• ベストアンサー




There is so much difference in temperature. Temperatures in Japan is so much different from that of Australia. ~^^~





  • 気温が何度の時、あなたは心地が良いですか?の英訳

    気温が何度の時、あなたは心地が良いですか?の英訳をお願いします。 Do you feel good what temperature is? で合っていますか?

  • 気温勾配とは?

    The gradient of atmospheric temperature between Tokyo and Saitama is 0.02 degree Celsius per kilometer. 東京と埼玉の間の気温勾配は0.02℃/kmです。 これは、東京(埼玉)から埼玉(東京)に1キロ進むと±0.02℃がある、ということですか。

  • HTML文書で <p> が効かないときがあります

    HTML で書いていて、<p> が効かないときがあるのはどうしてでしょう。 test<p>This is a test. とすると(ファイル名は test.html) test This is a test. となります。ところが Desert and Dessert <p> Do you know the difference between a désert and a dessért? とすると(ファイル名は Desert and Dessert.html) Desert and Dessert <p> Do you know the difference between a désert and a のままで、 Desert and Dessert Do you know the difference between a désert and a dessért? にならないのです。 どうしてでしょう。<p>だけでなく、ほかの文書コマンドも利きません。

  • 英語の翻訳おねがいします。オーストラリア人からの英文です。宜しく御願いします。

    英語の翻訳おねがいします。オーストラリア人からの英文です。宜しく御願いします。 That's okay and thankyou so much fir your immediate attention and response. I appreciate your honesty, I'll let you know when it arrives and once again don't worry you apology is accepted.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 Please see the attachments. As you can see there are many possibilities. If I can give you one advice ... don't take the train between Brussels and Amsterdam. The Dutch railway system often breaks down ... I once had to get out in between Brussels and Amsterdam and take a taxi to go to the airport. I don't want you to go through this kind of stress. (it is indicated as a flight, but if it says Brussels midi rail station ... that means that you are actually taking a train). The train between Paris and Brussels is very reliable ... and fast. It's like the shinkansen. Oh ... I think you made a small mistake ... you mentioned that you might leave on the 31st of November ... maybe you mean the 30th :) There is this Air France flight that you might want to consider for EUR 910.91: Tokyo Haneda Paris C De Gaulle 30 Nov 01:30 06:20 Economy AF 283 Brussels Midi Rail Stn 30 Nov 07:47 08:59 Economy AF 7181 Brussels Airport Amsterdam 05 Dec 14:55 15:45 Economy KL 1726 Tokyo Narita 05 Dec 17:45 12:50 +1 Economy KL 861 It leaves very early on the 30th in Japan ... you can sleep on the plane and ... Ohayo Paris :) Then you still have the whole day on the 30th. They also have the same flight on the 1st of December if you can only leave on the 1st. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know, ok? Oh ... I can't believe it's already so late. I have to go to bed now. Enjoy your day off.

  • 長文です;  英訳していただけないでしょうか?

    上司に告白され、好きな人がいるので、あなたとは友達でいたいと言った返事なのですが、 英語が得意ではなく、全部を訳せません。 訳していただけないでしょうか。 Hi ○○ That is OK for me if we will be friends and not more. But as your friend, I really need to tell you some things about what`s called the “Laws of Attraction” First of all, it does not require a lot of time to know if you are attracted to a person or not. After meeting two or three times, for several hours, that is more than enough time to know. So if you think of me like a friend, I expect that will never change. So in this case it would be me that has got ‘unrequited love`. But the difference is, I know it will probably never change, so I will accept it and not lose time, and I will not lose other chances, while hoping my ‘unrequited love` will change to ‘requited love’. I know a love feeling is very unlikely to arrive in the future, if it is not there from the beginning. So as your friend, I just want to caution you to be careful and don’t lose precious time and opportunities while waiting for something that is very unlikely to arrive. And as my friend, I hope you will understand that my idea for Friday was more like a date. Since it seems to be not reality, can I ask that we make our next meeting day Monday evening instead? That way we can spend with mikako, and Tom. Like a ‘friends meet-up’ which is the way you are comfortable. Then I can still have a chance to find a special Christmas feeling another way. As my friend I think you would understand and encourage this course of action. And as your friend, I want to encourage you, even if it is not me, you need to find your happiness without losing precious time and opportunities because of an ‘unrequited love`. Because life is short. And your young life is really short! There is no time to waste. Thanks and hope to see you Monday! with MIKAKO! Yours, ○○

  • 英訳の修正をお願いします(メールの文です)

    There is an event of Valentine's Day in Japan today. (今日、日本ではバレンタインデーというイベントがあります。) Do you know Valentine's Day? (あなたはバレンタインデーを知っていますか?) The girl gives the cake to a favorite boy in Japan. (日本では女の子が好きな男の子にお菓子をあげます。)チョコだったらcakeをChocolateに変える Is such an event in Australia? (オーストラリアにこのようなイベントはありますか?) By the way, is it famous though heard that the cartoon of Japan is famous in Australia? (ところでオーストラリアでは、日本の漫画が有名だと聞いたのですが有名なんですか?)

  • 教えてください、

    What do you think is the difference between discrimination and prejudice?? どういう意味ですか? なんと答えればいいのでしょう?

  • 英訳です。

    日中国交正常化から40周年を迎えるというのに、両国の間にはとげとげしい空気が漂う。こんな時だからこそ、市民がコツコツと積み重ねてきた交流の大切さを思い知る。 Altough forty years passed since Japan and China signed the diplomatic treaty, they will possibly have a conflict. It is in this time that I know the importance of the friendship people established gradually. としてみました。どうでしょうか the resumption [normalization] of diplomatic ties between Japan and China (出典:eプログレッシブ英和中辞典/プログレッシブ和英中辞典) 日中国交正常化 のようですが、僕の英語力ではこれが限界(^^;;

  • 英訳の手直しお願いします!PAYPALのことで(e-bay)

    オーストラリアの方で、海外発送はOKなんですが 支払いがバンクチェック&マネーオーダーのみ、なんです。 こんな返答でした。 Hello, I will get a price from Australia post and let you know, Sorry I dont accept pay pal, can you post a Bank Cheque or a Money order? ですが、やはり、海外からの送金となるとPAYPALが便利で安心、確実で迅速ですよね。 銀行の受け取り登録も簡単ですし。 なので、PAYPALへの登録を勧める英文を作成してみました。どなたか、手直しをお願いできないでしょうか?文章は以下の感じでお願いします。 [貴方の商品をとても気に入りました。何とか手に入れたいと思っています。ですが、海外からの送金となるとPAYPALが便利で安心、確実で迅速です。それに、貴方が、お金を受け取る為の銀行登録もとても簡単です。どうか、ペイパルに登録して頂けないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。] 【私の英訳】 It very liked your commodity. Very, it wants it. It is convenient, and however, PAYPAL is safe, is certain, and prompt as for the remittance from foreign countries. And, you are easy and the bank registration to receive money is also very easy. Could you register in Papal? My best regards. よろしくお願い致しますっ!