piece of iron, such as a houseshoe, over the door. Those sitting on the right side of the car watch their side of the road, and those on the left, theirs. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文章の和訳をどなたかお願いします。言いたいことはなんとなくわかるのですが、なんだか訳しにくいです…。(どこまで日本語に訳して言うか。英語のまま言ったほうがいいところもあるのかなと思います) 訳してもらいたい文章は、最後のまとめ部分に当たります。それ以前の内容の要約としては ・upという単語には肯定的、downには否定的な価値観が含まれている。例えばmore is better/less is worse.やbigger is better/smaller is worse.といった比喩表現にも表れていて、これは成長は肯定されるべきだというアメリカ人の信念を映し出したものである。 ・このup/downを使った比喩は、未来が過去よりさらに良くなるのだという典型的なアメリカの楽観主義も反映している。 といった感じです。よろしくお願いします。 -------------------- Sometimes students ask me about the word order in certain English expressions. Americans say 「here and there」, 「up and down」, 「front and back」, 「good and bad」instead of there and here, down and up, back and front, bad and good. They instinctively know that what is closest to the speaker automatically comes first. Since 「here」 is closer than 「there」, they will place 「here」first. Americans like to describe themselves in a positive fashion; therefore, they put 「front」,「up」 and 「good」 first: 「front and back」, 「up and down」, 「good and bad」. A variation in the word order sounds strange to a native speaker, because this change contradicts the metaphors of the language. ※「 」内はイタリック表記です。

  • 歌詞の和訳をお願いします!

    flaming lipsのrace for the prizeという曲です。大好きなのでかっこよく訳してほしいです。よろしくお願いします。 Two scientists were racing For the good of all mankind Both of them side by side So Determined Locked in heated battle For the cure that is their prize But it's so dangerous But they're determined Theirs is to win If it kills them They're just humans With wives and children Upwards to the vanguard Where the pressure is too high Under the microscope Hope against hope Forging for the future But to sarcrifice their lives Both of them side by side So determined Theirs is to win If it kills them They're just humans With wives and children Theirs is to win It will kill them They're just humans With wives and children

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) It's been said that man stands alone because he alone stands. To put it another way, the first great step for mankind was the first bipedal step taken by our remote ( 1 ). The moment we started walking on our hind legs we freed our front legs to become our grasping, manipulative hands. And with tool-making hands we conquered the world. So we owe a great debt to our feet and should cherish them as one of the most important parts of our anatomy. But what a pity, we ( 2 ) do this. Instead we abuse them horribly. We sentence them to spend two-thirds of their life inside leather cells. We force them to walk on hard, tiring surfaces. And we completely ignore their health and well-being until they are in serious trouble and send out pain signals we can ( 3 ) ignore. The reason for this is we look down on them literally. They are too far away from our specialized sense organs. If we could examine them as ( 4 ) as we study our hands, we would take more care of them. But they are at the far end of the body, and most of the time they hardly rate a passing thought.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Suddenly three other guys descend on the same area and proceed to use the machines on either side of me and the one directly in front of me. Note: “Descend on” means to arrive unexpectedly.

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    A new era began when the LaTene Celts invaded Britain in the fifth century B C and, armed with iron swords against which the soft bronze weapons of the natives were useless, established themselves as a feudal aristocracy. Iron, however, al-though it revolutionized warfare and industry, is less beauti-ful than gold and bronze, and for ornaments these were the metals they mainly demanded of their craftsmen. It was an age of domestic squalor and barbaric splendour, for these Celtic warriors cared little for their homes and lavished their wealth on personal adornment: bronze scabbaeds, helmets, and shields, necklaces of twisted gold, bronze mirrors for their women, bronze masks and trappings for their horses. They enriched the geometric design of the Bronze Age with new motifs derived from Italy, in particular the tendril and anthemion, the formalized honeysuckle ornament of classsical Greece, and developed a flowing curvilinear form that has the coiled energy of a spring.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    The Doll Festival、 which is celebrated on March 3、 is a festival for girls。 This festival is also called the Peach Festival because peach blossoms、 which have a graceful and gentle appearance、 are at their best in March。 Households with daughters display a set of dolls in ancient court costumes on a stand of 5 to 7 tiers covered with red cloth。 These dolls represent an emperor、 an empress、 court attendants、 and court musicians。 Diamond- shaped rice cakes and a type of sake are arranged in front of the tiered stand。 This display of dolls and food is arranged by the family for the purpose of praying for the good health and sound growth of the daughters。 Young girls wearing kimono celebrate the festival by eating sweet rice cakes and drinking white sake while admiring the display。 以上です、よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳教えてください。

    When you vacation, do you go as a tourist or as a travelar? I dare say that most people have never asked themselves this question. But for me, there is a definite distinction between the two. When one considers travel as a possible means of bridging cultural gaps in our shrinking global village, the nuances behind these words become important. In my opinion (based on years of observing visitors to my adopted home, Paris), tourists are more likely to maintain a distance between themselves and the places that they visit. Their purpose in traveling is to "see the sights", take photos and have their photos taken in front of famous sights. They often travel in tour groups, which offer the advantage of obtaining cursory information about the sights visited, but also have the disadvantage of discouraging individual discovery. In contrast, travelers interact much more with the people and places found at their travel destinations. They enjoy not only the main sights, but also the back streets and hidden neighborhoods in and around their destinations. They seek out the things that distinguish the places visited from their home territory. They observe the local culture and inhabitants, and seek to understand them. And in the process,they share information about their own culture. When I moved to France, I did so as a traveler. Not only was I determined to learn about the various peoples who live there, why they came and how they live, but I also made up my mind to visit other countries with the same perspective. As a result, my voyages have been much fuller and richer, and my understanding and appreciation of my own American culture has deepened. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The German High Command believed they would be able to defeat the British and French on the Western Front and strangle Britain with unrestricted submarine warfare before American forces could be trained and shipped to Europe in sufficient numbers to aid the Allies. The Germans were encouraged by their successes on the Eastern Front into believing that they would be able to divert large numbers of troops to the Western Front in support of their goals. Mexican President Venustiano Carranza assigned a military commission to assess the feasibility of the Mexican takeover of their former territories contemplated by Germany. The general concluded that it would be neither possible nor even desirable to attempt such an enterprise for the following reasons: The United States was far stronger militarily than Mexico was. No serious scenarios existed under which Mexico could win a war against the United States.