In April 1992, the Nuclear Suppliers Group adopted a common export policy. They agreed that transfer to a non-nuclear-weapon state of nuclear facilities, equipment, components, material and technology, as specified in the so-called trigger list, should not be authorized unless that state had brought in force an agreement with the IAEA requiring the application of safeguards on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities. In 1993 this agreement was formally recorded, but not all exporters of nuclear items subscribed to it.
Nuclear-weapon states are not obligated by the NPT to accept international control. They may, however, do so upon request of the suppliers of nuclear materials wanting to ensure that their materials are not used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. A certain number of facilities in the nuclear-weapon states have been submitted to IAEA safeguards on a voluntary besis. Moreover, in the late 1990s Russia and the United States agreed to submit to IAEA safeguards weapon-origin fissile material designated as no longer required for defence purposes.
What is clearly missing is an international body to which complaints of non-compliance with the NPT, other than those related to nuclear safeguards, could be directed for investigation. The absence of such a body led to the application by some states of unilateral sanctions against suspected but not proven violators.
「 They agreed that transfer to a non-nuclear-weapon state of nuclear facilities, equipment components, material and technology, as specified in the so-called trigger list, should not be authorized unless that state had brought in force an agreement with the IAEA requiring the application of safeguards on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities.」
・state of nuclear facilities, equipment components, material and technology
・~on all source and spesial fissionable material in its current and future peaceful activities.
の「all souece」はどんな風に訳するのが適当でしょうか? また「its」は何を指しているのでしょうか?
「 They may, however, do so upon request of the suppliers of nuclear materials wanting to ensure that their materials are not used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons.」
・私の辞書で調べた限りでは、「do so upon」という熟語はないようです。それぞれの単語をひいても、上手く訳できません。
「 What is clearly missing is an international body to which complaints of non-compliance with the NPT, other than those related to nuclear safeguards, could be directed for investigation.」
・What is ~ となっている点から、最初は疑問文だと思ったのですが、疑問符が文末についていないので違うと判断しました。ですが、「疑問詞から始まる文=疑問文」ぐらいしか覚えていないので、どう訳すればいいかわかりません。
やっぱりそうですか~^^ヾ 何処へ行こうとも同じなんですね。 気をつけます、ハイ。 ありがとうございました。