• ベストアンサー


同じような意味になるように()に適する語を入れるという問題なのですが、()の部分にいれた私の解答は、あっていますか?すいませんがチェックをお願いします。間違っていたら訂正もお願いします。 This was the most exciting sight he ever saw in his life. ↓ He(has)never(seen)such an exciting sight. They were dancing when he arrived. ↓ The dance (has) already (began) when he arrived. I bought a magazine at a kiosk and I read it in the train. ↓ In the train I read the magazine that I (had)(bought) at a kiosk.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • petitchat
  • ベストアンサー率40% (313/767)

The dance (has) already (began) when he arrived. 着いたときには皆踊っていたのですから has ではなく had ですね。 He(has)never(seen)such an exciting sight. 元の文が過去形ですので そんなスゴイ光景は見たことがなかった で こちらも had ですね。





  • 不定詞

    「私は電車の中で読むために雑誌を買った」を英語にすると I bought a magazine to read it on the train. でいいでしょうか。 形容詞的用法の I bought a magazine to read on the train. の形はよく見かけるのですが

  • 同意文作成問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)Will you wait here for me?  Will you wait here (     )I come back? (2)He went up to Tokyo at the age of twenty.  He went up to Tokyo (     )he (     )twenty. (3)I am tired because I worked hard.  I am tired (     )(     )hard work. (4)While he was staying in Paris,he visited his old friend.  (     )his(     )in Paris,he visited his old friend. (5)When I was going to station,I saw a friend of mine.  I saw a friend of mine (     )my(     )to station. (6)Look at the girl who has a beautiful lily in her hand.  Look at the girl (     )a beautiful lily in her hand.

  • 最近英語を独学し始めたのですが回答がなく困ってますどうか手伝ってくださ

    最近英語を独学し始めたのですが回答がなく困ってますどうか手伝ってください 回答お願いします 1)They found that it was a pretty goof idea They found ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5 words で 2) His fans were sad when the racer died The racer's death ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4words で 3) The leaves have turned red because of the cold weather The cold weather has ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 words で 4) He was in the habit of sitting up late at night. He ( ) often sit up late at night 1 word で 5) He was careless to leave the bag in the train It was careless ( ) ( ) to leave the bag in the train 2wordで 6) It seems she was happy. She seems ( ) ( ) ( ) happy. 3wordで 7) When she entered the room, she found him sleeping. ( ) the room, she found him sleeping. 1word で 8) We can't tell why he has done such a thing There is ( ) ( ) why he has done such a thing 2words で どうか手助けしてください お願いしますm(_ _ )m

  • 時制をどうしたらいいのですか?

    「私は(新幹線に乗っていて)名古屋に着いたときに眠ってしまった。」を訳すとき、I (sleep) when our train arrived in Nagoya.の(sleep)の時制はどうしたらよいのですか?過去形?

  • 同音異義語問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)Everyone(    ) that the earth is round. The (    )on your face is used for smelling. (2)It rained the(    ) day. In the game of golf ,one has to get a ball into a (    )in the ground. (3)He bought a (    )of shoes at that store. I enjoyed eating a delicious(    ). (4)Ten years have (    )since she died. In the(    ) ,houses were built of stone.

  • 意味がわかりそうでわかりません。

    This is when a traveler's body continues to follow the time of the country the traveler has left rather than the one he or she has arrived in. Jet Lag について書かれた文(英検)です。 出だしのthisはJet lagを指します。 the traveler has left rather than the one he or she has arrived in この部分がわかりません。 解説お願いします。

  • 「have + 目的語 + 過去分詞」

    「have + 目的語 + 過去分詞」で完了の意味を表すというのを読みました。 I have a table reserved for four in the name of Tanaka. は、 I have reserved a table for four in the name of Tanaka. と、 どのように違うのでしょうか? He already had the box opened when we arrived.は、 He already had opened the box when we arrived.と、 どのように違うのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 難関高校問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)After a long discussion,he finally changed his(    ). Would you(    ) opening the window? (2)Athletes should have the spirits of fair(    ). He will(    ) an important part in the next movie. (3)I (    )my favorite umbrella on the train. You can see our school on your(    ). (4)She washes her(    ) before she has breakfast. We(    ) a lot of problems in our lives. (5)He used to have a house in the country ,but now he(    ) in Tokyo. Ten(    ) were lost in the car accident. (6)In the United States,the school year begins in the(    ). Be careful not to(    ) asleep in class. (7)May I(    ) this shirt on? I’m going to(    ) to solve this problem. (8)I asked the policeman for advice about where to (    )my car in this area. That(    ) is famous for its cherry blossoms and is also popular with touriats. (9)Are you (    )their plan or against it? I bought this book(    ) five hundred yen. (10)Five gives (    )and heat. The girl came in with a(    ) step.

  • 翻訳、文法お願いします。

    指示に従って答えなさい。 Mr.Johnson had never been up in an airplane before. について。 (1)at that time を文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:過去) (2)since 2005 を文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:過去から現在に至る) (3)in the futureを文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:未来) (2)( )に適切な一語を入れなさい。(ヒント:時制を考える) (1)It( )stopped raining before I arrived home. (2)He was born after the war( )ended. (3)Everybody( )gone back home when I arrived at the gate. (4)It( )raining now. (5)Mr.Tanaka( )been staying with us since last week. (6)I( )taking a shower when my brother came back. (7)He asked what( )brought me here. 途中からですが翻訳お願いします。/ごとでお願いします。 and he had read a lot about air accidents,/so one day/when a friend offered to take him for a ride/in his own small plane,/Mr.Johnson was very worried about accepting//

  • 急いでます・・・。英文法と翻訳お願いします。

    指示に従って答えなさい。 ・Mr.Johnson had never been up in an airplane before. (1)at that time を文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:過去) (2)since 2005 を文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:過去から現在に至る) (3)in the futureを文末につけて分を書き直す。(ヒント:未来) (2)( )に適切な一語を入れなさい。(ヒント:時制を考える) (1)It( )stopped raining before I arrived home. (2)He was born after the war( )ended. (3)Everybody( )gone back home when I arrived at the gate. (4)It( )raining now. (5)Mr.Tanaka( )been staying with us since last week. (6)I( )taking a shower when my brother came back. (7)He asked what( )brought me here. 途中からですが翻訳お願いします。/ごとでお願いします。 and he had read a lot about air accidents,/so one day/when a friend offered to take him for a ride/in his own small plane,/Mr.Johnson was very worried about accepting//