• ベストアンサー


添削よろしくお願いします。 In the days after his death, business all around the world considers the legacy of Sony co-founder Akio Morita. Ray Suarez, in his debut as a senior correspondent on the NewsHour, has the story. 彼の死の後の時期で、世界中のビジネスは、ソニー共同創立者森田昭雄の遺産を考慮します。レイ・スアレスは、彼のデビューで、上級の記者としてNewsHourに出演して話を持っています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)

Mr Akio Morita故盛田昭夫氏の漢字が間違っていました。 :) [米公共放送局PBSのニュース番組]「NewsHour」に上級特派員として初めて登場するRay Suarezが、ソニー共同創立者盛田昭夫氏の死後、彼の残した偉大な功績を振り返る世界の実業界の模様をお伝えします。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Suarez





その他の回答 (2)


>彼の死の後の時期で、 →盛田昭夫氏が亡くなってから、 >世界中のビジネスは、 →世界中の実業界は、 >ソニー共同創立者森田昭雄の遺産を考慮します。 →ソニー共同創立者である盛田昭夫氏が残したものに注目する。 >レイ・スアレスは、彼のデビューで、 →レイ・スアレスはその初出演で、 >上級の記者としてNewsHourに出演して話を持っています。 →上級特派員として、ニューズアワーでそのことを語った。 うーん、こんなもんでどうでしょうか。





consider 評価している ニューズアウアの上級記者としての彼のデビューにおいて→ 上級記者としてデビューしたが have the story 記事を掲載する、記事が載っている(英辞郎)






  • 英語 長文

    訳をお願いします。 Japan has a very formal, hierarchical culture. When speaking to a Japanese associate, use their surname or job title followed by 'san.' If speaking to a much more senior colleague, use Mr. or Ms. with their surname. Never use first names unless invited to do so. The Japanese traditionally greet each other with a bow, though you are more likely to be greeted with a simple nod followed by a light handshake. If someone does bow to you, respond by bowing to the same level, (A) eyes lowered. Business cards, the key to establishing credentials, should be written in both English and Japanese. Present your card with both hands (B) the Japanese side of the card facing up. Similarly, receive a card with both hands and take a few moments to read it. A first meeting tends to be very formal. (C be/careful/display/not/to) negative emotions or be too abrupt, or you might cause loss of face. Try to be very polite to older associates. They will usually be the most senior in rank. In Japanese business culture, the group indentity is essential and all decisions are made within the group. Do you single anyone out, either for praise or criticism. Expect every aspect of your proposal to be reviewed in minute detail; the Japanese gather as much information as possible to avoid problems that might occur later on. Once outside the structured office environment, the Japanese are much more informal. Business entertaining might take place at a golf course, karaoke bar or a private room at a restaurant. If uncertain of the intricate dining etiquette, simply follow the lead of your Japanese colleagues and remain humble, polite and modest. A,Bは同じ前置詞が入ってCは並び替えです。 また、下記の並び替えが合っているか見てください。 ・My father (he really/is/looks/older/than), but he's still in his forties. →is looks older than he really ・Henry is taller (at/his age/his father/than/was). →than his father was at his age ・We get (do/from experience/more education/than/we) from school work. →more education from experience than we do

  • 英文の全訳をどうかお願いします

    The Japanese export boom has expanded American's awareness of Japanese culture. About 50% of all articles about Japan in the American press still deal with business and economic subject, but a growing number, well over 20%, are on Japanese culture and thought. Daily newspapers and weekly news maga-zines print regular articles on Japanese design, fash-ion, social problems, politics, and sports.Just five years ago it was very rare to see anything to do with cable networks have regular weekly half-hour shows devoted solely to what is happening in Japan. Every afternoon Japanese cartoons delight American chil-dren. The Japanese presence has been especially noticeable in television commercials. Mr. Morita of Sony holds up his American Express card and asks us, "Do you know me?" A Federal Express delivery commercial brags that Japanese executives study its operation to learn efficiency. One of the more amus-ing commercials shows a sumo stable master scolding a wrestler for liking Diet Pepsi so much he has lost weight. Kirin beer ads show Americans the pleasures of beer with sushi.

  • Gay Wedding Lawsuit

    The Colorado Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a Christian baker accused of discrimination for declining to make a wedding cake for a homosexual service. Jack Phillips and his attorneys now claim they are “reviewing” their options. “We asked the Colorado Supreme Court to take this case to ensure that government understands that its duty is to protect the people’s freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally,” Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel Jeremy Tedesco said in a statement, “not force them to violate those beliefs as the price of earning a living.” “Jack, who has happily served people of all backgrounds for years, simply exercised the long-cherished American freedom to decline to use his artistic talents to promote a message and event with which he disagrees, and that freedom shouldn’t be placed in jeopardy for anyone,” Tedesco continued. “We are evaluating all legal options to preserve this freedom for Jack.” The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ordered Jack Phillips and his staff to produce cakes for same-sex celebrations in December 2013. The commission also ordered Phillip to re-educate his staff and to file quarterly “compliance” reports for two years. photos:http://www.marieprom.co.uk/green-prom-dresses photo by Carrie Z. via pixabayThe order stemmed from acomplaintby same-sex couple Charlie Craig and Davis Mullins alleging that Phillips discriminated against them “due to their sexual orientation” by refusing to make them a “wedding” cake. Phillips had told the men he does not create cakes for same-sex “weddings” when they made the July 2012 request in his Lakewood, CO, cake shop. “I’ll make you birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies,” Phillips said. “I just don’t make cakes for same-sex weddings.” Homosexual “marriage” was not yet legal in Colorado, so the men had planned to conduct their ceremony in Massachusetts and then subsequently celebrate in Colorado. After the lower court’s 2013 ruling that Phillips violated the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA), the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld the decision in 2015. Phillips has also stated his stance is not limited to homosexual “weddings,” and that he declines to make cakes for other things that violate his religious beliefs. “It’s not just the cakes for the same-sex weddings; I haven’t singled out that one issue as something that I won’t do,” Phillips said in an ADF video. “I also don’t make cakes for bachelor parties. I don’t make Halloween cakes or anything involving witchcraft or demons. Sometimes it seems like I’ve turned down more cakes in a day than I’ve taken orders for.” Phillips has also said that restricting how he lives his life as a Christian to simply on Sunday would be impossible. “For us to limit what we do because of a public accommodation act says, ‘We don’t want God to be part of our lives except on Sunday,’” he said. “No, we want him to run our lives, through out lives, every day and any way that he wants.” About the Author Kaye Wonderhouse - Catherine "Kaye" Wonderhouse, a proud descendant of the Wunderhaus family is the Colorado Correspondent who will add more coverage, interviews and reports from this midwest area. Read more:http://www.marieprom.co.uk/purple-prom-dresses

  • ファッション関係英語の和訳、翻訳、ご指摘ください。

    はじめまして。 ファッション関係の文章ですが、専門用語の和訳が正確かというより、英語の文章を和訳できてるのかが不安です。 もちろん完璧に和訳できたとは思っていませんが、あまりにもおかしいところを指摘していただけると助かります。 文章を理解したいのに、間違って理解しては無意味なので、、、 よろしければご指摘ください。 特に、△の印のある箇所が、理解出来ていません。 よろしくお願いします。 元文章の記載ページ ttp://www.style.com/fashionshows/review/S2013RTW-YSLRG Through all his years at Dior Homme, Hedi Slimane always knew how to create a sense of occasion. ディオールオムでの彼の全年月の間ずっと、エディ・スリマンは時と場所とをわきまえた良識の想像の方法を常に知っていた。 △His womenswear debut for the newly rechristened Saint Laurent took place in the Grand Palais, possibly the most magnificent exhibition space in Paris, except that Slimane led his audience up single-file escalators and down singularly un-magnificent administrative corridors before they happened upon the sepulchral rectangle of show space. 新たに改名したサンローランのための彼のウィメンズウェアデビューは、グランパレで催された、ひょっとするとパリで最も壮大なエキシビションスペースかもしれない、陰気な四角形にショーが起こる前に、スリマンが行ったり来たりして、彼の観衆を一列エスカレーターと並外れて壮大ではない行政の廊下を導いていたのを除いて。 A trick! トリック! As klieg lights rotated and Daft Punk's electronics pulsed, the ceiling closed in, shifting hydraulically into a new configuration. クリーグライトが回転したり、ダフトパンクのエレクトロニクスサウンドが鼓動するように、天井が閉じられ、水圧シャフトで新たな形状へ動く。 It was a spectacularly ominous effect, like a techno overture to…what? A promise of the future? それは壮大な不吉なエフェクトでした、何かへの、、、テクノ序曲のよう?未来への願望? A man who can reshape space is surely capable of such. スペースの形状を変更することができる男が、確かにそのようなことをしかねない。 Not the case tonight. 今夜のそれではない。 Post-show, Betty Catroux, longtime muse to Yves himself, was delirious with delight, proclaiming Slimane the savior for all womankind. ポスト・ショー、ベティ・カトルー、長年のイヴスのミューズ、彼自身は歓喜と共に意識が混濁していた、すべての女性の為の救世主としてスリマンは宣告すること。 But a reality check suggested something less grandiose, more in tune with the way Slimane has been spending his time since he left fashion five years ago. だが、真偽の確認は壮大なほどではに何かを提案した、5年前に彼がファッションを離れてから、彼は彼の時間を過ごし、それでより調和した。 In the City of Angels, to be precise. エンジェルの街で、精密になること。 True, he hot-wired himself into the YSL legacy with Le Smoking, the mousselines, the pussy bows, the shot of animal spot, and that thing called Saharienne (which will always be Veruschka in Vogue). 事実、ル・スモーキング、モスリン、プッシータイ、アニマルの場所、そしてサファリンと呼ばれるものらのYSLの遺産とともに、彼はエンジンを点けた。 The tassels said Morocco?they also said Opium, a la Yves. タッセルはモロッコと言った、それらはアヘンとも言った、YSL流の。 But it felt like the real mood of the collection was dictated by Slimane's L.A. sojourn. だが、それはスリマンのLA滞在で決定づけられたコレクションのリアルムードのように感じられた。 The pared-to-the-bone rock-chick look?with its legging-slender pants and tiny sequined jackets?was one facet. すらっとした脚のパンツとぎりぎりまで削ぎ落とされたロックな娘ルック The other, deeper reference was the city's plangent, occult pull. 一方、深い引用は街の訴えるようなもの、不気味な引きつける力。 The women on Slimane's catwalk today looked like the witchy covens who'd surround rock groups in the sixties/seventies heyday of the Strip. 今日のスリマンのキャットウォークの女性は、60、70年代のストリップ全盛期のロックグループのまわりにいた魔女のようなファン達のようにみえた。 Or maybe even earlier, when the artist Cameron seduced the stalwarts of the Ferus Gallery. もしかするとさらに以前、アーティストキャメロンが、フェルスギャラリーの政治的に信念の強い人達をひきつけた時。 The floor-sweeping, full-sleeve dresses had the deeply gothic tinge that is peculiar to L.A. フロアスウィーピング、LA特有の深いゴシック調の長袖ドレス。 With the models' faces uniformly shaded by wide-brimmed hats, it seemed that witchy seduction was the agenda of the evening. つば広のハットで、一様に影のかかったモデルの顔、魔女っぽい魅力は夕方の予定だったように思う。 △A bizarre way to stake a claim to one of fashion's most unimpeachable legacies, maybe, but it felt perfectly in tune with what one could legitimately claim to be Slimane's California obsession. ファッションの最も非の打ち所のない遺産の中の一つの権利を提供する奇怪なやり方、多分、だがそれはスリマンのカリフォルニア強迫観念を合法的に要求をすることができる完璧なものだろう。 And the clothes struck a major chord with the babes in the audience ? the Kills' Alison Mosshart claimed she was ready to take a fourth job to afford them. そしてその洋服達は観衆の中の青二才達をメジャーコードにたたきつける、キルズのアリソン・モシャートは、それらを買うために4つ目の仕事をする準備ができたと叫んだ。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします・・・。

    The heads of other leading technology companies have also paid tribute, including Microsoft boss Bill Gates, who said Mr Jobs's "profound impact" on the world of technology would "be felt for many generations to come". "For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour. I will miss Steve immensely." Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg thanks Mr Jobs for "showing that what you build can change the world" while Sony Corp president and CEO Howard Stringer said: "The digital age has lost its leading light." South Korea's Samsung, which is involved in an ongoing legal battle with Apple over patents, praised Mr Jobs for his "numerous revolutionary changes to the information technology industry". "His innovative spirit and remarkable accomplishments will forever be remembered by people around the world," said chief executive officer Choi Gee-Sung. Mr Jobs built a reputation as a forthright and demanding leader who could take niche technologies - such as the mouse and graphical user interface, using onscreen icons rather than text - and make them popular with the general public. He introduced the colourful iMac computer, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad to the world. His death came just a day after Apple unveiled its latest iPhone 4S model. With a market value estimated at $351bn, Apple became the world's most valuable technology company. "I hope civil servants at both institutions get the message from the voters this Sunday that they are not happy with your inefficiency," said Mr Hashimoto at a news conference on Sunday. His rival Kunio Hiramatsu was more conservative and was supported by all the major political parties including the Japanese Communist Party, which rarely backs the same candidate as the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party. Jedda-based journalist Maha Akeel said the initial court ruling had gone against the general trend, with police stopping few Saudi women drivers.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My roommate is a very dear friend whom I have known since I was 2 years old. About a year ago, she started dating another friend of mine (I introduced them). Last weekend, I found out that last year (around two weeks after they became an “exclusive” couple) my roommate’s boyfriend cheated on her with another one of our good girlfriends. They were caught after the fact by some other people at the party they were at. My roommate couldn’t be there because she was sick. Apparently, he planned to tell my roommate the next day, but the girl he cheated with convinced him not to. Besides my roommate, I am the last person in my group of friends to know about this. I don’t think I can live with her and also myself knowing that this happened while she does not. I really think she would want to know not just because she’s been cheated on, but because she considers that girl a really good friend. Would it be within my right to tell my roommate’s boyfriend that I know about what happened, I’m not going to keep his secret, and that he needs to tell her ASAP? Otherwise, I’ve watched him be a fantastic partner to her and I know how much they love each other. This hookup was really an isolated, drunken mistake. I don’t want to cause drama or insert myself into other people’s business. I just want to do right by my friend. 1 They were caught after the fact by some other people at the party they were at.の和訳を教えてください。 2 I’ve watched him be a fantastic partner to herの和訳を教えてください。 3 ここでのdramaはどのような意味でしょうか? 4 do right by my friendの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • DCP-J582Nを使用している際に、印刷の擦れや一部印刷がされない、白い線が現れる現象が発生しました。
  • 印刷品質チェックシートでの調整を試しましたが、問題は解決していません。
  • ブラザー製品に関する質問です。