• 締切済み



  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

こんにちは! ほとんどいいように思われますが、1つの代案ということで提示させていただきました。ご参考になさって下さい。 (1)If you are seeking the favor of men, be careful ever to give a flat refusal to anyone who makes a request of you. (原案)他人の好意を得ようと待ち望んでいる人は物を頼まれたとき、厳しく拒否してしまわないで漠然とした返答をするように注意しなさい。 (代案)もし他人の好意を得ようと思う人は、人から物を頼まれたとき、その人がどんな人であれ(=anyone)、にべもなく(=flat)拒否してしまわないように常に(=ever)注意しなさい。 (2) Rather you should give evasive answers, for it may happen that someone who asked for something will not need it later. (原案)なぜならしばしばあることだが物を頼んだあとにその人にとってあなたの骨折りが必要でなくなるかもしれないし、 (代案)むしろ、「逃げの」(=evasive)返事をするべきである。というのは、ある人が何かを依頼したとしても、後でそれが必要なくなることになるかもしれないからである。 (3)Or else circumstances may arise that make your excuses seem convincing. (原案)あなたの言い訳を納得いくように思わせる障害が持ち上がってくるかもしれないからである。 (代案)あるいは、あなたの逃げの口上を納得いくもののように思わせる状況が持ち上がってくるかもしれないからである。 (4)Furthermore, many men are foolish and easily swayed by words. (原案)そうでなくても多くの人間は血の巡りが悪く人の言葉に簡単にうごかされるものだ。 (代案)さらに、多くの人々は頭が悪く、人の言葉に簡単にうごかされるものでもあるからだ。 (5)Even without doing what you could not or would not do, you can often leave a person well satisfied by answering him cleverly, whereas if you had refused him outright, he would dislike you no matter how things turned out subsequently. (原案)たとえあなたが望みもしなかったし、できもしなかったことをしなくてもしばしば巧みに返答することによってその人を満足させておく機会もできるが、最初から拒否してでもいればどうなろうと彼はあなたに対してずっと不満を抱き続けることになる。 (代案)たとえあなたがする気がなかったり、できもしないことをしなかったとしても、しばしば巧みに返答することによって、その人を十分満足させることができる。ところが、はっきり断っていたら、事態がその後どうなっていたにせよ、その人はあなたを嫌うであろう。 (6)Always deny what you do not want to be known, and always affirm what you want to be believed. For, though there be much--even conclusive--evidence to the contrary, a fervent affirmation or denial will often create at least some doubt in the mind of your listener. (原案)人に知られたくないことは常に否定しなさい、そして信じられたいことは肯定しなさい。なぜなら正反対の決定的な証拠が数多くあるとしても強力に肯定あるいは否定すると、聞いているものの心はしばしば迷ってくるものだからだ。 (代案)人に知られたくないことは常に否定しなさい、そして信じられたいことは肯定しなさい。なぜなら、それとは正反対の――しばしば決定的な――証拠が数多くあるとしても、熱烈に肯定ないし否定すれば、しばしば、聞いているものの心に、少なくとも、そうかもしれないなという迷いを生みだすことができるからだ。



代案を多数載せていただきありがとうございました。 とても助かりました。 勉強を進めていく中でまたわからないことがあったのでそちらの回答ももしよければお願いします。。。 ホントに本当にありがとうございましたっ!!!


  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Remember also that astrology may not show certain things or I may not be able to interpret them so very clearly, so occasionally something may not show, or there will be just a vague outline there, as though the pieces of fate have not quite formed their picture and there are gaps in the fog. We stand at the gate of eternity and try and get answers. I promise always to do my utmost to interpret the message of the stars and to guide you to happiness if I can... Your soul mate’s chart should fit together with yours like a lock and key, or like four pieces of a jigsaw. When you meet you unlock this special fate and karma of love, and everything you have gone through will have meaning.. I shall look forward to hearing from you again. I am always here to guide you, when ever your inner soul directs you to write to me, I wish you peace love and happiness.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 再投稿ですが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Shyness with the opposite sex. Restraint in expressing your emotional, personal feelings and needs. You have much physical love to give and share and are not prudish. But the dictates of the heart are often suppressed by a fear of making demands or seeming too weak and needy for love. You area giver not a taker in love and you like your love affairs to be emotionally tidy. O have their own place in his life, you don’t let your emotions or dream spill over messily into his life. You keep things tidy you make no demands you are enchanted by the dream of love but are also, a realist in matters of love, The idealism and dream is just the coating you put on the reality. Inside yourself you are a hard task master and the soul mate has to meet to many special requirements, and has to be a unique man to win your heart. He needs to shine out or he is not good enough for you. Unless you can have your mate or ideal partner, you tend to sacrifice happiness, or prefer a life of freedom and inwardly reconcile yourself to spinsterhood. This is preferable to you, to being tied to someone in a marriage that is less than love; or who is not him.. Having tasted paradise, nothing else is good enough.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 身体の内容だと思いますので、 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You were born with the sun in Virgo. You are capable of unconditional love, seldom asking anything in return which can make for a very tragic suffering, lingering love relationship, or a very wonderful one. Much will depend whether this relationship can come out in the open, and be built into a practical world. Or if it has to remain in the shadows of dreams like a secret. Modest and reserved, you give too much, dutiful and serving, you tend to subordinate yourself to your soul mate, you try to be all that he wants you to be, the perfect lover, partner, friend, you tend to put up with things that are not exactly how you would wish them t be for the sake if a dream of how they will be, or could be in the future.

  • 和訳

    Did you ever want to miss one day or just stop? I never even thought of stopping. other people helped,too,but I was often the one who said “Hey!come here and help me! ” You give a helping hand to those in need,and finally you will become a leader. 訳をお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    What do our customers pay us for? Why do they buy from us? In a competitive, non-monopolistic market, and that is what the world has become, there is absolutely no reason why a customer should buy from you rather than from your competitor. None. He pays you because you give him something that is of value to him. What is it that we get paid for? You may think this is a simple question. It is not. I have now been working with some of the world’s biggest manufacturers, producers, even in Slovenia. I have been asking that question now for a year. We have two kinds of customers: one, of course, is the retailer and, if that soap or that detergent or that mayonnaise is not on the retailer’s shelves, the housewife won’t buy it.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    Now, using even the simplest of personal computers, PCs, it takes five minutes, so you use all the methods. And one thing you never do-you do not write out what we expect when we spend this amount of money on building a new plant, on building a new service organization or work on a new product or service. What do we expect? You do not build in the feedback three years later or five years later, to see what you do; the result is that you do not know what you are good at, and you work on the things you are not good at rather than use your strengths

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    和訳をお願いします。 Often,the hardest job for a writer is simply to get started. Some day there seems to be nothing to write about. But don`t worry if this "writer`s block" happens to you. The following ideas may help you begin your writing. First, try a timed free-writing. That`s, sit down and write anything that comes into your mind for 15 minutes. Don`t stop before the time is up. Much of what you write will not be good and you will throw it away. But you will also find some ideas on the paper that you like. You can keep these good ideas and rewrite them in a better way. Second,you can use the five questions of a newspaper reporter: who, what,when,where,and how. Just writing down the answers will help you begin to organize the facts for your essay. Third,you may find a short outline useful. Make a simple list of the major points you wish to make. Seeing the points on paper will help you decide in what order you should put them in the essay. Remember that usually you should put the most important point at the beginning of your essay. Just remember that every day we can find good ideas for writing topics. Many writers keep a small notebook handy to write down ideas from talking with friends,listening to television, or reading a magazine. These notes often become the source of good essays.

  • 英文構造について

    高2です What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them. (よい社会人となるために学ばなければならないことは、たとえきっと隣人の多くを好きになることができず、そのある人たちとはとうてい一つ屋根の下に住むことができないほど違っていても、だからといって、その人たちを傷つける、いやその人たちに失礼な態度をとる権利さえも少しも与えられることにはならないということである) という文で •SVCのCはどこか(S,Vはわかります) •if節、are to be は be to 不定詞なのか、不定詞の名詞用法なのか •though の修飾はどこなのか •a good citizen of the world でなぜ"よき社会人"と訳すのか、意訳のポイントがあればお願いします •のうちの一つへの回答でも結構です よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    Nothing you decide to do can go as planned without preparation. This is just what I experienced on my first date with my girlfriend. I didn't expect that deciding what to wear on a first date would be a difficult and energy-consuming task. Actually, I (leave) my decision-making until the last minute, when I had no other choice but to ask my brother for a suitable outfit because I fould mine had faed. So my advice would be to plan your outfit in advance, leaving yourself plenty of time to wash the outfit you choose and even (shopping) for a new one if necessary. Something unexpected may happen to the outfit you have originally (chose). Your ideal outfit will be useless when you happen to find it has a hole or stain in it or it no longer fits you. Just in case, you are (advising) to have a backup outfit. You cannot be too early in (prepare) for a big event! a backup outfitは「代わりに着るもの」と訳します。 カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。 お願いします。

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    You should accept the (important) of not making excuses for what you do. Excuses are everywhere. In school, if you do not do (good) in an examination, you do not say it is because you didn't prepare enough for it but instead blame it on the teacher who set difficult questions on the exam. In sport, if your team loses, you put it fown to things the opponents did unfairly or other factors like refereeing decisions.  If you cannot make it in a job interview, you blame it on the interviewer or the employment system. You can, however, be one who (make) no excuses. Making excuses just stops you from improving or working harder. Instead, admitting that others are better than you can be a (positively) experience because you can use it as your motivation to become even better than them. (Cutting) excuses and you will have more chances to get ahead in life. カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。 お願いします。