• ベストアンサー

大学院 英作文添削


  • Jhelom
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

推敲してませんがこんな感じでどうでしょうか。。。。 Dear Dr Yang. I would inform you that I will attend international conference that will be held at Hawaii Convention Center on Sep 16 to 19. I would propose you to have a meeting with me on Sep 20 pm at Hawaii University to discuss new ocean monitor project. I hope we can conclude the location and timing of this monitoring. And It also more than happy if you can have time to take dinner with me after the meeting. I am sorry to rush you but if you could let me confirm this meeting offering by this evening, it would be very appreciated. And if you could accept this meeting I also would like have your guide information from the nearest bus stop to your office.





  • 英作文を作ったので添削おねがいします

    お礼は必ずします。 よろしくお願いします Recruitment of friend!(British or  American) Nice to meet you. My name is A I am a 35-year-old Japanese man and I live in Osaka. I am 172 cm tall and I weigh 65 kg. My blood type is A. I am a chemist at a chemists,selling medicines. I like playing football and walking my dog. I love Britain and American. I would like to be your friend. Could you correspond with me if you don't mind? If you correspond with me, I would provide you with something you can obtain only in Japan. Through corresponding with you, I would be able to improve my English and increase my knowledge about Britain and USA. Please become my friend by all means. My e-mail address is shown below. I am looking forward to your favorable reply. I would like to see you in near days. see you

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文: 次のような想定で手紙の一部を書け。 「あなたが中学生のときから文通を続けてきたJamesが初めて日本を訪れることになった。滞在期間は1月から2月までではどうかと言ってきた。それに対して、(1)来日の時期は3月末からの1ヶ月間にした方がよいとすすめ、(2)なぜその方がよいかを具体的に説明し、返事を出す事にした。 印刷してある書き出しの部分に続けて、上記の(1)と(2)の内容を入れて、40語程度で書け。」 Dear James, I was delighted to get your letter and learn that you will be able to visit Japan in the near future. I am looking forward to meeting you. I will be happy to show you some of the famous places in Japan. You said in your letter that you would like to come for one month from January to February._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know if that would be all right with you. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. My regards to your parents. Sincerely, yours, 自分の解答: I recommend that, however, you come for one month from in the end of March. That is why it will be still cold for getting around, and in spring, you can see a lot of beautiful Sakura which is popular for visitors in Japan. (44words)

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    問題文はImagine yourself ten years from now. Describe your life at that time,and the steps you will take to get there.という内容です。 After ten years from now,I will be an English teacher. To become an English teacher, there are three steps. First, I enter a university. I will study English hard there. Second, I go to theU.S. to study English. I would like to learn English expressions and American culture. At the same time, I want to make friends with there. I will have a good time with new friends. In addition to that, I would like to visit traditional placeses in theU.S. these experiences let me grow up to teach skills. Third, I get the teacher's license. Through these steps, I will be an English teacher. 文法的な誤りや内容構成など添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    できるだけ早くこの手紙にお返事いただければ幸いです。 I would appreciate it if you could reply to this letter as early as possible. 視野を広げるために、一人旅に出ることをお勧めします。 I suggest that you had better travel alone in order to be able to look at various things from various direction. 先日、人に勧められて高品質なイヤホンを1組買いました。(高価なものなので最初は買うのをためらっていたのですが、先週の水曜日にインターネットで注文してしまいました。今ではもっと早く買えばよかったと思っています。) ※()内を和訳せよ At first I hadn't wanted to buy it because it was expensive, but I asked to deliver it on the Internet last Wednesday. Now I think I should have buy it earlier. 以上3つの添削をお願いします できれば10点満点で点数をつけていただけると嬉しいです

  • 自由英作文添削

    浪人生です  よろしければ添削お願いいたします 問題文   次のテーマについて80語以上の英語で書きなさい  If you should travel abroad fot the first time in your life, would you like to travel by yourself or would you like to travel with your friends? and why?   自分の答え  I would like to travel by myself because I would like to have free time that is not limited anyone.      If I traveled abroad with my friends, I might not go to the place where I have really wanted to visit. But if I traveled abroad by myself, I could go to the place where I have really wanted to visit and it would be very interesting. That is why I would like to travel abroad by myself better than with my friends.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    元の同僚の方が、産休明けで半年振りに職場復帰します。その為、彼女の為に携帯電話を準備しようと思っており、彼女のことを知らない上司に英語でおうかがいをたてようと思っております。下記の英文でよろしいか添削をおねがいできませんでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。 Hanako Ogawa(formerly Ito) is coming back to work in Fukuoka Office from November after six months off. She had off because of raising her baby. I would like to prepare a mobile phone for her. Could you please approve it for me? Thank you in advance.

  • 英作文 添削

    英作の添削をお願いします One day I was driving a car. On the small intersection without signals, a big truck was coming from the right at very high speed. I had two choices. One was to go forward very fast. The other was to stop. I stopped. As a result, my car's front was broken. But I was totally OK. If I had gone forward, I would have been dead.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    高校英語です。添削をよろしくお願いします。 1、美術館は駅から約十分西へ歩いたところにあります。  The museum is an about ten minutes' walk in the west from the station. 2、彼は高校を出たら大学に進学せずに働きに出ると言っています。  He says that he will not go on to university but work. 3、なぜ医者に言われたように寝ていなかったの? 言うことを聞いていれば2,3日で良くなっただろうに。  Why haven't you slept as the doctor had told you? If you had followed his advice,you would have got well in a few days.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします テーマ:A large earthquake event is expected in the Tokai area in the near future. Describe the preparations you would make in anticipation of such a disaster. If a disastrous earthquake were to occur while you were studing at this university, what would you do? 条件:3パラグラフ以上、150字以上、序論・本論・結論が明確であること   It is often said that a large earthquake occurs in the Tokai area in the near future. As I experienced the large earthquake in the Tohoku area the other day, I am very nervous about such disasters and highly motivated to prepare them. Through my experience, you should always prepare some degree of water and prepared food for a disastrous earthquake. It is because even a convenience store is closed just after a large earthquake. Next, if a disastrous earthquake were to occur while I were studying at this university, it would expected that many people are in panic. I know being in panic lead a second disaster. Thus, I would let students around me keep calm down, get out of this university, and move to safety area like play ground. After doing this, I would offer the leader’s instruction. This would make damages of a disaster as less as possible. Although you are often told to prepare a large disaster, you may do not know how to prepare for it. Preparing water and prepared food is necessary, of course, but it is more important that you talk about what would you do when a disastrous earthquake were to occur with people around you in daily life in advance. I believe that many people always imagine this may lessen the serious damages.(222words) 本日は英語の試験時間である90分の最初に英作文を書きはじめました(いつもは最後でした) 時間は35分近くかかってしまいましたが、自分としてはいつもの作文より筋がとおっているかな、と思っています。 添削して頂く際、この問題の配点を100点として、何点くらいの評価か、回答者様の主観でかまいませんので評価して頂けたらありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • gone to~ と been to~の使いわけ

    現在完了形で「私はハワイに行ったことがある。」は I have been to Hawaii. ですよね。 しかし、「あなたはハワイに行くべきではなかった。」は You shouldn't have gone to Hawaii. ですよね。 You shouldn't have benn to Hawaii.ではダメなのでしょうか。 無知な私にどうか教えてください。