• ベストアンサー

訳を見てもらえないでしょうか? 【とくに経済に強い方】


  • NooGarde
  • ベストアンサー率28% (75/260)

1. Not only are markets different from one another in terms of their underlying political economics, for all the arguments in favor of convergence to one ideal form of the market, economic and political interests remain embedded in those markets such that adaptation is the more likely response rather than wholesale structural change. 1. Not only are markets different from one another市場は(それぞれ個性があり、二つとして同じものはない。 in terms of their underlying political economics, 市場の拠り所である政治経済学に関して言えば(同じものは無いというだけではない) for all the arguments in favor of convergence to one ideal form of the market,(市場とはこのようにそれぞれ個性があるわけでなく)たった一つだけの理想的な市場形態(没個性化)へ限りなく近づくものだという点を支持する主張があるにもかかわらず economic and political interests remain embedded in those markets(実際には)経済そして政治的利益はこのようなそれぞれ個性ある市場に組み込まれたままだ。 such that adaptation is the more likely response rather than wholesale structural change.その結果として、このような個性ある市場へ適合していくというのが、個々の差を考慮に入れない大規模な十把ひとからげの構造変化よりも、可能性のある(市場での)反応である。 2. This is apparent in the cross-listing of firms from one market to another. It is also reflected in the geographical inertia of some types of market agents compared to others. 2. This is apparent in the cross-listing of firms from one market to another. このように個性的な市場にそれぞれ適合していくというところは、企業の複数上場というケースでも明らかになっている。 It is also reflected in the geographical inertia of some types of market agents compared to others.同様に、ある種の市場活性化要素が他のものと比べて(市場間などの)地理的な違いにより、うまく作用しないという点にも反映している。(ゆえにうまく適合する必要があるのだ) 3. In any event, market are quite unstable over time in terms of the motive forces or imperative driving market trading. Therefore, information may be more or less relevant for trade between dirrerent markets, and more or relevant over time for trake within markets. 3. In any event, market are quite unstable over timeいずれにせよ、市場は長期的に見るときわめて不安定である。(心理が反映するものであることもあり不安定なのが一般的。) in terms of the motive forces or imperative driving market trading.これは心理的な原動力あるいは有無を言わせず気持ちを駆り立てられるような市場取引に関して言える(ことである) Therefore, information may be more or less relevant for trade between different markets,それゆえ(心理的要因によって不安定であるがゆえ)情報は多かれ少なかれ市場間での取引にとって意味のあるものである。 and more or relevant over time for trade within markets.そして、長期にわたって考えれば、市場内での取引にとって意味のあるものだ。 4. Inter-jurisdictional differences in market structure combined with unanticipated shifts in market-specific sentiment are likely to mean that disclosure is always less than optimal and is always being 'reformed' in relation to past failings. 4. Inter-jurisdictional differences各管轄間の相違が in market structure市場構造上あり combined with unanticipated shifts in market-specific sentiment(補足すると、この市場構造とは)市場(特有の)心理による予期せぬ変化と結びついているというようなものだが are likely to mean that(いずれにせよ)このような市場構造上の相違が意味するものは何であろうか disclosure is always less than optimal まず、企業情報開示は絶えず、最善というところまで至ることがないという事である。 and is always being 'reformed' in relation to past failings.そして、過去に起こした失敗の面では絶えず改善され続けているという事を意味するのだ。 市場構造に適応するために、このような開示等に関する絶え間ない努力が必要なのである。 すこし誤字が多いです(笑)この質問では他にも少し変な感じのところがあります。この手の文章はカンマ一つでずいぶん違うと思いますので。参照サイトがないためコピーできないものと思われ、手打ちタイプになっていらっしゃるからだと思いますがその点お願いします。 もうひとつの回答した質問ですがもう少し考えてはみます。



いつもありがとうございます。 少し別の件で立て込んでいたため,お礼が遅くなってしまいました。 申し訳ございませんでした。 改めて本文を記載した英文を突き合わせてみたところ,単複が誤っていたり,ミスタイプが多くありましたが, カンマについては記載ミスはなかったようです。 今後は,できるだけ正確にタイプし,質問投稿前にしっかり確認することを心掛けたく存じます。 毎回,非常に丁寧にご回答くださるので,私ですら理解しやすいのですが, 1点だけご回答いただいた内容に関してお伺いしたいことがあります。 GW中ですが,お時間ございましたらご検討くださいますよう,お願い致します。 2.で「同様に、ある種の市場活性化要素が他のものと比べて(市場間などの)地理的な違いにより、 うまく作用しないという点にも反映している」と訳していただいたのですが, 「市場活性化要素」や「うまく作用しない」という句は前文からの流れを受けて, 訳がわかりやすくなるように付け加えたものであるという理解でよいでしょうか? ご回答を参考に,再度質問した箇所の英文を考えたいと思います。 誠にありがとうございました。今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。


  • 英文の訳

    It can be shown mathematically that the cyclomatic number is equal to one more than the number of decisions in a program, and there are many programs that have a large number of decisions but are easy to understand, code and maintain. 最後のcode and maintainがどのようにかかるのか分かりません。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • 長文ですみません!!m(__)m訳をお願い致します

    "With historically low levels of new building and net migration (while not at strong levels) likely to be more supportive of Auckland housing demand than other parts of the country, we suspect demographic pressures are slowly beginning to surface. This is also shown by increases in average rents, which at $434 per week is also a new record high." Borkin said that given the housing market's properties as a good "leading indicator" in NZ, and the Auckland region being "the consumer juggernaut" that it is, this may signal the beginnings of an improvement in the consumer spending backdrop. "We think it is too early to make a call on this yet given that household behaviour remains one of caution and deleveraging, but we are watching closely." Borkin said that evidence was gradually beginning to mount "that a more robust recovery is around the corner and this will eventually warrant tighter monetary conditions. We continue to feel this is more an early 2012 story".

  • 訳仕方

    At a high level, our long-term strategy and direction remains the same,We will continue to invest in profitable opportunities to grow in our core markets -and markets that are similar to our core- and where we can leverage our existing capabilities. 上記英文を自分なりに訳すと、”我々の高レベルな長期的戦略と目標に変わりはありません。我々は、コアマーケット、それと同等のマーケット、及び既存の生産能力を活用できるマーケットでの拡大を図るべく収益性のあるビジネスへの投資を継続していくこととなります。”となりますが、意味は理解できるのですが、日本文としては成り立ってないように思います。 アドバイスお願いします。

  • 英語がわかる方お願いします!

    この文章が結局何を言いたいのかわかりません。 どなたかわかりやすく説明お願いします。 急いでます。 "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" That is the headline on a New York Times story about the country's largest retailer. The very idea that third parties should be deciding whether a particular business is good for the whole country shows incredible chutzpa. The people who shop at Wal-Mart can decide whether that is good for them or not. But the intelligentsia are worried about something called Wal-Mart's "market power." Apparently this giant chain sells 30 percent of all the disposable diapers in the country and the Times reporter refers to the prospect of "Wal-Mart amassing even more market power." Just what "power" does a sales percentage represent? Not one of the people who bought their disposable diapers at Wal-Mart was forced to do so. I can't remember ever having bought anything from Wal-Mart and there is not the slightest thing that they can do to make me. The misleading use of words constitutes a large part of what is called anti-trust law. "Market power" is just one of those misleading terms. In anti-trust lingo, a company that sells 30 percent of the disposable diapers is said to "control" 30 percent of the market for that product. But they control nothing. Let them jack up their prices and they will find themselves lucky to sell 3 percent of the disposable diapers. They will discover that they are just as disposable as their diapers. Much is made of the fact that Wal-Mart has 3,000 stores in the United States and is planning to add 1,000 more. At one time, the A & P grocery chain had 15,000 stores but now they have shrunk so drastically that there are probably millions of people -- especially in the younger generation -- who don't even know that they exist. An anti-trust lawsuit back in the 1940s claimed that A & P "controlled" a large share of the market for groceries. But they controlled nothing. As the society around them changed in the 1950s, A & P began losing millions of dollars a year, being forced to close thousands of stores and become a shadow of its former self. Let the people who run Wal-Mart start believing the talk about how they "control" the market and, a few years down the road, people will be saying "Wal-Who?" With Wal-Mart, as with A & P before them, the big bugaboo is that their low prices put competing stores out of business. Could anyone ever have doubted that low-cost stores win customers away from higher-cost stores? It is one of the painful signs of the immaturity and lack of realism among the intelligentsia that many of them regard this as a "problem" to be "solved." Trade-offs have been with us ever since the late unpleasantness in the Garden of Eden.

  • とても長い英文を読むときのコツ

    Nonetheless, most economists continue to preach on the efficacies of free trade, citing the priniciples of the early nineteenth-century economist David Ricardo. Whereas Adam Smith had argued that nations gain by exporting whatever it is they produce more cheaply and ignoring those markets in which they are less competitive-the theory of absolute advantage-Ricardo took a different tack by asserting that trade between counties to make sense even if one of the counties has an absolute advantage in every industry. Whereas Adam Smith had argued that nations gain by exporting whatever it is they produce more cheaply and ignoring those markets in which they are less competitive-the theory of absolute advantage-Ricardo took a different tack by asserting that trade between counties to make sense even if one of the counties has an absolute advantage in every industry. このようなとても長い英文はどのように読めばいいでしょうか?

  • 英単語の訳

    What Abbott and others are calling for is not only more attention to narrative, a detailed description of the processes that variables are presumed to capture, but also to systematic means of coding patterns in the narratives to permit generalization. この文章内のcoding patternsの意味をお教え下さい。

  • 訳がわかりません。

    The most difficult kind of liberty to preserve in a democracy is that kind which derives its importance from services to the community that are not very obvious to ignorant people.の文が訳せません。isのあとが長すぎて混乱してしまいます。訳し方を教えてください。

  • 訳をお願いします

    Affair is a serious relationship And now I love to have a one of that In case I just wanted to be with you yumi

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Friday was the deadline to mail 2010 census forms, the once-a-decade count of American population. Altough the results are expected to show an increase in the number of multiracial people , some African-Americans with one white perent are deciding to simply stay back. population・・住民 with one white perent・・父親か母親が白人の It is impossible to know how many of the 35 million people counted as black alone in 2000 have a white perent. But it is clear that the decision to check one box - or more - on the census is often steeped in history ,culture, pride and mentality. box・・欄 steeped in~・・~に浸る、没頭する

  • ●次の英文の訳お願いします。

    (1)No expression is more ambiguous in identifityng the source of information. (2)The same goes for kankeisha guiding people in line because it does not tell us how they related to the line. (3)I would guess they are hired by the store, but the term seems to be a convenient way to imply authority without responsibility. (4)That would be as pure as that felt by the anonymous craftsmen who produce good wokers that are much appreciated by cutromers. それは客たちに高く評価される作品を生み出す匿名の職人による純粋な楽しみとなるだろう・・・?