• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • ベストアンサー率19% (658/3306)

コンテキストがはっきりしませんが、howeverがあることから この前の文章ではその種の虐待は一般にないものと思われて いる、という文意の文章があるのでしょう。 で、On a very practical note, ですが、このnoteはeminenceと 類義の意味です。つまり、noteは短い記録が原義ですが、それ は大切なことが書かれているわけで、ものを見る見地としてより 大事な情報というものを示します。 なので、on a very practical noteは「実際上の(あるいは実務 上の)非常に大切な点において」というのが直訳の意味です。 滑らかに訳すと、「実際上非常に重要なことは」というふうにな るでしょうか。





  • どういう意味なのか、よくわからないのですが

    お世話になります。 While the very thought of coming up with a cold, hard, step-by-step actually makes me a little nauseated (which is saying a lot on account of the fact that an iron constitution goes with the whole vampire persona), I knew it was going to take as much to get me through the next few hours, or days, or weeks -- or however long it took to find out what the hell was going on and clear my name. 殺人犯の濡れ衣を着せられたヴァンパイアの女性が、迫り来る追っ手を前に考えこんでいる場面なのですが、どう訳せばいいのか、さっぱりわかりません。 ご教示いただけると助かります。 何とぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    "We know an elderly couple who are on a very low income, and we have helped them a lot. Not long ago, their car needed to be fixed, and my husband paid the garage and gave the mechanic a tip. " paid the garageはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 1. 家出は否定的ではなく実は子どもにとってよいこ

    1. 家出は否定的ではなく実は子どもにとってよいこと? 2.家出とは子どもの自主避難と捉えて良いか 3.皆さんにとって家出、児童虐待、性虐待とは? 児童虐待・性虐待への社会的な解決策とは? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 https://www.google.co.jp/amp/s/news.careerconnection.jp/%3fp=54145&amp=1 1. Does your runaway be negative for children in reality? 2. Can we regard the run-away as independent evacuation of children 3.What are you going to go home, child abuse, sexual abuse? What is a social solution to child abuse and sexual abuse? Social Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.

  • ran the platesの意味

    Every now and then, a Los Angeles Department of Transportation employee may run across a stolen car while doing routine parking enforcement. It’s just not every day that the thief is still inside the car. But that’s just what happened Monday morning, Los Angeles police said, when an LADOT worker ran the plates on a Ford F-250 pickup truck in the Carthay neighborhood of Central L.A. About 10:40 a.m., the worker ran the plates on the truck in the 1200 block of South La Jolla Avenue; it came up as a stolen vehicle. That's when the employee also noticed a person was inside the truck's cab and called police. 上記はアメリカの新聞記事の冒頭の部分です。上記の文中に「ran the plates」が2箇所あります。この部分の和訳をお教えください。

  • Q) 同じ意味になるように...

    「目を合わせるべきか、そらすべきか」という長文からの問題です。 When a speaker asks a question of a large audience,each member of the group may choose to engage or avoid of the speaker. The likelihood of being called on to answer is considerably greater if one looks at the speaker that if one looks away from him. という文章の真ん中"The likelihood of .....greater" までを  One is much ( )( ) to be called on to answer と同じ意味になるようにする場合、2つの(  )の中には何を入れればよいのでしょうか?(more) (likely) ではおかしいでしょうか? お教え下さい。

  • 英語の質問です!

    When Jimmy arrived, he found the lecture hall crowded with () students. (1)only a few (2)very few (3)few (4)quite a few (), our plan has been going very well. (1)By now (2)In time (3)So far (4)Until then James had a bad cold.() ,he decided not to go to the movie with us. (1)Therefore (2)Meanwhile (3)However (4)Yet I'm not opposed to what you are saying . (), I completely agree with you. (1)On the contrary (2)The contrary (3)Contrary (4)In cotrast 答えの解説もよろしくお願いします!!

  • break down のここでの意味

    以下は、主要な3ゲーム機(wii,playstation 3,xbox360)のなかでどれが勝つかについてのスレッドのなかのひとつです。最後の行の "break down" を辞書で調べましたが、定義がいっぱいあって意味を絞れませんでした。 意味を教えてください。 [i second that... however, when working on the road, and living out of hotels which may or may not provide wifi, consoles are a life saver especially when we can get adjoining rooms and take a couple other tvs from our other rooms for our crew and link up and get busy... definitely more portable than my desktop, however i do bring it with me from time to time... i am going to break down and get a laptop...]

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします(>_<) Every day, we throw away lots of things. What to do with all that garbage is a big problem. A lot of our unburnable garbage ends up in places which are called landfills. Some of these landfill areas are very large. The Odaiba areas of Tokyo was built on one of the world's largest landfills. The world's largest landfill areas, however, is not on land at all, but in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

  • 句読点の使い方が滅茶苦茶[英語]

    学校で一体どういう勉強をするとこういう句読点の使い方になるのでしょう? However,in 1997,that is exactly what a deal with the government allowed a local fruit juice company called Del Oro to do 社会人になってもこんな調子でそのまま行っちゃう方を時々見かけます。

  • 舌切り雀の英文の添削

    舌切り雀について書いた英文の添削お願いします。 The book I'll introduce is called The Sparrow with the cut tongue. It's a book written in "Uzisyuuimonogatari" The book is about the two boxes. The Sparrow gave the elderly man a souvenir. He had to choose a big box or a small box. Then he choosed a small one and recieved a lot of money. While reading this book,I learned that you must always be modest. The elderly man choosed a small box and recieved happiness. while reading this book I think what happens if the elderly man choosed a big one. If he choosed it and specters appeared,what did kind elderly man think about sparrow.