• ベストアンサー


私はこの趣旨に同感です。 8月6日は広島に原爆が落とされた日・・ 今ではこの事実さえ知らない人もいます だが疑問をもつ人も多い なぜ原爆は落とされたのか? 平和な世の中にしていくには? 答えは1つではないし、現実的な答えは無いかもしれない。 色々な知恵を共有する場として今日の平和公園はありたい。 I agree to this passage. Hiroshima is storongly damaged by atomicB at today,1945. Today,anyone also does not know this fact. But a lot of people has these questions. Why atomicB drop in Hiroshima? How to follow peace? Answer is not one, or might be none. I think The Heiwa park 8.6 is worse sharing variety wisdom among people from all over the world.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数7


  • ベストアンサー

前回は、ご丁寧なお返事をありがとうございました。さて、私の英訳を先ずお示しし、気づいた点を次に述べたいと思います。  I share the same view.  Sixty-two years ago today, Hiroshima was atomic bombed. (_年前の今日 = __ years ago today) Some of us are not even aware of the fact this day. (「今日」こんにち= today の反復を避け、this day としました。 >Today,anyone also does not know this fact. (これは、「今日も誰も知らない」になります)  But many of us on the other hand argue strongly about the legitimacy of dropping the A bomb. (原子爆弾は通称"A Bomb" と言います) >But a lot of people has these questions.  Why atomicB drop in Hiroshima? (基本的に言いたいことは分かりますが have this と書き直し、コンマでつないで、疑問の部分はクオーテーションでくくり、受動態の疑問文として、But a lot of people have this question, "Why was the A Bomb dropped to Hiroshima?" としたらよいと思います。) 以下は、お書きの文章が多少不自然で、私のを参考になさってください。 How can we make the world truly peaceful? There is no such thing as the exclusive means of settling this disputes. In fact there may not be any realistic way of settling it at all. ( the exclusive means of settling this dispute = 「この問題の唯一の解決策」) The Peace Park could at least play the vital role of inspiring all sorts of peaple to thresh out the true peace. (thresh out = 「解決するまでとことん話し合う」) いかがでしょうか?



ありがとうございました! とてもわかり易い英訳で、 勉強になります!!

その他の回答 (2)


 No 2 氏の素晴らしい英訳はいつもどうりで、私のミスを一箇所補足させてください。 , "Why was the A Bomb dropped to Hiroshima?" → dropped on Hiroshima の方がよろしいですね。




  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

生来添削が不得手につき、拙文をご提示申し上げます。ひょとしたら、何らかの参考になるかも知れんので閑が有れば下記読んでやって下さい。 Basically I am (or, we are) of the same opinion. This day today August 6th is the day when atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Some among our young generation do not even know the fact. Same time many are still asking themselves; Why the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What is the best way to bring peace to this world? Maybe there must be many answers, or there will be no workable solution at all. However, we like to maintain the Heiwa park as the place where we commonly share the global wisdom to answer the question.



ありがとうございました! 参考になります!!


  • 至急です!明日英検なので英作文添削お願いします!

    明日英検2級なので最後に書いた英作文の添削をお願いします!添削だけでもいいのですが、可能であれば点数も教えていただけたら嬉しいです! TOPIC Some people say that Japanese people do not need to study English. Do you agree with this idea? I do not agree with the idea that Japanese people do not need to study English. I have two reasons. Firstly, people should speak English in myself in the future. In fact, the technology deveroring in Japan now and we can use the trans ration software. However, smiling or reaction is important for communication. Secondly, studying English can learn about foreign culture. Many people thought studing English is important for comunication. However, learning English provider a good opportunity considering foreigh culture, In conclusion, I strongly agree this my opinon.

  • 試験問題になっている文章のことを英語で。。。?

    英検の2次面接試験を受けるのですが、問題で、 面接官が、Some people say that it is good for small children to have pets. What do you think about that? という問題を出したとします。 この試験問題になっている文章のことを英語でなんというのでしょうか? passage とよく言いますが、 では、実際に、I agree with the passage. でOKでしょうか? I agree with the sentence. I agree with the comment. I agree with the idea. I agree with the opinion. など、どの単語で表せばよいか分りません。 あと、 agree with なのか、 agree to どちらを使うべきかも、お願いします。

  • 至急です!英検2級の英作文添削!

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いします! TOPIC Some people say that people will stop using cash in the near future. Do you agree with this opinion? I agree that people will stop using cash in the heat future. I have two reasons. Firstly, continuing use the cash provide a good opportunity for theif. This is because, many people have money in wallet. If people using cash, the if can car still the people's money. Secondly, when people buy expensive things, they feel inconvinience to take money out of wallet. However, if don't using cash, taking money is easily for them. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 添削してください。

    Consider Michael Huemer’s “problem of political authority.” Do you agree that this is a problem? 私はこの問題に賛成だ。Huemerが書いているように、個人の行動を評価するときと政府の行動を評価するときでは一致しないのはおかしい。市民が政府に特別の立場を認めることは間違っていると思う。 I agree that this is a problem. Becaue according Huemer, it is strange that it does not acord when evaluating personal behavior and when evaluating government actions. I think it is wrong that citizens admit special position to the government. という内容の回答をしようと思っているのですが、 こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 至急です!英検2級の作文添削お願いします!

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いします!!(;;) TOPIC It is sometimes said that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Firstly, museum's employee can run museum efficientry. In many cases, if they do allow entering museum for free, the cost is likely to get worse and worse. However, by collecting money from visitor, the will get enough money. Secondly, visitor can't see exhibit enough. This is because, if they do not collect money, many people visit museum. As a result,museum is flooded with visitor. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 英訳教えてください

    1.人間が平和を維持できないという見解に私は同意しない   I can't agree with the view of people _______________________________ peace. 2.我々は他のすべての動物と地球を共有しているという事実を忘れてはならない   We must forget the fact of sharing ____________________________________ the earth. よろしくお願いします

  • 添削してください

    日本語⇨ ワシントン大行進はAfrican Americansが行った運動でしたが、初めにも述べたように、これは人種に関わらず、マイノリティーや白人も含んだ抑圧された人々のための自由と仕事を求める運動でした。 しかし、ワシントン大行進はAfrican Americansのみと制限されていきました。 そのことに批判する人がいた、と彼は述べているが、(その通りだと思う / その考えに賛成だ)。 黒人のみで結成され、白人を受け入れないと言う行為こそ、差別に当たるからだ。 英語⇨ The March on Washington led by African Americans leader, I mentioned at the beginning, this is the movement for jobs and freedom for other oppressed minorities including whites, regardless of race. However, the March on Washington was limiting African Americans. He described some people criticized that, I agree with this idea. It is because that it was formed only African Americans and not accepted white people are discrimination. すみません、少し長いのですが…。 こちらの文章を添削して欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。m(_ _)m

  • 至急ですー!!英検2級の作文添削について。

    至急です!英検2級の英作文添削お願いします(;;)添削だけでもいいのですが、もしわかる方がいらっしゃったら採点もお願いします! TOPIC Some people say that it is necessary for people to go to important historical sites in order to understand history better. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that it is necessary for people to go to important historical sites in order to understand history better. Firstly, going to historical sites have to money. If people go to historical sites, they maybe use a car or public transportation. Thus, people have to spend of money for going there. Secondly, people not have to go to important historical sites in order to learn about history. Indeed, the Internet developing now. Therefore, if people don't go there, they can research about there. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 一橋大学  自由英作文 添削のお願い 

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い (120字~150字)                                                                                       条件・ 日本は民主主義国家ではない。                                                                                                   I do not agree with this statement. I think the meaning of this word "democracy" is that a people can live actively in a country. There are many reasons why I think so, but I would like to write here two reasons about it. First, the education system in Japan is so a firm that children and student can study various subjects which will be very convenient in a society. I think that this would make it possible for them to live actively in Japan. Second, people have various rights for living in Japan. Thanks to these rights, people can live in Japan safely, and actively. Thus, I do not agree that Japan is not a democratic country and what is important is how you take an action actively. (127字)                                                               今回は難しかったです。いつも制限時間として20分を設けてやっているのですが、今回はそれを超えてしまいました。また、文章もまとまりがないかなとも思います。文法面を中心に評価をお願いいたします。                                                              

  • 添削してください

    「逆にmedicareやeducationの費用削減にはあまり賛成できなかった。Obamacareには、合衆国内のすべての居住者が健康保険を受ける権利があります。 これは多大な費用がかかっているが、健康保険に加入するという制度はアメリカ国民にとってhelpfulだと思う。」 In contrast, I could not agree with the cost reduction of medicare and education. Obamacare, all people who live in the United States are entitled to health insurance. Although it costs a lot of money, I think that this system is helpful for American citizens to take out health insurance. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。