• ベストアンサー


1『創作料理のお店』 the restaurant of the Creation food  2『1日には』は On the 1th 『2日には』は On the 2th でいいのでしょうか? 3『私はその店を本で見て選んだ。』   I selected this restaurant watching book. 4『店の前で30分も待つわけにも行かず、』 I couldn't wait in front of the restaurant for more than 30 minutes. 5『7月29日から8月5日まで』 From July 29th to August 5th, 6『資格試験の講座』  the couse of the eaxmination   上の言い方であってますか? 直すべきところがあったら教えてください。 お願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

>1『創作料理のお店』 >the restaurant of the Creation food  その言い方があるのかどうか知らないのですが、形容詞にしてcreative foodでは?(意味が違ってしまうか?) Fusion cuisineというのはどうですか? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_cuisine >2『1日には』は On the 1th 『2日には』は On the 2th でいいのでしょうか? 1日はthe first なので、on the 1st 2日はthe secondなので、on the 2nd です。 3日がthe third で the 3rd 4日からがfourth, fifth.... で、4th、5thとなります。 序数です。 http://allabout.co.jp/study/bizenglish/closeup/CU20041012A/index2.htm 3、4の質問は自信がないのでパスします。 >5『7月29日から8月5日まで』 From July 29th to August 5th, 良いと思います。 >6『資格試験の講座』  the couse of the eaxmination スペルミスがあるみたい。 the course of the examination ですね。 the examinationだと単に何かの「試験」ですので、資格試験は、 a certification exam a qualifying test などの言い方ができるようですよ。 何の資格かによってもそれぞれ表現があります。 http://www2.alc.co.jp/ejr/index.php?word_in=%8E%91%8Ai%8E%8E%8C%B1&word_in2=%82%A0%82%A2%82%A4%82%A6%82%A8&word_in3=PVawEWi72JXCKoa0Je 「試験」で辞書を調べるともっといろいろ。 ~の検定試験 test for the assay of なんていうのも。 http://www2.alc.co.jp/ejr/index.php?word_in=%8E%8E%8C%B1&word_in2=%82%A9%82%AB%82%AD%82%AF%82%B1&word_in3=PVawEWi72JXCKoa0Je



いいサイト紹介してくださってありがとうございました。 パソコンで辞書を使ったの初めてです。 これからも活用しようと思います!


その他の回答 (3)

  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

こんにちは。 1『創作料理のお店』 創作料理と言うのは日本的な表現ですが、一語で探すのは難しい気がします。 original dishes にちょっと説明を加えて言うのが一番判りやすいかなぁと思います。 例えば、 The restaurant has a lot of original dishes which are very creative. と表現すれば、創作料理と一言でなくても、ちゃんと相手は判ってくれるかな、と。 2『1日には』は On the 1th 『2日には』は On the 2th でいいのでしょうか? 1はfirst、2はsecondですので、数字で表す場合は 「on the 1st、on the 2nd」 ですね。 3『私はその店を本で見て選んだ。』 ここでの選んだですが、pick upなどとしてみてはどうでしょうか? I picked up the restaurant from the guide book. The guide book introduced me that restaurant. などとも言ってもいいかもしれません。 4『店の前で30分も待つわけにも行かず、』 I couldn't possibly wait for xxxx for 30 mins in front of the restaurant. cannot possibly は「とても~できない」「~するわけにいかない」みたいな意味で会話に結構出てきます。 5『7月29日から8月5日まで』 from July 29 to August 5. from the 29th of July to the 5th of August. のどちらでも良いと思います。 6『資格試験の講座』 the classes to get xxxx the course on xxxx など。xxxには資格の正式名を入れれば良いです。 単に職業上の資格全般でしたら、 professional qualifications とか言ってしまうといいと思います。


the restrant of the new cuisine I found the restrant in a guide book I could not stay waiting over 30 minutes in front of the resutrant the class for the quarifing examination


私なら次のように言います。参考にしてください。 1) a restaurant that serves creative and original dishes 例:The Café Terminus serves creative and original dishes and reasonably priced meals headed by Chef Guy Pommelet. (フランスのホテル内のレストランの宣伝文句) 2) on the 2nd となります。1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ...です。 School starts on the 2nd of September. 3) I chose the restaurant based on what I read about it in a book. = レストランに関して本で読んだ内容を基に選んだ 4) この場合は客が列を作って待つの意味ですから wait in line in front of ... とするとその感じがでます。他はokです。 5) From July 29th to/through August 5th toを使った場合は、August 5thが含まれるのが普通ですが、含まれることを強調する場合は From July 29th through August 5thとします(米国的用法)。 6) googleで見つけた例文を掲げます。 In order to ensure the success of the Preparatory Course for the certification examination in translation, we need a number of volunteers who agree to tutor the participants. the preparatory course = 対策講座 the certification examination in translation = 翻訳の資格(認定)試験 (qualifying examinationともいう) 英語では冠詞によって意味が変わります。 単に一般的なことについて述べるなら a course for a certification examination = ある資格試験のためのあるひとつの講座 a course for the certification examination = その資格試験のためのあるひとつの講座 the course for certification examination = その資格試験のためのその(特定の)講座



  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Krithia Vineyard (6–13 August 1915) was fought during the Gallipoli Campaign during the First World War. It was originally intended as a minor British action at Helles on the Gallipoli peninsula to divert attention from the imminent launch of the August Offensive, but instead, the British commander, Brigadier General H.E. Street, mounted a futile and bloody series of attacks that in the end gained a small patch of ground known as "The Vineyard".The original commander of the British VIII Corps at Helles, Lieutenant General Aylmer Hunter-Weston, had departed the peninsula in July, following the last Helles offensive—the Battle of Gully Ravine. His replacement, Lieutenant General Francis Davies, arrived in early August but had not yet assumed command of the corps when a series of diversions were due to be launched from Anzac and Helles to divert Ottoman attention from the planned landing at Suvla and the break out from Anzac. Consequently, the Helles diversion was planned and conducted by the VIII Corps' chief of staff, Brigadier General H.E. Street, who proved himself an able student of Hunter-Weston's battle strategy.Due to the shortage of artillery, the attack was split into two parts with the 88th Brigade of the 29th Division attacking on the afternoon of 6 August while two brigades of the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division would attack the following day. They were facing four Ottoman divisions, three of which were fresh, while there were two more divisions in reserve. The 88th Brigade's attack managed to capture some Ottoman trenches, which were recaptured by the Ottoman 30th Regiment during a counter-attack. The British attacked again and once more captured some trenches, but the Ottomans counter-attacked again and drove them out. The British failed to hold any ground and the 88th Brigade was effectively destroyed as a fighting force. At around 9:40 am on the morning of 7 August the 42nd Division attacked on the right of the 88th Brigade's sector. The 127th Brigade managed to break through the line held by the Ottoman 13th Division, but were forced back by an Ottoman counter-attack. The Ottomans counter-attacked repeatedly from 7 August to 9 August and the fighting in the area continued until 13 August when it finally subsided. Afterwards, this sector of the Helles front would remain one of the busiest and most violent for the remainder of the campaign.Two Victoria Crosses were awarded to men of the 42nd Division during the fighting at Krithia Vineyard. The British casualties in the first 24 hours of fighting, covering the original attacks of the 88th Brigade and the two brigades of the 42nd Division, were 3,469. The total British casualties for the duration of the battle were probably in excess of 4,000. The Ottoman casualties for the period of the battle were estimated to be around 7,000.

  • 英文を(  )入の文に変えたい。

    A列に英文データがあります。 Many people climb Mt. Fuji every year. The summer during the 25th of July to 25th of August are the official climbing season. B列、C列に次のような(  )入の文を作成したいのです。(   )の中には置き換えた単語の最初の1文字を入れたい。B列とC列は(   )が交互になります。 英文の暗記用に手で入力していましたが、英文が増えてきましたので、エクセルVBAでうまくできないかお尋ねします。 よろしくお願いします。 B列 Many (p  ) climb (M  ) every (y  ). The (s  ) during (t  ) 25th (o  ) July (t  ) 25th (o  ) August (a  ) the (o  ) climbing (s  ). C列 (M  ) people (c  ) Mt. Fuji (e  ) year. (T  ) summer (d  ) the (2 ) of (J  ) to (2  ) of (A  ) are (t ) official (c   ) season.

  • 次の英文を日本語の文章に訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Manzikert or Battle of Malazgirt (Russian: Битва при Манцикерте Bytva pri Mantsikerte ;Turkish: Malazgirt Muharebesi) was a battle of the Caucasus Campaign of World War I, which took place over the period July 10–26, 1915. Even though losses were heavy on both sides, the Russians retreated north and the Turks retook Malazgirt then they further advanced towards Karakilise where they were defeated on 5–8 August at the Battle of Kara Killisse. At the beginning of May the Russians captured Tutak and on 17 May the town of Malazgirt was captured. On July 10, 1915, Russian General Oganovski launched an offensive to capture the hills just west of Malazgirt. He believed that the Turkish forces in the area were weak. However, the Turkish forces contained several divisions numbering upwards of 40,000 men. On July 16, the Ottoman Army counter-attacked under Abdul Kerim Pasha. They outnumbered the Russians by a factor of 3-1. Oganovski was forced to retreat back to Malazgirt, and in the process the Turks captured his baggage train. On July 20, the Turks retook Malazgirt and on 27 July also took Muş from the Russians. Due to the poor quality of the Russian communications, Yudenich, who was the Russian commander of the Caucasus front, did not learn that the Russian army was in retreat until July 22. The Russian army in Malazgirt was outnumbered 3-1 by the Ottoman army. Realizing that if the Ottomans attacked, his army would be destroyed, Yudenich ordered a retreat. The Russians retreated from Malazgirt, and the entire Van region as well. This left the city of Van open to an Ottoman attack, and the Ottomans captured the city on August 22. However, Malazgirt was re-captured by the Russians after the Ottomans were defeated at the Battle of Kara Killisse. Yudenich quickly regrouped his forces, fired Oganovski, and launched a counter-offensive. Russian casualties were reported to be about 10,000. Malazgirt was recaptured but Yudenich did not have a force large enough to exploit the situation further. The morale of the Turkish leadership was lifted by the victory at Malazgirt and Abdulkerim Pasha was encouraged by his success to follow the Russians. However, in the following battle of Karakilise in August the Turks were defeated and this in turn raised Russian morale. Manzikert マラズギルト

  • 次の文を英語にしたのですが、

    間違っている所があれば、ご指摘お願いします。 (1)今、テレビを見ているんだ。話しかけないで。 I'm watching TV now. Don’t speak to me. (2)姉はあの新しい店に買い物に出かけたばかりです。 My sister has just gone shopping to that new shop. (3)私は母を迎えに、駅へ行ってきたところだ。  I have been to the station to welcome my mother. (4)彼は、私が引っ越してくる前からずっとこのアパートに住んでいた。  He had been in this flat before I moved in. (5)今年の夏に富士山に登ると、私はその山頂まで3回行ったことになる。  If I climb Mt. Fuji this summer, I will have been to the top of the mountain three times. 前置詞の使い間違いなど、細かいことでも結構ですので、よろしくお願い致します。  

  • 英語

    I was supposed to participate in the rally of football on the day. However, I made a lot of mistakes on the morning of the day. First, I got up at time when I had to gather in the station. Next, I was not able to find the stop of the bus to go to the ground of the rally easily. Finally, I kept walking for as much as 30 minutes, because I lose my way after it had got off the bus. この文に文法上の間違いがあれば教えてください。解る方、よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英語を日本語になおしてください

    (1) She graduated from one of the country’s universities. (2) You’ve really grown since I last saw you. (3) The accident happened early on Tuesday morning. (4) She smiled when the man appeared. (5) The man disappeared inside the building. (6) Oil prices continued to rise. (7) They followed us in their car. (8) We’re going to Spain for our holidays. (9) I hope everyone’s having fun. (10) What are your hobbies? (11) I’ve been invited to a party. (12) I love watching old Hollywood movies. (13) Let’s go back to camp now. (14) Come a little closer. Can Billy come too? Her dream has come away true. (15) Where are going? Has your headache gone away yet? (16) I spent the evening at home watching TV. (17) The cat is sleeping on the floor.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Togoland Campaign (9–26 August 1914) was a French and British invasion of the German colony of Togoland in west Africa (which became Togo and the Volta Region of Ghana after independence), during the First World War. The colony was invaded on 6 August, by French forces from Dahomey to the east and on 9 August by British forces from Gold Coast to the west. German colonial forces withdrew from the capital Lomé and the coastal province and then fought delaying actions on the route north to Kamina, where a new wireless station linked Berlin to Togoland, the Atlantic and south America. The main British and French force from the neighbouring colonies of Gold Coast and Dahomey, advanced from the coast up the road and railway, as smaller forces converged on Kamina from the north. The German defenders were able to delay the invaders for several days at the battles of Bafilo, Agbeluvhoe and Chra but surrendered the colony on 26 August 1914. In 1916, Togoland was partitioned by the victors and in July 1922, British Togoland and French Togoland were created, as League of Nations mandates. The French acquisition consisted of c. 60 percent of the colony, including the coast. The British received the smaller, less populated and less developed portion of Togoland to the west. The surrender of Togoland marked the beginning of the end for the German colonial empire in Africa.

  • 英文解説お願いします

    Which of the following costs $80 if bought on August 18th? 上記の英文の解説をお願いします。 大学入試の問題文です。 そもそも主語がわかりません。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July and on 1 August military operations began on the Polish border. Libau was bombarded by a German cruiser on 2 August and on 5 August Montenegro declared war on Austria-Hungary. On 6 August Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia and Serbia declared war on Germany; war began between Montenegro and Germany on 8 August. The Battle of Stallupönen (17 August) caused a minor check to the Russian invasion of East Prussia and on 12 August Britain and France declared war on Austria-Hungary, as Austrian forces crossed the Save and seized Shabatz. Next day Austrian forces crossed the Drina and began the first invasion of Serbia. The Battle of Cer (Battle of the Jadar, 17–21 August) began and the Battle of Gumbinnen in East Prussia took place from 19–20 August. On 21 August Austro-Hungarian forces withdrew from Serbia. The Battle of Tannenberg (26–30 August) began in East Prussia and then the Battle of Galicia (23 August – 11 September) the First Battle of Kraśnik was fought in Poland from 23–25 August. Shabatz was retaken by Serbian forces and the last Austrian troops retired across the Drina, ending the First Austrian Invasion of Serbia. The First Battle of Lemberg (26–30 August) began in Galicia and the Battle of Komarów (26 August – 2 September) and the Battle of Gnila Lipa (26–30 August) began in Poland. A naval action took place off the Aaland Islands and a German cruiser SMS Magdeburg ran aground and was intercepted by a Russian squadron.

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    Feizi Bey's troops began to arrive, as expected by the British, on the evening of 8 August. Von Sanders wanted to attack immediately but Feizi Bey objected, saying that the men were exhausted and without artillery support, so Von Sanders dismissed him. In his place he put Mustafa Kemal, the commander of the Ottoman 19th Division, which had been fighting at Chunuk Bair. Kemal assumed authority over the "Anafarta section" which spanned from Suvla south to Chunuk Bair. Kemal, who had proved aggressive and capable at ANZAC, held the high ground and was content to remain on the defensive at Suvla while he dealt with the threat to the Sari Bair ridge. The intensity of the fighting escalated at Suvla on 9 August but the opportunity for the British to make a swift advance had now disappeared. Around midday the gunfire set scrub alight on Scimitar Hill, and Ashmead-Bartlett, watching from Lala Baba, saw the British wounded trying to escape the flames: "I watched the flames approaching and the crawling figures disappear amidst dense clouds of black smoke. When the fire passed on little mounds of scorched khaki alone marked the spot where another mismanaged soldier of the King had returned to mother earth." Reinforcements were arriving, the 53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division had started coming ashore on the night of 8 August, and the 54th (East Anglian) Division arrived on 10 August, but command remained paralysed. Some of the reasons that Stopford gave for his inaction were surreal, such as that the Ottomans were "inclined to be aggressive." Hamilton finally cabled Kitchener that the IX Corps generals were "unfit" for command. Kitchener swiftly replied on 14 August, saying: "If you should deem it necessary to replace Stopford, Mahon and Hammersley, have you any competent generals to take their place? From your report I think Stopford should come home. This is a young man's war, and we must have commanding officers that will take full advantage of opportunities which occur but seldom. If, therefore, any generals fail, do not hesitate to act promptly. Any generals I have available I will send you."Before receiving a response, Kitchener made Lieutenant-General Julian Byng available to command IX Corps. On 15 August Hamilton dismissed Stopford and, while Byng was travelling from France, replaced him with Major-General Beauvoir De Lisle, commander of the British 29th Division at Helles. Hammersley was also dismissed but Hamilton intended to retain Mahon in command of the 10th Division. However, Mahon was incensed that de Lisle, whom he disliked, was appointed above him and quit, saying "I respectfully decline to waive my seniority and to serve under the officer you name."

  • 彼との別れを受けて苦しむ私。再び彼との関係を築きたいと願っています。
  • 過去の問題を振り返り、彼とのコミュニケーションの改善が必要だと感じています。
  • 受験勉強や仕事に忙しくなる中で、再び彼との関係を積極的に取り戻すためには冷却期間が必要です。