• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • forest12
  • ベストアンサー率40% (18/45)

これは倒置の一種です。つまり、OSV型倒置です(主語と動詞がひっくり返らないので、移動といってもいいかもしれませんので、「一種」と書きました)。 一般的な倒置は、(1)否定語+v(助動詞)+S+V、(2)場所などの副詞句+V+S、(3)C+V+S、の3パターンが挙げられます。 1は、否定語の後に疑問文の語順になる、ということで、2と3は副詞句の後や主格補語の後の動詞と主語を入れ替える、ということです。 ですが、これらの他に、直接目的語を先頭に持ってきて、以降を普通に主語+動詞にする(O+S+V)ことがあります。 You I love.(君を愛している。) これは要するに、文章の力点を主語ではなく目的語に置いているということです。 (上の例だとYouに力点、Iはやや後ろに引く(文章の中ほどに位置しているため)、loveを再びやや強調、というリズムになっています。) お示しの例文は「それ」=thisをまず読者(聞き手)に示したいという意識の表れということで理解できます(heは既知情報ですし)。 また、he can sellのあと、目的語が入る(sellは他動詞)べき部分に目的語が無いように見えるのは、thisが目的語だからです。 この場合、関係代名詞の省略ではありません。なぜなら、関係代名詞の省略なら、thisが先行詞で全体で名詞句になってしまい、文章が成立しないからです。 ……ということでご参考になりましたでしょうか。





  • この英文は、、

    Seller's payment instructions We sell only in the USA, Canada and the UK. This item can not be combined with anything else. Please don't ask! We ship by priority mail only. USA is only $4.65 and the UK and Canada is $15. p アメリカとカナダ以外は売りませんと言う意味ですよね? “Ships to: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Asia, Australia ”と書いてあったので 日本からも買えると思ってたんですが、、

  • 英文の和訳で困っています。

    経済英語に関する文章です。 通貨切り下げ後に、国内に混乱が起こったとうい文脈から、下記英文に続きます。 「first trimester」など聞きなれない単語や、文節の切れ目が上手く把握できません。 どなたか和訳のご教授お願いいたします。 This parallel market was closed two weeks ago by the government because they found a large web of corruption that made the gap between the official rate of 4.30 bolivars per dollar increase to more than 9 bolivars making the inflation growth in the first trimester doubled the expected by the official authorities. Therefore, imports, other than the government´s, are not possible until the government put in place the new rules to obtain currency thru that market.

  • この英文を訳してください

     On August 19, 2000, the New York Times reported that an icebreaker cruise ship had reached the North Pole only to discover this famous frozen site was now open water. For a generation that grew up reading the harrowing accounts of explorers such as American Richard Byrd trying to reach the North Pole as they battled bitter cold, ice, and snow, this new view taxed the imagination.  In its many earlier trips to the North Pole, the cruise ship had allowed passengers to disembark in order to be photographed standing on the ice. This time, the ship had to move several miles away to find ice thick enough for the photo session. If the explorers of a century or so ago had been trekking to the North Pole in the summer of 2000, they would have had to swim the last few miles.  Media reports of melting ice typically focus on individual glaciers or ice caps, but the ice is melting almost everywhere. Given that the 14 warmest years since recordkeeping began in 1866 have all occurred since 1980, this does not come as a surprise.   Water shortages are also in the news. Some of the world's major rivers are being drained dry, failing to reach the sea. Among them is the Colorado, the major river in the southwestern United States. In China, the Yellow River, the northernmost of the country's two major rivers, no longer reaches the sea for part of each year. In Central Asia, the Amu Darya sometimes fails to reach the Aral Sea because it has been drained dry by upstream irrigation.  Wells are going dry on every continent. As population expands and incomes rise, the demand for water is simply outrunning the supply in many countries. Those with money drill deeper wells, chasing the water table downward. Those unable to deepen their wells are left in a difficult position. The situation promises to become far more precarious, since the 3.2 billion people being added to world population by 2050 will be born in countries already facing water scarcity. With 40 percent of the world food supply coming from irrigated land, water scarcity directly affects food security. If we are facing a future of water scarcity, we are also facing a future of food scarcity. Since agriculture began, the earth's climate has been remarkably stable. Now the earth's temperature is rising, apparently due to the greenhouse effect—the warming that results from the rising concentration of heat-trapping gases, principally carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere. This rise in CO2 concentration comes from two sources: the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Each year, more than 6 billion tons of carbon are released into the atmosphere as fossil fuels are burned. Estimates of the net release of carbon from deforestation vary widely, but they center on 1.5 billion tons per year. The release of CO2 from these two sources is simply overwhelming nature's capacity to fix carbon dioxide. When the Industrial Revolution began in 1760, carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels were negligible. But by 1950, they had reached 1.6 billion tons per year, a quantity that was already boosting the atmospheric CO2 level. In 2000, they totaled 6.3 billion tons. (See Figure 2-1.) This fourfold increase since 1950 is at the heart of the greenhouse effect that is warming the earth. The carbon emissions of individual fossil fuels vary. Coal burning releases more carbon per unit of energy produced than oil does, and oil more than natural gas. The global fleet of 532 million gasoline-burning automobiles, combined with thousands of coal-fired power plants, are literally the engines driving climate change. In addition, in recent years the world has been losing 9 million hectares of forest per year. Forests store easily 20 times as much carbon per hectare as does land in crops. If the net loss of forests can be eliminated, this source of carbon emissions will disappear. In the northern hemisphere, the forested area is actually increasing by 3.6 million hectares a year.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Since the 1860s, Luxembourgers had been keenly aware of German ambition, and Luxembourg's government was well aware of the implications of the Schlieffen Plan. In 1911, Prime Minister Paul Eyschen commissioned an engineer to evaluate Germany's western railroad network, particularly the likelihood that Germany would occupy Luxembourg to suit its logistical needs for a campaign in France. Moreover, given the strong ethnic and linguistic links between Luxembourg and Germany, it was feared that Germany might seek to annex Luxembourg into its empire. The government of Luxembourg aimed to avoid this by re-affirming the country's neutrality.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    We put a handful of infantrymen with machine guns and one gun onto a train and rush them off to the next station; they take it, make prisoners of the Bolsheviks, pick up few more troops, and so on. This proceeding has, at any rate, the charm of novelty. As the German offensive was ongoing, Trotsky returned to Petrograd. Most of the leadership still preferred continuing the war, even though Russia was in no position to do so, due to the destruction of its army. At this point Lenin intervened to push the Soviet leadership into acceptance of German terms, which by now had become even harsher. He was backed by other senior communists to include Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Stalin. After a stormy session of Lenin's ruling council, during which the revolution's leader went so far as to threaten resignation, he obtained a 116 to 85 vote in favour of the new German terms. The vote in the Central Committee was even closer, seven in favour and six against. In the end, Trotsky switched his vote and German terms were accepted; on 3 March, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. On 24 February, one day before the arrival of German troops to Tallinn, the Estonian Salvation Committee declared the independence of Estonia. German occupation authorities refused to recognize the Estonian government and Germans were installed in positions of authority. The Bolshevik capitulation on 3 March only ended the advance along a line from Narva to Northern Ukraine, as with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk the Soviet government gave up all rights to Southern Russia. During the next few months, the southern Central Powers forces advanced over 500 miles further, capturing the whole of Ukraine and some territory beyond. German operations also continued in the Caucasus and Finland, where Germany assisted the White Finnish forces in the Finnish Civil War. Under the treaty all Russian naval bases in the Baltic except Kronstadt were taken away, and the Russian Black Sea Fleet warships in Odessa were to be disarmed and detained. The Bolsheviks also agreed to the immediate return of 630,000 Austrian prisoners-of-war. With the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Soviet Russia had given up Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, enabling those territories to develop independently from Russian influence.

  • 英文を訳してください。

    I have been thinking about this question for some time. As a matter of fact, one user of the Q&A site Quora asked the same question, “What does it mean to be Japanese?” With your permission, I would like to present to you the following link: https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-be-Japanese As you can see, the question has been given answers on Quora, but they are written in English. Furthermore, there are less than one million Japanese users out of more than one hundred million users. As a result, questions about Japan are more likely to be answered by Americans, British, Canadians, Chinese, Germans, Indians, South Koreans, etc. Being able to write English skillfully is a requirement, but I believe that there is a Quora Japanese Language Version now. That is why this Canadian would like to ask Japanese who were born and raised in Japan this question: what does it mean to be Japanese? • If I put this question into the wrong category, then I apologize.

  • この英文の和訳を添削してください。

    下記の文章は過激な動物愛護団体のテロ活動により業務を妨害され続けた英国のバイオ系企業が、 国外へ移転してしまった事に対して、あるバイオ業界団体の代表が、記者に述べたコメントです。 英国では過激な動物保護過激派のテロが深刻化しており、 この人物はこの事について憂慮しており、研究者や企業の 保護、過激派の取締りを強く求めています。 さて、その事を踏まえた上で私の和訳を添削して下さい。 "The issue is whether it's right for a company - a company that's crucial for medical progress - to go to these extraordinary measures. Is this going to happen to anyone else? And what are the government going to do about this?" he said. 「問題なのは、企業-それも医学進歩に重要な企業-がこのような非常手段を取る事が正しいのかどうかという事です。 これは他の企業でも起こり得ますよ?そして政府はこの問題に関してどうするつもりですか?」 Is this going to happen to anyone else? ですが、私はこの人物が記者に対して「起こりますか?」なんて 聞くかなぁと考え、懸念を含んだ疑問文であると解釈しました。それで「起こりえますよ?」と和訳しました。 この私の勝手な解釈は正しいのか、間違っているのか、教えてください。 間違っている場合は、回答者さんなりの適切な解釈を提示して下さい。 引用元 http://education.guardian.co.uk/businessofresearch/story/0,9860,638647,00.html

  • 英文を訳してください

    下の英文の訳が上手くできず、行き詰ってます。分かる方よろしくお願いします。 It doesn't get madder than this. Swaziland is in the grip of a famine and receiving emergency food aid. Forty per cent of its people are facing acute food shortages. So what has the government decided to export? Biofuel made from one of its staple crops, cassava. The government has allocated several thousand hectares of farmland to ethanol production in the district of Lavumisa, which happens to be the place worst hit by drought. It would surely be quicker and more humane to refine the Swazi people and put them in our tanks. Doubtless a team of development consultants is already doing the sums. This is one of many examples of a trade that was described last month by Jean Ziegler, the UN's special rapporteur, as "a crime against humanity". Ziegler took up the call first made by this column for a five-year moratorium on all government targets and incentives for biofuel: the trade should be frozen until second-generation fuels - made from wood or straw or waste - become commercially available. Otherwise, the superior purchasing power of drivers in the rich world means that they will snatch food from people's mouths. Run your car on virgin biofuel, and other people will starve.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Just as the war was in the balance on the Western Front, so the fate of Luxembourg was see-sawing back and forth. It was clear to all that the good conduct of the Luxembourgish government, if fully receptive to the needs of the German military administrators, could guarantee Luxembourg's continued self-government, at least in the short-term. Eyschen was a familiar and overwhelmingly popular leader, and all factions put their utmost faith in his ability to steer Luxembourg through the diplomatic minefield that was occupation. On 4 August 1914, he expelled the French minister in Luxembourg at the request of the German minister, followed by the Belgian minister four days later and the Italian minister when his country entered the war. To the same end, Eyschen refused to speak ill of the German Zollverein, even though he had talked openly of exiting the customs union before the war began.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    送られてきた以下の英語のメール文が上手く読めません。途中までは訳してみたのですが、だんだん難しくなり、途中から全く分からなくなりました。英語に堪能な方、どうかよろしくお願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1. ACT in general is an organization of teachers and non-teaching personnel, from pre-school to colleges and universities. Most of the members are from the public schools that is more than 500,000 nationwide. We have chapters in all (17) regions in the country. It is in the Philippine Constitution that public servants have the right to unionize and in 1987, there was the Executive Order 180, that created the Public Sector Labor Managemant Council. It was only recently, September, 2011 to be exact, that the government thru Civil Service Commision has come up with a clear guidelines on how public school teachers will be unionized. The main essence is that public school teachers can form union on a regional basis. With this, we registered our very union in the National Capital Region (ACT-NCR union) then gained our recognition from the government last Septembr 17, 2012. We are now in the process of negotiation with the Deped NCR. In fact, we already had 2meetings with them. Our Davao region is already in the process of registration. Soon other regions will follow. We are the only teachers organization that is already officially registered and recognized. 2. The ACT-Ncr union is more or less 26t members out of 50t. Membership campaign is on going. Over all we have, 40t members. Trade unions in the Phil are separate from teachers. And also private schools have different unions (school to school basis) 3. Some of our major issues are  a. Increasing of education budget from 3% to 6% of the GDP like all other countries. So that shortages in the number of teachers, rooms, chairs, toilets and sanitation facilities will be addressed  b. Adequate , decent and living wages for teachers and non-teaching personnel. At present, the minimum salary of teachers in the public school is $464.  c. Increase budget for the state colleges and universities  d. Basic education curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the people and national development. We are campaigning for education that is scientific, mass oriented and nationalistic.  e. Implementation of the laws in education that is related to the benefits of teachers like RA 4760 Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, RA 8790 GSIS Law, etc Hope that this explation helped.