• ベストアンサー



  • jbo
  • ベストアンサー率35% (14/40)

もう少しシンプルに There are some things you can say, and some things you can't. でもOKかと。



忙しい中、回答ありがとうございました。 somet thingsを2つ使っていますが、some thingsとother thingsを使うのと、何か差があるのでしょうか?なんとなくですが、somet thingsを2つ使う方が自然には感じるのですが、違いがよくわかりません。もしよろしければ、補足していただければ幸いです。


  • 関係詞を使っての英訳教えてください

    関係詞を使っての英訳教えてください 自分のできることを決して他人にまかせるな Don't leave (        ) you can do yourself to others. (  )には何がはいりますか?the things that / someting which 以外で  よろしくお願いします

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    To be honest, I have Todd, but I don't have too many other friends that I can talk to openly. I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. いつもお世話になっています。アメリカ人からのメールです。 I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. この部分をうまく訳せません<(_ _)>誰か手伝っていただけないでしょうか??being passed なんてどう訳していいか全くわかりません。お願いします。

  • 英訳 〇〇のためだったら

    いつもありがとうございます。 下記の英訳の言い回しについてわからなかったので教えていただけませんでしょうか。 また、私が辞書を引いて訳した英訳に違和感がありましたら、自然な文章をご教授いただけたらうれしいです。 1.あなたのこともっと知りたい。 I want to know more. 2.あなたのためだったら何でも勉強できる。 If it's for you, I can study anything. もしくは I'll study anything to help you out. →「〇〇のためだったら」って、どのように書くとよいかわかりませんでした。 ご教授いただけるとうれしいです。 3.いっぱいあって何からやっていいかわからない。 There are a lot things I want to study for you, I don't know where to start study.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 The only way my day could start better is if you were here :) I quickly checked the train schedule and it's a bit disappointing. You would have to travel to Paris and then take a train from Paris to the airport. The last direct train leaves too early. I'll drive you back to the airport as well, ok? The traffic in Paris is a nightmare ... but since the airport is north of Paris ... it should be ok. So you don't need to arrange a train ticket, ok? Even before today I was considering going to Paris ... but I don't think we have enough time. Satomi! 4 days is very short :) You will have to come back another time, when it's warmer, sunnier ... and we can visit Paris ... Yes in Belgium it's also getting colder. Now it's about 15 degrees, but earlier this week it was only 3 degrees when I went running this week :) You don't like seafood? Hmm ... are you sure you enjoyed the sushi in Osaka? I hope so. As for the mussels, I think I can find a restaurant where you can eat something typically Belgian and then I can eat mussels. So then you can try some, is that ok for you? Please tell me other things you don't like ... because I liked to see a happy ●● :)

  • 和訳お願いします

    you kind of caught me of guard with some of your questions. How can I know that there are not other things you havent told me? I don't want to doubt you have given me a reason to be skeptical (wonder about it). It's difficult and kind of unfair that I developed feelings for you before you told me about it. I focus on making the best of each day and letting things happen over time. I don't think I can handle that kind of guilt. I guess I am kind of an independent spirit/person so it takes me a while to really open up and say the kinds of things that you asked me about.

  • here are とthere are は同じ?

    here are some things you can doのhere areとはthere areと同じですか?

  • ":"の列挙と反復について

    There are three things: という始まりで、列挙したいのですが、 このあとに、"the things" を入れるか、 "which"を入れるかで迷ってます。 自然な英語にしたいのですが、 このあと、the things やwhichなしに、 ,やandで繋げたほうがよいのでしょうか? three thing の列挙内容は、 I have to do ~や I can do~ などといった文章です。 もし、the thingやwhichにする場合、 二回目、三回目の反復時に省略できますか? 三回目の反復時にand をつけるべきでしょうか。 どなたかご教授いただけないでしょうか。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Nice to hear from you! Thank you for your tips for the hostels. I have a (strange) question for you. Is it possible to sleep with you for one or two nights? Tomorrow we are leaving Kyoto by bike and I don't know which hostel to choose. Maybe you're open to keep us one or two nights in our house so we can have some time to search for a good hostel? If you don't feel comfortable with you, just say that and we can find a hostel today.

  • 英訳してくれませんか?

    自分でも考えてみたんですが、次の英文がどうも意味の仕方が分からないので、教えてください! (1)Some estimate there are 60,000,while others say there are 400,000 in Australia. (2)Because the two thumbs grasp one side of a branch,and three fingers grasp the other side the animal has a very powerful climbing grip. (3)The Aborigines used to pass a water bowl around for every one to take a drink. ※(本文の単語の意味) grasp:つかむ other side:反対側 powerful:力のある  grip:握る used to:~したものだ pass:まわす bowl:ボウル  どれか1つでも良いので、どうか教えてください!

  • 訳を見てください

    異性の友達から貰ったメッセージです。訳を見ていただきたいのですが、部分部分に分らないところがあります。彼は、”あなたにはほかにできることがある、自分は家族が日本にいないからいつもひとりだ。じぶんはあなたの邪魔をしたくない。” このような感じでいいのしょうか?他にどのような訳になりますか?教えて下さい。お願いします When I say you have a lot of options, I mean that you have other things you could do and I a pretty sure that there other people you have to see! It is the holiday season and I know, family comes first! And I don't have anyone in Japan, so I am very sad and lonely! So that's why I say you have a lot of options! I don't want any trouble so I won't bother you! I'm sorry....