• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

ううん、もらってないみたいだよ~ でもね、これからも送ってねぇ、最高のお友達だよ~ ッて感じです。





  • 申し訳ありませんが、またまたまた訳していただけませんか・・??


  • 次の文章を訳して下さい。

    Have you no regard For what you donʼt Understand is my only way Out Have you ever Thought it all through What your part is in all of this Noise Iʼm so happy You are my friend I am thrilled And so overjoyed Beyond I canʼt say Thanks enough For all that youʼve done Such support when Iʼm melting Down

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。私は彼がいますが、好きな人ができてしまいました。 でも素直にはなれず、喧嘩しました。怒っているのかニュアンスがわかりません。 どなたか訳してもらえますか? 女:i know i was being selfish last night when you are busy 男:No your not being selfish i just think its not good idea 女:what is mean 男:im sorry though i know you want to see me i just dont think it is good idea 女:why? 男:i think you deserve more then i can offer 女:??? 男:i know you want boyfriend and right now i cannot have girlfriend so i think maybe you should find someone else 女:i usually dont need boyfriend..you dont know me well.i like just fun and something like that..you dont know me..im maybe not good person 男:by your text messeges you give off a different vibe 女:you dont know me really... 女:i dont need boyfriend..so i just told you i dont like something is such a hassle i like just fun 男:you just text me way too much making me think you are looking for boyfriend 女:im soorry i have boyfriend 4years..so idont need boyfriend..you asked me before..JK is your boyfriend? its true.do you know me? 男:haha i knew it and you told me no. i should just trust my instincts 女:then you never asked me..sorry 男:yea its ok idont care about that as long as you dont get too attached 女:next month he is going trip..so..still i wanna see you ..its true 男:sounds like trouble to me ..does he know? 女:no! he doesnt care me.he doesnt try to know about me. anyway you dont care about me right? 男:still sounds like too much drama for me 女:why too much drama? you told me you dont care..you dont need girlfriend i dont need boyfriend.. 男:yea i dont but i dont really care to get involved either... its just too much right now . 女:?? you dont be involved...what? 男:im done. 女:i dont know what you want to say..you dont like 'i want you' but i didnt tell you that 男:your situation is too complicated for me i just dont wanna get involved with you 女:i dont know..never mind its not problem.what do you want to say? i mean to say that you want me to tell you.. 男:yea..then ill be clear about it you should probably find someone else 女:is it okay i will break up him right now? and i dont need boyfrien im free! its okay???!! 男:No thats not the point.. 女:someone? no need. Tell me really want you want to say ! it was better that i didnt tell you true things.. if i tell you whatever..you will be mad.. 男:i dont want to hang out anymore. im not mad..im just done 女:im just done too.

  • 英訳をお願いいたします。

    英訳をお願いいたします。 始めまして、質問に失礼があったら、先にお詫びいたします。 海外からのコメントに返事をしたいのですが、私の英語レベルでは 解釈できかねて、困ってます。 どなたか、日本語に訳してもらえないでしょうか? 相手の方は、英語圏にはお住まいではなく、スイス人だと思います、 その辺も考慮して頂けると助かります。 ??????Why are surprise many friends visit my channel ??????????It's G R E A T for YOU : a lot of people watch your avatar/icône !!!!(Laughes !) You can tell to me : Thank you very much !!! (It's for laughes but it's the reality) I am a very sympatic woman ! I always write lovely messages ! I am honnest I read and answer I have a beautiful choice "regroupement" of creations of many internautes (people) because I have good smell in musics ! And a lot people want a place for their icônes / avatar in my channel ! You see : you are lucky ! Every day I don't keep and put OUT 10 avatard/icônes ! I only conserv honnest people/friends ! If you are some questions : please ask to me ! I answer to you I help the best in my possibility I am really sincere I have old friends the want coming in my channel ! But I don't want some people not corrects or with stories, who made shit, noises... Please : respect me and I respect you  です、宜しくお願いいたします。 また、お礼が遅れるかもしれません、先に失礼とは思いますが、 ここで、お礼を申しあげます。

  • 英訳お願いします。長くて申し訳ありません

    長くて申し訳ございませんが、英訳おねがいします。ニュアンスがわかりません 英訳お願いします。私は彼がいますが、好きな人ができてしまいました。 でも素直にはなれず、喧嘩しました。怒っているのかニュアンスがわかりません。 どなたか訳してもらえますか? 女:i know i was being selfish last night when you are busy 男:No your not being selfish i just think its not good idea 女:what is mean 男:im sorry though i know you want to see me i just dont think it is good idea 女:why? 男:i think you deserve more then i can offer 女:??? 男:i know you want boyfriend and right now i cannot have girlfriend so i think maybe you should find someone else 女:i usually dont need boyfriend..you dont know me well.i like just fun and something like that..you dont know me..im maybe not good person 男:by your text messeges you give off a different vibe 女:you dont know me really... 女:i dont need boyfriend..so i just told you i dont like something is such a hassle i like just fun 男:you just text me way too much making me think you are looking for boyfriend 女:im soorry i have boyfriend 4years..so idont need boyfriend..you asked me before..JK is your boyfriend? its true.do you know me? 男:haha i knew it and you told me no. i should just trust my instincts 女:then you never asked me..sorry 男:yea its ok idont care about that as long as you dont get too attached 女:next month he is going trip..so..still i wanna see you ..its true 男:sounds like trouble to me ..does he know? 女:no! he doesnt care me.he doesnt try to know about me. anyway you dont care about me right? 男:still sounds like too much drama for me 女:why too much drama? you told me you dont care..you dont need girlfriend i dont need boyfriend.. 男:yea i dont but i dont really care to get involved either... its just too much right now . im done 女:i dont know what you want to say..you dont like 'i want you' but i didnt tell you that 男:your situation is too complicated for me i just dont wanna get involved with you 女:i dont know.. i mean to say that you want me to tell you..so. is it okay i will break up him right now? and i dont need boyfrien im free! its okay???!! 男:No thats not the point..yea..then ill be clear about it you should probably find someone else 女:Tell me really want you want to say ! it was better that i didnt tell you true things.. if i tell you whatever..you will be mad.. 男:i dont want to hang out anymore. im not mad..im just done 女:im just done too.

  • 簡単だと思いますが英訳お願いします

    母は、私が外出すると必ず「誰とどこで何するの?」と、「何時に帰ってくるの」「誰かとちゃんと一緒にかえってくるの?」と聞いてきて、ひどいときには遊んでる最中に電話をかけてきたりメールで「今どこ?」など、聞いてきます。私は母のそういうところが大嫌いです。私のことを大切に思ってくれるのは本当に嬉しいけど、もうこんな年齢なので少し自由になりたいです。 ↑を英語でどうやっていうのですか? 英語が全く出来ないのですがとりあえずかんがえてみました。(抜けてるところがたくさんありますが) my mother always says to me ”who are you going to go out with?”” what are you going to do for?” ”when are you come back to home?””are you going to go home with someone?" ,when I go out . I'm during going out, she calls me or e-mail me "where are you?". I dont really like those things. i'm glad her thet she care of me.but i am (?),so i would like to be free. どなたか英語が出来る方お願いします。

  • 英訳のお手伝い(添削)お願いしますm(__)m

    英訳のお手伝い(添削)お願いしますm(__)m (1)『嫌いではない』 ※“嫌いではない=好き”ではなく、“嫌いな事はない”ってニュアンスにしたいです。 ( I ) don't dislike (○○) (2)『(私の言い方・言葉の使い方で)気分を害さないで欲しい』 ※悪意はまったくないのでどうか誤解しないでね!と言う感じです。 ・Please you dont get offended(you are not offended?). ・I hope that you will are not offended. Pleaseの方が丁寧でしょうか? 英文自体間違ってるでしょうか?(*_*) (3)『私はただ(~だけで○○を)見て欲しくなかっただけ』 I just didn't want to you see (…) (4)『これからも思った事はストレートに言ってくれて全然かまわない』 ※自分は思ったことをストレートに言うからあなたを怒らせてしまうかもみたいな事を言われたので Please you continue to say to me straight your thinking. mayの方がいいでしょうか?でも何だか上から言ってる様ですよね?(*_*) canで“あなたは出来る”の方がいいでしょうか?(*_*) あと、“これからも”がちょっとよくわかりません。continueで良いですか? (5)『それらの単語をどう使い分けるのですか?』 How do you use properly those words? ※同じ意味のものでたくさん言い方がある、と言う状況です 使い分けるがわかりません。use properlyで良いでしょうか? 明らかな文法間違いやおかしな(わかりにくい)表現があったら教えてくださいm(__)m よろしくお願いします!

  • 筆不精の友人宛

    超筆不精の友人がいます。 以前 "I love reading your email, so please keep emailing me." と言われたので、私のほうもしょっちゅう送っているわけではないし、返事が来なくても気にしていなかったのですが、あまりにも返事をくれないのでこのまま書きつづけていいかわからなくなってきました。あまり深刻な感じにはしたくないのですが、ひとことでもいいので返事をくれるようなメールを送りたいと思っています。 以下の添削をしていただけないでしょうか。私が怒っているように聞こえないといいのですが・・・ 他にも使える表現がありましたら、教えていただけるとうれしいです。 I haven't heard back from you lately. I know you'd say "No news is good news." and if you are busy, I totally understand, but now I'm not sure if it is ok with you if I keep writing to you. I just need to know if you are still alive! Please write me when you have time, okay? It would be nice in just a few words. Hope you are doing well. Take care.

  • この文章を英訳していただけないでしょうか。

    この文章を英訳していただけないでしょうか。 sometimes there are people who just come to you once in a lifetime and then they disappear but they tell you that how the life has meaning and value. And if I can't to see you more again or your destination is not the States, then you will see somebody whom show you kindness.

  • お互い母国語が英語ではない男女間のメール文章の一部です

    お互い母国語が英語ではない男女間のメール文章の一部です (連続したものではありません) 恋人同士のやりとりと感じましたが、友人間でもありうる文章なのでしょうか? 男:I love you I want to hear your voice and look your face. I always keep in mind for(名前). I also miss you 女:My friend sent me your conversation, she said you don't love me, you just cheat me. but why did you look so sad? If you are playing with me. I am confused. I don't understand.