• ベストアンサー




1,It is clear that he knows the answer. 2,This stone is so heavy that you can't move it by yourself. 3,Not all my classmate take dictionary all the time. 4,Do you know the reason why sky is blue? こんな感じじゃないでしょうか? 大きな間違いはないと思いますよ^^ 勉強頑張ってください!



ありがとうございました 勉強がんばりますね


  • 英文の意味を教えては下さいませんでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 英文を読んでいたら、 kipper sent up to the man. He gave the man a sweet. ‟What is that thing?” he said. ‟You lock people up in it,” said the man. ‟You can't lock people in that,” said kipper. ‟You can't get them in” ‟Oh yes you can ” said the man. ‟Look” という英文に出くわしました。上から6番目の、 ‟Oh yes you can ”の意味がよくわかりません。 なぜ、相手が‟You can't get them in” と言っているのに、 それを受けて‟Oh yes you can ”と答えているのでしょうか。 どなたか、教えては下さいませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文、分かりません、訳してください、お願いします

    1)You want to know the price of a T-shirt How much is this? 2)You see a T-shirt you like Can I try it on? 3)You want to bring back if it doesn‘t fit Can I bring it back? You can bring it back 4)You want to pay by credit card Can I pay by credit card? 訳せる方、宜しくお願い致します

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)Once you meet her, you'll find that she is nice to (talk). 2)Eddy is only thirteen. He is (not old enough) to get a driver's license. 3)Nobody likes to be (made) fun of in public. 4)"John (seems) to like the fried rice." "He sure does! That's his third helping." 5)Tom did not tell the truth (so as not to) hurt his mother. 6)You need not give it to me, if you don't want (to). 7)It is hard to please my grandfather. =My grandfather is ( ) ( ) ( ). 8)We can't complete this task in a day. =It is ( ) (for) us (to) (complete) this task in a day. 9)They need some instructions to tell them what to do. =They need some instructions to tell them what they ( ) ( ). 10)It is said that the mayor practiced kendo very hard in his youth. =The mayor is said (to) (have) (practiced) kendo very hard in his youth. 11)You were so kind as to drive me to the airport. =It was very kind ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me to the airport. 12)People say this house was built 100 years ago. =This house is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) built 100 years ago. 問題文が多くてすみません。()内の穴埋めです。 解説や日本語訳を付けてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    数学は、少し先へ進んで、わからないとなったら、どうにも手のつけようがありません。 公式も何も知らないで、自力だけでなんとか解決のつくたちの仕事ではないからです。 When you cannot understand a process of an answer on math, there is no way to solve the problem. Math is not the problem that you can solve by yourself without knowing some formulas. 非常に書きづらく難しい問題でした。特に1文目が厳しかったです。 ‘少し先へ進んで’と‘わからなくなったら’をうまく同時にあらわせません。 できれば解説もお願いします、回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)Rie had a dream of becoming a movie star even though she didn't know how to (become) it. 2)On the floor beside his bed a book (lay) open. He has been reading it before he fell asleep the previous night. 3)Will you (lend) me your dictionary for a while? 4)“I'm suffering from all that exercise we did yesterday.” “So am I. My legs are (aching) so much. I can't walk.” 5)We (chose) him mayor of our city. 6)You shouldn't (rely) this map. 7)It seemed (clearly) to me that John is guilty. 8)You have to (raise) your hand if you want to speak in class. 9)I'm not quite sure what book (he was talking it about). 10)I always keep the dictionary on the desk so that I can (look) it at any time. ()内の添削をお願いします。 和訳や解説を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係詞でわかりませn。教えてください。

    関係詞でわかりませn。教えてください。 1.This is the reason ( )he is so angry. 2.I can't understand the reason ( ) you gave me. 3.Do you know the day ( ) is the longest of the year? ( )にはどんな関係詞が入りますか。 それぞれ、2つの文に分けるとどうなりますか?(関係詞をとって) よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英文を添削してください

    以下の英文をどなたか添削していただけないでしょうか。 I wish I could actually send you my Italian dishes by mail. Be sure to try out all kinds of Japanese food, when you visit Japan. I'm sure you'd like some of them - Japanese food is healthy, as well as being good. I'd like to buy many types of chocolate when I go to England. I hear chocolate is popular in England. Did you know, here in Japan we can see lots of Harrods shops eveywhere we go. I bought chocolate chip biscuits at a Harrods shop near my house and the biscuits were very おいしい. I can't resist buying Harrods' chocolate evey time I see its logo sign! 言いたい事は「私が作るイタリア料理をあなたに郵便で送ってあげられたらいいのに。日本に来たらたくさんの日本食を試してみてね。きっといくつか気に入るものがあると思うよ、日本食はおいしい上に健康的だから。 イギリスに行ったらチョコレートをいっぱい買いたいな。イギリスではチョコレートが人気だと聞いたので。 知ってた?日本にはHarrodsがいっぱいあるんだよ。先日近所のHarrodsでチョコチップビスケットを買ったの、これがおいしくて。Harrodsに行く度にこれを買ってしまいそう」です。 ※ eveywhere we go って表現はちょっと大袈裟かもな… と思います。他にもっと無難な表現があれば、教えていただけると嬉しいです。 それから「おいしい」って good でいいんでしょうか? 長くてすみません、どなたかよろしくお願いいたします m(_ _)m

  • 英文の添削をお願いいたします。

    279~282 博士:You know what Albert Einstein said. アルバート・アインシュタインが言ったことを知ってるだろう 博士:If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. お前が説明できないなら理解できてないということだ ビクター:10 years searching for something that is ビクター:10年も何かを捜して ビクター:basically runner-up for a baking soda volcano. 基本的に重曹火山の次点の人 293~ ビクターがリードに言ってます。 ビクター:That you nearly destroyed an entire planet 君はほぼ地球全体を破壊した ビクター:This is where your little, uh, accident leads to. これは君の あー事故の原因となる... 295 スーザン:- He did get it to work. - 彼はそれに取り組んでる 301 ビクター:Yes it is. New energy, resources.It's a whole new world. そうだ 新しいエネルギー 資源 全く新しい世界だ 博士:Which can help save this one. これを救う助けとなる ビクター:Not that it deserves to be saved. それが救うに値する訳じゃない ビクター:the people running the earth are the same ones running it into the ground 地球で活動してる人は地表の人と同じだ so maybe it deserves what it's got coming to it. 多分 当然の報いを受ける 314 ここからは全て博士の言葉です。 博士:if you want to fix what my generation broke. 我々の世代が中断したものを修正したいなら If you can do that,work together, できるなら協力し合う 309 There are no greater minds than the ones in this room. この部屋にいるものより偉大なものはいない 321 We figure out what went wrong and correct it. 失敗の原因を把握して修正する Then we build, then we send organic matter over there. 次に構築して有機物を向うに送る But more importantly, we bring it back. だが もっと重要なのはそれを持ち帰ること And then, most importantly,they send us. その上 最も重要なのは会社は我々を送り込む 宜しくお願い致します。  

  • 英文添削お願い致します。singapore

    英文添削お願いします。Singapore My name is XX calling from Room100,I'd like you to bring two blankets to my room. I need them because the AC is too strong and it's so cold in the room I can't get to sleep with only one you provide(with only a prepared one) 「(最初から)部屋に用意されているブランケットだけでと表したいのですがどの様な表現が適当でしょうか?ここでのoneはblanketsを指しているつもりなのですが。(二枚いる理由は2人で一室に泊っているからです。)」ちなみにthe AC in the room is working so sttrongly that~.又はthe Ac in the room so strong that~のように表せないものでしょうか? 2You'd better take some jackets when going to Singapore. It because the ACs are so strong everywhere inside the buildings in the country you catch a cold easily. 全文的には「シンガポールに行くときは上着を持って行った方がいいよ。シンガポールの建物(あくまで経験則上建物内が寒いという意味です)のなかのどこも風邪を引きやすい(すぐ引く)ぐらい寒いから。」のような意味なのですが。ちなみにここはthe ACsと複数にするか単数にするか微妙なのですが複数との理解でよろしいでしょうか? 3You'd better take some jackets You'd better take some jackets in case you catch a cold when going to Singapore. It because the ACs are so strong everywhere inside the buildings in the country you would/could /might screw up/mess up your trip with your cold. (風邪で旅行を台無しにするかもしれないほど)寒いと表現したいのですが不自然でしょうか?良い表現があれば教えていただきたいと思います。 同様に「風邪で寝込んでしまうほど」と表す場合にyou would /could/might be in bed with cold. とするのは不自然でしょうか?1~3を添削の上良い表現があれば教えて頂ければ幸いです。

  • 英文の添削、採点お願いします

    問題は英検準1級 2013年度第2回のものです。14点満点中何点かだけでも良いので教えて下さい。模範回答のURLを貼っておきます。 https://www.eiken.or.jp/eiken/exam/grade_p1/pdf/201302/p1kyu.pdf 問題: Dear Daisuke, I hope you’re well. I just read an article about Japanese society. It said that many Japanese people continue working even after they reach retirement age. What do you think is the reason for this? The article also said that at some schools, children have to attend on Saturdays as well as on weekdays. Do you think this is a good idea? When I visited Tokyo last year, I was surprised to see people riding their bicycles on sidewalks. Do you think people should be banned from doing this? Write back soon. Veronica 私の書いた内容 Dear Veronica, Hi, I'm doing well. Thanks! I think the reason is that many people have spent most of their life for companies and businesses. When those people become free, they must feel there are less desire than expected. Next, in my opinion children should have more rest. On weekdays their classes are quite long, moreover some of them also go to clam school. About the third question I don't think so. A part of pedestrians regard that bicycles easily cause accident, however people riding on them may use carefully not to hurt anyone. Take care, Daisuke