• ベストアンサー



  • Spemon
  • ベストアンサー率32% (63/194)

私なりに言いますと; However, sending a CD to Japan could involve a lot of hassle and may take a good few days as well. と言います。  手間はtroubleでもいいのですが、ニュアンス的にはhassleの方が適しているように思えます。





  • 英文解釈について

    Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labours of my fellow-men , both living and dead , and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received . 英文解釈です。 文法的に詳しくお願いします。 私的には Many times a day 以下がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の間違い

    1.Because Mr. Andrew has a job (1. that ) pays very well and has (2. lots ) of vacation time , he (3. has had ) many chances to travel abroad . As a result , he has (4. ever ) been to many countries. 2.In order (1. to get ) into a top-level university , it is important (2. to try ) hard at school and also (3. spending ) lots of time (4. studying ) at home . 3.Tom (1. has been ) living in Japan (2. since ) 2005 , and (3. since ) he enjoys it so much he says he will keep on living there (4. until ) five more years . 1、2、3の1~4のかっこは それぞれどれが違いますか? 分かる方教えてください(>_<)

  • 英語の手紙チェックして下さい。すいません何回も…↓

    前のやつに自分なりに直したやつを乗っけようと思ったんですが、場所が無く(どこに書けばいいのかわからない)ので、もう1つ立てちゃいました…↓すいません。メインの2つの違いと1つの似ているところの文章だけですが、チャックよろしくお願いします。 First of all, Canadian people enjoy doing the winter sports while not many Japanese people enjoy doing that. Although we have snow in Japan, we don't really enjoy having the snow. However, Canadian people enjoy it and do some winter sports like dogsled, canoeing or skiing. Second, there is a lot of nature in Canada while there is not much nature in Japan. When I was watching the movie, I realized that there is nature everywhere in Canada. Finally, I found one similarities between Canada and Japan! There are a lot of water place in Japan and Canada! I could see many rivers and lakes in the video, and I see them in Japan, too. です。

  • 海外の取引先からのメールを翻訳

    よろしくお願いします。 Good afternoon, we had just cleared the custom today, sorry the long wait, they should be arriving to us in the morning. How many small, how many big sensors do you need? Thanks very much and you have a great day!

  • 訳を見てください

    英語の教科書の訳をこの文章で良いか見てください。少し自信がありません。 In many ways the governments of Japan and Britain are the same. For example, both countries have as head of state a figure without political power. In the case of Japan, it is the Emperor, and in the case of Britain, it is the Queen. However, the Queen does have an extra international role, as she is head of the Commonwealth and head of state of a number of other countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Both Japan and Britain have a Parliament with two chambers or houses. In Britain, the upper house is called the House of Lords and the lower house is called the House of Commons. 長いあいだ、日本と英国の政治のやり方は同じである。例えば、2つとも政治権力無しで国家元首としての風格を持っています。日本の場合は皇帝で、英国の場合は女王である。どんなに女王が特別な国家間の役割だとしても、彼女はイギリス連邦の頭であり、カナダやオーストラリア、ニュージーランドなど多数の他の国の国家元首でもある。日本とイギリスの国会には2つの議員がある。英国での上の議員は乗員と呼ばれ、下の議員は下院と呼ばれている。 すみませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Retirement Early retirement is being encouraged through special-incentive programs in many businesses, universities and in the federal government, and many employees are choosing early retirement. However, the population that is now at or near retirement age has been poorly socialized for retirement. During their youth, these people learned that success is measured by productivity and economic gain-the American “work ethic”. お願いします。

  • スティーブジョブズの卒業式での祝賀スピーチ

    ジョブズがスタンフォードでの卒業式祝賀スピーチでいった言葉です。 "I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." このスピーチで、for too many days in a row というところがありますが、これはどんなことをいっているのでしょうか。どんな意図があるのでしょうか。

  • 和訳が知りたいです。

    インドの方からのメールですが訳が知りたいのです。 最後のkeep writing とはどのような意味があるのでしょうか? Dearest friend Thanks to your wishes, we watched aurora during the last day. Expressions, goodness of heart and good friendship is never constraint by any language. The day we met, I wished I knew more Japanese because both Pragya (the gal) and myself wanted to talk to you so much more. So we are really sorry as well that we don't know Japanese. Actually, in my heart, I really feel so inspired to you all guys that you have stick to your own culture and language. I wish we Indians loved our own language as much as you do. Photograph came out really well. Thanks for sending it. We have couple of Japanese friends and from them we know we really love Japanese people. Culture wise they are so close to Indians. Japanese preserved ashes of our great leader Subash Chandra Bose in their Japanese temple for so many decades. Japanese help this leader build his army to free India. So we always feel thankful to Japan. Some of our best movies have famous songs shot in Japan with Japanese words. 'Sayonara' word became so famous in India. When in 50-60's Japan had to give away their leader to British was a war hero, whole India had cried over that incident. My parents still remember that incident and keep telling me about that. Japan Suzuki brought in the car revolution for India and still is a market leader. So we are very well connected with Japan. I can understand how much shocking it might have been for you to go back to Japan. Japan has suffered so much in last 50 years. They are such a peaceful nature but still have suffered so much. It is very unfortunate. I am sure Japan will revive. I can tell you whole of India's wishes are with you guys. You all have so much energy, patience and strong will. I am glad that your near dear ones and house is safe. Please say my wishes to your family. Keep writing.

  • 訳を見てください。

    タイトルが同じものがあるのは、書ききれなかったのでもう1つ投稿しました。訳はこれでよろしいでしょうか。 Although South London is much bigger than North London, most people want to live in North London because it has much better shops, entertainment and public transport. There is another way of looking at London. There are the East End and the West End. The East End was near where the Thames met the sea, and so most docks and factories were there. It was the working part of London. The West End was where the richer people lived. 南ロンドンは北ロンドンよりもはるかに大きいが、北ロンドンには南ロンドンよりも多くの店や娯楽施設があり、公共輸送機関もあることから、人々は北ロンドンに住みたいと思っている。もう1つ別の点でロンドンを見れます。それは、東の端と西の端です。東の端では、テムズ川と海が合流しており、更に多くの船の荷役や工場があります。それはロンドンという働く場所でした。西の端では、金持ちの人が住んでいました。 お願いします。もう1つ投稿します。

  • 英文法の質問です。

    英文法の質問です。 質問1 the unemployment rate has risen three quarters in a row. この文のthree quartersは副詞(句)と考えてよいでしょうか。last nightとかone dayも副詞句として使われることが多いですが、これと同じタイプのものでしょうか。 質問2 a great many crops of much the same kindというフレーズのmuch the same kindの語順についてです。 the much same kindではないのでしょうか。a very interesting bookの例からわかるように、副詞のmuchの位置は形容詞のsameの前だと思いますが、本のミスということはないと思います。具体的な例文を上げながら、教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。