• 締切済み

Power PC 604について

以下の英語の訳は分かるんですが、内容が分かりません。 エキサイトなどでの訳だけでは内容がわかりませんでした。 すいませんがよろしくお願いします。 PowerPC architecture consists of the following layers, and adherence to the PowerPC architecture can be measured in terms of which of the following levels of the architecture is implemented. For example, if a processor adheres to the virtual environment architecture, it is assumed that it meets the user instruction set architecture specification.


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  • ベストアンサー率23% (4/17)

なぜ訳してみたいと思われたのでしょうか?訳したことはないのですが、POWER PCのCPUが発表された当時の記事にいままでの68040系とはまったく異なる技術で処理演算処理をするんだぞ という記事をよく見かけたので、内容的には簡単なテクノロジー説明なのだと思います(^^ゞ詳細はMACのCPUの歴史を調べれば出てくると思います。(コンピュータの部類の中でも専門的な用語なのではないでしょうか???)






  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    以下の文章の訳が分かりません。 PowerPC architecture consists of the following layers, and adherence to the PowerPC architecture can be measured in terms of which of the following levels of the architecture is implemented. For example, if a processor adheres to the virtual environment architecture, it is assumed that it meets the user instruction set architecture specification. 詳しい解説があればなおうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の書き換え

    the other class of machine consists of those whose function it is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings. タイトルの英文ですが下記のように書き換えられますか? the other class of machine consists of function which is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(1) the other class of machine consists of that those function is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(2) 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 以下の英文を訳してください。困っています

    Sculpture begins as a three-dimensional art; that is the ’speciality’it shares with architecture, the art most nearly related to it. But sculpture is solid, whereas architecture is hollow. Architecture becomes more sculptural as it tends to neglect its inner spatial functions, as Greek and Egyption architecture did. Sculpture, on the other hand, is never in any true sense architectural. That is one of the misunderstandings which has led to its undoing. Architecture must have a base-a bed or plinth from which it rises, and to which it is inevitably bound.

  • この一文におけるforの意味を教えて下さい

    For it is a mistake to suppose that, because modern architects are particularly concerned to relate buildings more closely to the needs they have to serve, they are only interested in the practical side of architecture. 始めのForが無くても大丈夫な気がするのですが、何故あるのでしょうか。解説には「For S V ときているのでForは理由を示す接続詞」とあるのですが、その場合 [For it is a mistake to suppose that S V] V  のようになると思いました。つまり、終わりが architecture V となるようにしか思えないのです もしもForがなければどこがおかしくなってしまうのか教えて下さい

  • Is this grammatical?

    Is the following sentence in the Bible perfectly grammatical? "The gospel keeps bringing blessings and is spreading throughout the world, just as it has among you ever since the day you first heard about the grace of God and came to know it as it really is." (Colossians 1.6, Good News Bible) What does the first "it" refer to? Does the following "has" take an object? Or any past participle of verb?

  • 英文解釈

    何度もすみません。 Third , time is assumed to be a microlevel phenomenon best measured as the minutes a child is "on-task" or "engaged" in educational pursuits within classrooms. 訳というよりか文の構造がわかりません。もちろん構造がわかってないんで訳もわからないんですが・・。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文内容の違い(Negative confirmation)

    Which of the following statements would an auditor most likely to the negative form of confirmation of account receivable to encourage timely consideration by the recipients? 私が理解できないのは次の2つの文の内容です。直訳は別にして内容の違いが把握できません。どなたかヒントをいただければ幸いです。 1.Report any difference on the enclosed statement directly to our auditors; no reply is necessary if this statements agrees with your records. 2.If you do not report any difference with 15 days, it will be assumed that this statement is correct.

  • 英語疑問文

    which of the following statements is true. の文章とwhich is the best of these books to study Japanese. 前の文はwhich of the following statements. となっているのであとの文もwhich of these books is the best to study Japaneseというような形にしても意味は同じでしょうか? which of the following statements is true.この文もwhich is the truth of the following statements.こういうふうに書き換えられると思いました。そこで気づいたのですが、true(形容詞)をtruth(名詞)に変えることで書き換えられる。 つまりthe bestは形容詞にでも名詞にもなれるということですか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 以下の2つの文章を日本語に訳せる方、切実に困ってます 宜しくお願い致します 1.Subject Unmarried Certificate To Whom It May Concern According to the application and the recommendation of ward office ward No 3, this is to certify that(NAME), daughter of Late.(NAME), permanent resident of (ADRESS) is unmarried till now 2.Subject Relationship Certificate To Whom It May Concern This is to Certify the (NAME) permanent resident of (ADDRESS) is the native citizen of (JAPAN) As per her application and the recommendation made by Ward Office. (ADDRESS) this is further Certifed that the following mentioned person have the following relationship with the applicant, (NAME) as mentioned below.

  • 訳し方を教えて下さい

    The global pattern of development. Definition of development and how it is measured. At least 3 slides on processes that have caused the patternes. 2 slides on why it is significant for people.