• 締切済み



  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

こんにちは。もうひとつのご質問にも回答していますので、そちらもご覧下さい。 74% of businesses~以下の文を分解して解説します。 (1)74% of businesses:「商業活動の74%が」主語S (2)focus:動詞V。focus A on Bで「AをBに焦点を合わせる」「AをBに集中させる」という意味になります。ここでA=their volunteer programs、B=educationなので、「ボランティア活動を教育に集中させる」→「ボランティア活動の重点を教育に置く」 (3)as compared with:「~と比較して」という意味の副詞句となる慣用句です。このasは「~すると」という接続詞の用法で、「過去分詞(compared)の意味を制限する用法」になります。 本来、asとcomparedの間にit is (they are)という主語+動詞があったもので、これが省略されたのです。つまり元の形は、as it is compared with~「それが~と比較されると」という節になっていたのですが、この主語+動詞が省略され、as compared withとして定着したものです。同じような用法に、as opposed to「~とは反対に」などもあります。 (4)47% on health, 41%on the environment, and 41% on the homeless:それぞれの数字の後に、of businesses focus their volunteer programsが省略されています。反復使用を避けるためです。省略部分を汲み取って訳せばいいのです。この3つの数字はwithに戻って行き、「~の47%、~の41%、~の41%と比べると」と前へつながります。 (5)以上を踏まえると74% of businesses以下の訳は (直訳)「商業活動の47%が健康へ、41%が環境へ、41%がホームレスへ、ボランティア活動の焦点をそれぞれにあてており、これらの数字と比べると、実に商業活動の74%は、教育にボランティアの焦点をあてている。」 このようにas compared with以下を先に訳すと、きれいな訳にならないので、前から訳し下げます。 → (意訳)「ビジネスの74%が、教育をターゲットにしたボランティア活動を行っており、この数字は、健康47%、環境41%、ホームレス41%という数字と対照的である」 ぐらいの訳になります。 以上ご参考までに。



お礼が遅くなりすみません。 詳しい回答ありがとうございました。 こんなに丁寧に教えていただきありがとうございます。


  • 英語の訳

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事の途中からですが、下記の訳を知りたいです。 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/world/asia/12codes.html?_r=1 http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/11/world/asia/maps-of-earthquake-and-tsunami-damage-in-japan.html ↑下記の文書が載っているHP But Japan’s “massive public education program” could in the end have saved the most lives, said Rich Eisner, a retired tsunami preparedness expert who was attending a conference on the topic at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Md., on Friday. In one town, Ofunato, which was struck by a major tsunami in 1960, dozens of signs in Japanese and English mark escape routes, and emergency sirens are tested three times a day, Mr. Eisner said. Initial reports from Ofunato on Friday suggested that hundreds of homes had been swept away; the death toll was not yet known. But Matthew Francis of URS Corporation and a member of the civil engineering society’s tsunami subcommittee, said that education may have been the critical factor. “For a trained population, a matter of 5 or 10 minutes is all you may need to get to high ground,” Mr. Francis said. That would be in contrast to the much less experienced Southeast Asians, many of whom died in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami because they lingered near the coast. Reports in the Japanese news media indicate that people originally listed as missing in remote areas have been turning up in schools and community centers, suggesting that tsunami education and evacuation drills were indeed effective. A version of this article appeared in print on March 12, 2011, on page A1 of the New York edition. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How Shifting Plates Caused the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan Shifting plates and rising water The sudden movement of the Pacific tectonic plate under the North American plate caused a massive earthquake and a tsunami. Magnitude of shaking An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Japan on Friday at a depth of about 17 miles below the earth's surface. Dozens of aftershocks, some of magnitude 6.0 or greater, were felt after the quake. Source: U.S. Geological Survey Predicted tsunami wave heights The tsunami set off warnings for much of the Pacific basin including the west coast of the United States and South America. Officials say waves have not caused major damage in Hawaii and pose no flooding danger in California. Source: NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory By JOE BURGESS, JONATHAN CORUM, AMANDA COX, MATTHEW ERICSON, XAQUÍN G.V., ALAN McLEAN, TOMOEH MURAKAMI-TSE, HAEYOUN PARK, GRAHAM ROBERTS, AMY SCHOENFELD, ARCHIE TSE, JOE WARD and JEREMY WHITE

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事です。 非常に長いですがどなたか訳をお願いしたいです。 【Powerful Quake and Tsunami Devastate Northern Japan】 TOKYO — Rescuers struggled to reach survivors on Saturday morning as Japan reeled after an earthquake and a tsunami struck in deadly tandem. The 8.9-magnitude earthquake set off a devastating tsunami that sent walls of water washing over coastal cities in the north. Concerns mounted over possible radiation leaks from two nuclear plants near the earthquake zone. The death toll from the tsunami and earthquake, the strongest ever recorded in Japan, was in the hundreds, but Japanese news media quoted government officials as saying that it would almost certainly rise to more than 1,000. About 200 to 300 bodies were found along the waterline in Sendai, a port city in northeastern Japan and the closest major city to the epicenter. Thousands of homes were destroyed, many roads were impassable, trains and buses were not running, and power and cellphones remained down. On Saturday morning, the JR rail company said that there were three trains missing in parts of two northern prefectures. While the loss of life and property may yet be considerable, many lives were certainly saved by Japan’s extensive disaster preparedness and strict construction codes. Japan’s economy was spared a more devastating blow because the earthquake hit far from its industrial heartland. Japanese officials on Saturday issued broad evacuation orders for people living in the vicinity of two separate nuclear power plants that had experienced breakdowns in their cooling systems as a result of the earthquake, and they warned that small amounts of radiation could leak from both plants. On Friday, at 2:46 p.m. Tokyo time, the quake struck. First came the roar and rumble of the temblor, shaking skyscrapers, toppling furniture and buckling highways. Then waves as high as 30 feet rushed onto shore, whisking away cars and carrying blazing buildings toward factories, fields and highways. By Saturday morning, Japan was filled with scenes of desperation, as stranded survivors called for help and rescuers searched for people buried in the rubble. Kazushige Itabashi, an official in Natori City, one of the areas hit hardest by the tsunami, said several districts in an area near Sendai’s airport were annihilated. Rescuers found 870 people in one elementary school on Saturday morning and were trying to reach 1,200 people in the junior high school, closer to the water. There was no electricity and no water for people in shelters. According to a newspaper, the Mainichi Shimbun, about 600 people were on the roof of a public grade school, in Sendai City. By Saturday morning, Japan’s Self-Defense Forces and firefighters had evacuated about 150 of them. On the rooftop of Chuo Hospital in the city of Iwanuma, doctors and nurses were waving white flags and pink umbrellas, according to TV Asahi. On the floor of the roof, they wrote “Help” in English, and “Food” in Japanese. The reporter, observing the scene from a helicopter, said, “If anyone in the City Hall office is watching, please help them.” The station also showed scenes of people stranded on a bridge, cut off by water on both sides near the mouth of the Abukuma River in Miyagi Prefecture.

  • うまい訳をおしえてください

    Focus on form often consists of an occasional shift of attention to linguistic code features--by the teacher and/or one or more students--triggered by perceived problems with comprehension or production. 英語教育の専門書です。Focus on formはそのままフォーカス・オン・フォーム(コミュニケーションの中で文法を教えること)です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    One, Charlie Simpson, had with him about £10,000 which was all the cash from the government offices and businesses in Kasama, which he buried in a goat pen near the rubber factory he ran, thinking that the goats' hoofprints would hide evidence of digging, and that the Germans would probably be more interested in the goats than looking for the money. On arrival at the Chambeshi the Germans machine-gunned the rubber factory before Croad arrived with the telegram. The Monument was unveiled on 14 November 1953 as a National Monument of Northern Rhodesia (as the country was then) and consists of a large stone platform with the plaques set into a stone pillar, next to a cannon of the era (but not one used by the Germans). The Paris Peace Conference, also known as Versailles Peace Conference, was the meeting of the victorious Allied Powers following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. Involving diplomats from 32 countries and nationalities, the major or main decisions were the creation of the League of Nations, as well as the five peace treaties with the defeated states; the awarding of German and Ottoman overseas possessions as "mandates", chiefly to Britain and France; reparations imposed on Germany; and the drawing of new national boundaries (sometimes with plebiscites) to better reflect ethnic boundaries. The main result was the Treaty of Versailles with Germany, which in section 231 laid the guilt for the war on "the aggression of Germany and her allies". This provision proved humiliating for Germany and set the stage for the expensive reparations Germany was intended to pay (it paid only a small portion before reparations ended in 1931). The five major powers (France, Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States) controlled the Conference. And the "Big Four" were the Prime Minister of France, Georges Clemenceau; the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Lloyd George; the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson; and the Prime Minister of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando. They met together informally 145 times and made all the major decisions, which in turn were ratified by the others. The conference began on 18 January 1919, and with respect to its end date Professor Michael Neiberg has noted: Although the senior statesmen stopped working personally on the conference in June 1919, the formal peace process did not really end until July 1923, when the Treaty of Lausanne was signed".

  • 訳をお願いします。

    訳をお願いします。 自分で訳そうと思ったのですが、全然分からなかったので 誰かお願いします…。 Participants were asked to respond to five statements about their happiness and give a rating on a scale of 1 to 7 according to how strongly they agreed. Previous studies have shown that people who possess attributes regarded as desirable by modern Western society,such as intelligence and money,are rewarded with higher social status and a more comfortable standard of living. 少し長いかもしれませんが宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 高2英語

    It is as much about education and raising awareness of the value of "eco-gastronomy" as it is about sharing food with friend and family. 予習をしていたら、この文がよくわかりませんでした。 どなたか和訳、お願いします

  • 解いてみたらわけがわかりませんでした

    You shouldn't try to yourhomework ( )watching tv.という英文でまず、この shouldn'tという意味が何なのかわからないのと、正しいものを選べってやつなんですが、選択肢で with/while/and/beside/asで正解はwhileなんですが、自分の解釈は( )の後ろが不完全でSがないし、動詞が2つなんで、接続詞1つでasかなぁーと思ったんですが、ここの解釈がわかりません。詳しく教えてください!

  • 英語の訳お願いします。

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事の途中からですが、下記の訳を知りたいです。 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/world/asia/12japan.html ↑下記の文章が載っている記事 People were frantically searching for their relatives. Fumiaki Yamato, 70, was in his second home in a mountain village outside of Sendai when the earthquake struck. He spoke from his car as he was driving toward Sendai trying to find the rest of his family. While it usually takes about an hour to drive to the city, parts of the road were impassable. “I’m getting worried,” he said as he pulled over to take a reporter’s call. “I don’t know how many hours it’s going to take.” Japanese, accustomed to frequent earthquakes, were stunned by this one’s magnitude and the more than 100 aftershocks, many equivalent to major quakes. “I never experienced such a strong earthquake in my life,” said Toshiaki Takahashi, 49, an official at Sendai City Hall. “I thought it would stop, but it just kept shaking and shaking, and getting stronger.” Train service was shut down across central and northern Japan, including Tokyo, and air travel was severely disrupted. Related Japanese Scramble to Avert Meltdowns as Nuclear Crisis Deepens After Quake The Lede Blog:Updates on the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan Times Topic:Tidal Waves and Tsunamis Related in Opinion Crisis Points:An Unpredictable Test of Japan's Resilience Crisis Points:In Tokyo,the Search for Solid Ground Nicholas D.Kristof Blog: Sympathy for Japan,and Admiration Evacuees gathered on Friday in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo,hit hard even though it was far from the epicenter.

  • dateの使い方と訳です

    And in a rare moment of political consensus, all of the campaigns see the Jan. 29 primary in Florida, the fourth most populous state in the nation, as the most important contest on the calendar to date. all of the campaignsは選挙戦にかかわるすべての者 ぐらいだと思いますが、 on the calendar to dateは すでに組まれている(to date)選挙日程の中で(on the calendar) dateは動詞でしょうか。 細かいですが少し気になりました。

  • 英語訳についてです。

    こんにちわ。 下記の部分の解釈に手間取っています。 As a child, these teachers have shaped her foundation and basics and have given her the priceless gifts of knowledge, travel,love of dance, culture and life. なんとなく言いたい事は分かるような気がするのですが 日本語にした時に、しっくりきません。 アドバイスを頂ければと思います。随分意訳かと思いますが、素人ですので大目に見てアドバイス頂ければと思います。 訳して日本の方に説明する為です。なので出来るだけ分かりやすく出来ればと思っています。 「子供の頃、これらの先生はダンスを通じ文化や生活についての知識、旅行、愛について彼女に伝え、それらが彼女の土台と基礎を形作り、それは何ものにも代え難いとなっている。」